"Whew, whew..."

Feng Yixiu shot the three UAVs in the air with the speed of thunder.

All of a sudden, the three UAVs were smashed into dust and fell slowly on the ground with smoke.

For a while, the main stereoscopic projection over the entire central China martial arts arena slowly disappeared and turned into darkness.

Director Xiao looked at that piece of dark projection, the blue veins on his forehead burst up, and he suddenly smashed the armrest of the seat beside him into pieces.

"Damn it! Didn't kill this kid like this! This boy's life is really hard! "

"How dare the boy threaten me! Look for death Xiao director low voice annoys a way.

"Don't be angry, director Xiao. They are just at the end of their tether and can't raise any storm." Judge Li's voice trembled.

"I don't care what you do, you must find out the whereabouts of fengyixiu and his group, and then expose their whereabouts. Then I will see if they have such good luck!" Director Xiao's face was full of anger and his eyes were staring at the black projection screen.

"Yes! I'll do it now! " Referee Li nodded respectfully and responded.

The black screen of the main screen also aroused the curiosity of many viewers, and they began to guess.

"My God! This green cloud team is really a little strong that can't fight to death! It's all out of here! "

"More than 200 people failed to win a green cloud team. The green cloud team is too powerful!"

"How powerful the spirit of war is! It's not only the fighting spirit, but also the ancient martial arts. One person can block hundreds of people's attack! "

"But just now Feng Yixiu, the captain seems to have said that he wants to be promoted. I'm afraid he wants to be promoted in this situation."

"This year's audition competition is really good-looking, I bought this ticket not to lose!"


For a while, many people began to chatter about it. Many people even called takeout to the martial arts arena directly. Few people left the table midway.

In previous years, some weak teams pecked at each other in the auditions, which had no ornamental value at all. But this time, they saw something that they had never seen before.

A team carries more than 60 teams, which is more exciting than the official competition.

In a secret cave, there was a faint fire in the dark cave.

"If we want to advance, we have to get points, but now we can't get out, how can we get points?" Han Xiao said with a sad face.

The wind is also Xiu, but his face is relaxed, and his eyes are distracted by the firewood.

"I said Captain, didn't you say you want to be promoted? What do I think you're not in a hurry? " At the end of summer in the East, I didn't understand Tao.

Feng Yixiu smiles and replies, "what's the hurry? If I guess well, someone will come to the door soon. We just need to wait for each other."

"But didn't you just kill all the drones? Some people will know our hiding place. "Han Xiao has some doubts.

"Don't forget that we are in someone else's territory now. If you want to know our whereabouts, it's just a matter of time." Wind also repair light road.

"Ah? What shall we do now? " Han Xiao is very worried.

"What? Soldiers, of course, are here to cover up the water and the earth! " The wind also repairs, the eyes suddenly become fierce.

Through the trial of other teams just now, it seems that these teams are people with ulterior motives.

Even if director Xiao wants to spread his own whereabouts, he does not dare to publicize his whereabouts in full view of the public. He will certainly spread it in a small scale, and he will disclose the information to the powerful team leader first.

According to the nature of those captains, they would not tell other teams such confidential information, but would come alone.

This is a good opportunity for them to break the gap!

He has just let the bramble enchantress decorate the net outside, as long as there are people within 300 meters around, will be trapped!

"This What the hell is this

All of a sudden, several panic stricken female voice suddenly sounded, listening to the sound is very familiar.

"Don't you think it's a hook?" The wind also repairs, the corner of the mouth slightly cocks up, Lang voice way.

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