Feng Yixiu was a little embarrassed and said, "let the two teachers worry. We just got this magic card."

"In that case, you two play! But be careful. " Jialan Ziyu once again explained.

After that, several people began to gather together and start to arrange tactical planning, but the main task was Feng Yixiu.

It's not that Mr. Xuanji is lazy, but that he intends to train his ability to practice Feng Yi Xiu so that he can be on his own in the future.

Half an hour later, the second game of Qingyun team officially began.

This competition is still full of seats. President Cao of Huazhong University and Lu of Nu scale college all took time to watch the game.

The host in charge of this competition, under the nod of President Cao, slowly stepped onto the high platform and raised the golden microphone in his hand.

"The next competition must have been looking forward to for a long time, that is, the black horse team of this competition, the green wind team against the Nu Tao team, the last Nu Tao team won a good result of 13, this time is threatening to enter the top 10."

"At present, the two teams are not defeated. Let's see who wins and who loses in this battle! Let's invite the teams from both sides to come out! "

In a flash, there was a roar of cheers from the audience, including those who supported the stormy group and those who supported the Qingyun team, which were basically in a flat state.

Although the performance of the last Qingyun team is very bright, but the last time the Nu Tao team basically killed their opponents, also rely on strength circle powder countless.

At one time, the two spotlights hit all the players on both sides, and it is no longer the case that one player is superior to the other in the last game.

The team members of both sides came out of the preparation room almost at the same time. Naturally, the team members of the green cloud team took the wind and cultivation as their first priority. They saw the dazzling light shining on his Qingyun battle uniform, and the dazzling blue cloud embroidery on it was shining with dazzling light.

The four members of the Nu Tao team are also wearing a light blue team dress. The color is very similar to that of the Qingyun team. However, the pattern above is a flowing wave embroidery, which is also extremely beautiful.

Feng Yixiu took a special look at each other's four people. At the front of the line was a slender man with a rather feminine appearance. His eyes were like blue waves. When he looked at Feng Yixiu, he was quite interested.

This person should be Meng Jiang, the leader of the Nu Tao team. He is a four level eight level warspirit division. The warspirit division is a water dragon species fighting spirit, called the blue water dragon beast. He is the only warspirit division in the stormy group, and is naturally the main attacker of the other side.

He was also a man with similar features, but his figure was much bigger than that of him. It was Meng Lang, the warspirit master of the Defense Department of their team, and a spirit turtle who stepped on the waves.

As for the two twin sisters behind them, their appearance is quite gentle. It is the two auxiliary departments of the Nu Tao corps, the warspirit division, and the two super perfect water elves, all of which have reached level 4 and level 6.

This water spirit is a very special fighting spirit. If it is on the land, it may be very weak, but if it is not in the water, it can be integrated with the water element and hidden in the thousands of sea water. It is a kind of water fighting spirit that is quite difficult to deal with.

Four people stand together, this mimicry map has not begun to change the map, they feel a stream of water around the elements began to move.

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