"I see..." The wind also gave a reply and went on: "let's go back to have a rest earlier! After that, it's the official competition

Then they went back to the villa. Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu teacher heard what Feng Yixiu and others had seen and heard today. They were all angry and livid.

However, after hearing that director Xiao was taken away and punished, his face slowed down a little.

"Thanks to the old man, I owe him a favor this time." After hearing this, Xuanji nodded and said faintly.

"Don't you die? Mr. Xuanji, are you calling President Lu again The wind also repairs some puzzled way.

Xuanji then found that what he said was not very polite. He said with a smile: "ha ha The old man used to compare swordsmanship with me, so he was familiar with me once and for all. It can be regarded as an old man's friend! It's just a nickname. You don't have to learn from me. "

The wind also repair all over the face black line, one is silent.

Like you? What do you say? I'll be killed if you don't score minutes?

"You did very well this time. The wind is also good. You haven't exposed your spirit of the second world war?" Xuanji then asked.

"This is not true. When I used it, there was no UAV shooting. The audience thought it was just a natural trap. It should not be associated with me." The wind also deepens the voice.

"Well, remember! You must keep your strength and don't forget your final goal

"The next match is the official promotion, you must play the spirit of 12 points, never underestimate the enemy." Xuanji was extremely serious.

"Who are we going to play next? Are you sure now? " Han Xiao asked in a hurry.

"I forgot to tell you about the competition system. All the promotion matches started immediately are random matches. Not only is the pseudo map random, but even the opponents are randomly matched. It can be said that the randomness is very high!" Jialan Ziyu immediately replied.

The reason why this year's random competition system in Central China is to maintain the fairness of the fight to the greatest extent.

In the past, Huazhong University arranged the competition order, which naturally caused dissatisfaction from other colleges, so this time it was just a random game.

For a moment, everyone was lost in thought, and all of them were fighting randomly. As a result, it was impossible to determine the tactics according to the local lineup.

Everything can only be improvised, which greatly tests the adaptability and real strength of the team!

"You don't have to worry too much. This competition system has advantages and disadvantages. Since we can't target others, it means that others can't target us at all. It's very fair." Xuanji added.

"How do you decide whether you can make it to the final stage Han Xiao then asked.

"Because of your reasons, this promotion has become more special. There are only 40 teams, so the time will be greatly shortened. Each team has to participate in 20 matches, and the opponents will not repeat. The top 10 will enter the semi-final and the top three will enter the finals." Xuanji said solemnly.

"Forty teams? Isn't it forty-one teams? " At the end of summer in the East.

Add forty-one teams in total, and then this team is the first one!

How could it be 40 teams?

"I forgot to tell you that the last champion team automatically entered the finals, that is, the central China team is your final opponent!" Jialan Ziyu said solemnly.

Han Xiao scratched his head in confusion and said, "what are you talking about? I'm confused by you... "

At the end of the eastern summer, he said with a smile: "I said brother Hanxiao, as long as we win all the way, what competition system do you care about him?"

Han Xiao roared with laughter: "ha ha Or is it true at the end of summer? As long as we keep winning, whatever kind of bird competition they have

Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu both laughed and shook their heads and said in a deep voice: "it's good for you to have this confidence, but don't forget, what's your final goal? Let's work hard together!"

After the opening ceremony of the league, the two-day rest time was set.

Feng Yixiu took advantage of this opportunity to visit Shen Qingci. I heard that she had already opened the Qingfeng chamber of Commerce to Hanzhong City. It can be seen that the development speed is very fast.

He is about to give Shen Qingci all the magic spirit cards he has made in the past few months to earn a sum of union currency.

Now both Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu can use the gold magic Spirit card. After consulting the opinion of Chu Lao, he is ready to make two gold magic spirit cards for him.

According to chulao's suggestion, Han Xiao's most suitable gold magic card is called floating island giant turtle - gravity!

And Shen Ruyu's most suitable golden magic card is called Fengyan holy Lion - Fengyan!

Although Han Xiao's gold magic Spirit card is out of print, it is not difficult to obtain for Feng Yixiu.The most important thing is that Shen Ruyu's gold magic card is a magic Spirit card produced by a dark crack. It's a rare treasure. It's up to luck to get it!

As soon as Feng Yixiu Gang entered the Qingfeng chamber of Commerce in Hanzhong City, he was shocked by the luxurious decoration here.

He immediately stood out and took a look at the signboard, and determined that it was the Qingfeng chamber of Commerce before he dared to step into it again. It is really that there is a big gap between Qingfeng chamber of Commerce in Jiangshui city and Qingfeng chamber of Commerce in Jiangshui city.

All the decorations here show the atmosphere, even the guards and shopping guides are high-end atmosphere on the grade.

Feng Yixiu nodded with satisfaction, and then came to the president's office on the third floor.

"Dong Dong Dong..." The wind mends the door gently.

"Come in, please." Inside came a familiar female voice.

Feng Yixiu pushes the door in directly, but he sees not only Shen Qingci in the office, but also Si fan, a military division in suit and leather shoes.

"Are you?" The wind also Xiu looks at two people suspiciously.

Si fan pushed his glasses and said in a cold voice, "are we talking about the opening of this new store? Vice president, can I help you? "

Shen Qingci also echoed: "yes We are discussing the opening of a new store. It's not what you think

Feng Yixiu chuckled and said, "it's ok if you don't explain it. The more you explain it, I think you seem to have a real situation. If you really have something, remember to invite me to drink!"

Shen Qingci suddenly blushed and walked towards the wind. Without saying a word, he lifted up his ear and said in a loud voice: "you are such a comfortable shopkeeper. What's wrong with me if I ask Si fan to help me?"

"Let go, let go..." Feng Yixiu immediately begged for mercy, and Shen Qingci let go.

Feng also touched his ears and whispered, "sure enough, women know women. What the end of the eastern summer said is really true..."

"What are you muttering about there?" Shen Qingci gives a fierce glance at the wind and cultivates one eye, and says in a sharp voice.

"No I didn't say anything! " Feng Yixiu immediately shook his head.

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