"Surname Han..." Li Chang'an also fell into meditation. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and exclaimed: "is it the Han family in the capital?"

"Shhh..." President Zhou compared a gesture and continued to say, "you are a smart man. Some things don't need to be understood by me. It's good if you know it in your mind."

"I see! I'll go and arrange the three of them to class a! " Li Chang'an suddenly nodded and immediately prepared to deal with the matter.

"It's not necessary Don't think I don't know what you've done. Now the head teacher of class B is that person! Do you think there are better teachers in our college than her? " President Zhou held down director Li and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Li Kaiyuan's heart rate suddenly quickened, his eyes constantly dodged, and he whispered, "that What do you mean? "

"What resources does this class a have? This class can only have more resources, but not less. Do you understand?" President Zhou stopped and said.

"But the resources of our college are limited! I think... " Li Chang'an was livid. Why.

The resources of this school are fixed. It is impossible to deduct the resources of class A for no reason. This will inevitably cause criticism.

Without waiting for director Li to finish, President Zhou interrupted his words: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think, that's your problem, not mine. I just look at the results, don't care how you do it, understand?"

"Ming I understand. " Li Changan responded with a sad face.

This week, the headmaster made it clear that he wanted to make up for the resource disadvantage of the fourth class with his own salary. Fortunately, he only needed to give the three people resource subsidies.

However, Rao is so, it almost costs more than half of his salary, but it is not a small expense.

Although in the heart extremely not happy, but who lets oneself have so many handles to fall in other people's hands!

Not to mention anything else, the mistake of dividing the elemental spirit examinee into class D is enough to make him lose his job, let alone some other tricks. It's hard for him to say no!

"Good! I will explain yuan suling to the headmaster in person. Is there anything else you need to report? " President Zhou nodded with satisfaction, and said faintly.

"No No more. " Li Chang'an replied.

"No, why don't you go away? Can I invite you to dinner? " Zhou shouts.

In fact, he has been unhappy with director Li for a long time. If he hadn't been dedicated to his work and his professional ability, he would have been gone!

"Yes, yes I'm going. " Li Chang'an was relieved.

After that, director Li turned around and left like a fleeing refugee. Just a few minutes after talking with President Zhou, the shirt inside his suit was soaked through and he was in a cold sweat.

It is not only the other side who controls his own handle, but also the fierce momentum naturally sent out by the strong, which makes him feel frightened.

Director Li came to the door of 121 bedroom for the first time. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Kaiyuan lying on the ground. His face was bloody and his arms looked limp.

This degree of serious injury, Rao is now such a developed era of medicine, I am afraid it will take a year and a half to recover from the hospital.

His brother asked him to take good care of Li Kaiyuan, but he didn't expect to let himself go to the hospital to take care of him!

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