
I saw a huge firecracker with a diameter of more than three meters burst out from his right hand. Under the balance of Yin inflammation of his left hand, his body did not even shake.

After three months of training, his Tai Chi training has reached a perfect level. He can not only absorb other people's flame for his own use, but also is very skilled. The whole set of movements has no unnecessary work, just like flowing clouds and flowing water.

The three fire warspirit divisions who launched the surprise attack didn't even respond. They saw a huge pillar of fire rushing to their eyes.

Just one strike made the three fire fighting spirit companies fall into the clouds and become one of the meat mountain.

"Fool! Do you dare to attack with fire? "

"You have a brain problem, don't you? I don't see that people can absorb your flame! "

A man just wanted to attack the fire system, and was immediately stopped by a warspirit division of the ice system.

Then she looked at Shen Ruyu with a serious look on her face. Suddenly, she said in a loud voice: "we all launch a close attack together. It must be his weakness to fight in close combat."

The weakness of this flying spirit is usually melee, so she immediately called on many melee spirit spirits with flying spirit cards to fly towards Shen Ruyu.

Shen Ruyu's eyebrows were locked and her face suddenly pulled down. She even showed a trace of panic.

Naturally, this flurry did not escape the eyes of those warspirit masters. For a time, many warspirit masters who were watching directly rushed towards Shen Ruyu.

Just as the crowd was about to fly within 30 meters of Shen Ruyu, Shen Ruyu, who looked flustered, suddenly put on a smile.

There were two magic cards in his hand. They were two bronze magic cards.

She threw out two magic cards directly and cried out: "sorry, you've been cheated!"

All of a sudden, the flaming finch's body emitted a terrible flame, and every feather on its body became like a red burning blade, emitting a metallic luster, which made people shiver!

I saw the flaming finch in the air slowly wrapped its body with its huge wings, just like a small sun, the original fierce flame began to slowly shrink up.

The flame with a diameter of more than ten meters was actually shrunk into a huge fireball emitting high heat, which contained a terrorist explosive force self-evident!

All of a sudden, those warspirit masters who had already approached were white with fear, and they all cried out: "no! We were cheated! Run

"The grandson said he was not good at close combat? You killed me The nearest ice man quickly covered his whole body with ice crystals, and his face was angry.

"Thousands of flaming feathers explode!"

With Shen Ruyu's light and gentle voice, the "little sun" that compressed to the extreme directly burst open!

Only a terrible huge fireball was formed in the sky, covering nearly 100 meters.

It's not just the elemental damage of the fire, but the most lethal is the thousands of illusory fire plumes sent out by the huge explosion.

Many war spirit division is not waiting to be engulfed by the huge fireball, they are directly shot by the thousand magic fire plume!

For a moment, dozens of people fell from the sky, and then Tiangang giant turtle roared again. Under the great attraction of "war roar", all of them fell onto the meat mountain.

At the moment, behind a hidden boulder shadow from Tiangang giant turtle, there are four dark warspirit masters hiding.

"Haha You fools, fight! I don't think we've got out of this mess! "

"When we are promoted, we will not be eliminated by the green cloud team!"

"I think that group of people in Qingyun team are fools with force, working for us in vain!"

That group of people looks like a team, one by one is hiding in the shadow, laughing and calculating.

Suddenly, a black whirlpool appeared in the dark behind them.

Then a cold voice made them fall into the ice cellar: "are you talking about us?"

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