Feng Yixiu looked at the dazzling beads in front of him. He was excited and sighed to himself, "the evolution system of God's favor is really true."

At the moment, the light in front of him makes him feel the meaning of light again when he is in the dark all the year round.

He swore that it was the most beautiful light he had ever seen in his life, not one of them!


All the people present, both students and teachers, could not help but take a breath.

Although the brightness of this light does not directly represent the talent of Zhanling master, it indicates the purity and richness of Zhanling's blood, which has reached an appalling degree!

There is no doubt that fengyixiu has the blood of war spirit, and the blood purity is extremely high!

"This How could that be possible! " Li Kaiyuan stared at the dazzling pearl in horror, ignoring that his eyes had been burned.

"Feng, enough That's enough. You have proved that you have the blood of war spirit. Let go of it. I can't open my eyes! "

The teacher in charge of the class is nearest to the call spirit bead. The strong light makes him squint his eyes and reminds him quickly.

Feng Yixiu released his hands and looked at Li Kaiyuan not far away. He didn't speak. He just picked up his eyebrows slightly, showing that you should know how to do it.

"Absolutely It's absolutely impossible. It must be that the pearl is broken

Li Kaiyuan came to the Pearl and put his hands on it. The Pearl immediately began to emit light yellow light.

This light can not be said to be not bright enough, but there is no harm if there is no contrast. This weak light with visibility less than one meter is quite similar to the light of rice grains competing with the bright moon just now.

For a moment, the weird eyes of the people around looked at the weak light, as if you still don't lose face, go down quickly!

Li Kaiyuan, like an electric shock, put his hand down from the call bead, and his face suddenly became extremely blushing.

Seeing more and more teachers and students gathered in class 9, the head teacher also realized that things seemed to be difficult to control, so he said: "I don't care about the contradiction between you. Before I leave this class, you are still my students. I hope you don't embarrass me!"

Feng Yixiu and Li Kaiyuan also realized this. They consciously shut up and did not talk about gambling. However, Feng Yixiu did not intend to let Li Kaiyuan go. After all, 2000 yuan was a huge sum of money for him!

"It's getting late now. All the students who want to take part in the martial arts examination should come up to have a test."

Seeing that the scene has been controlled, the head teacher can't help but feel relieved and organize the inspection again.

This time the speed of the test is much faster. As long as the hands are placed on the call bead for ten seconds, if there is no response, the next one will be replaced directly.

However, the miracle of class 9 did not happen again, and even a dozen students did not cause any reaction to call the Pearl.

"Ah Are there only two? It seems that I am too greedy... " The teacher in charge of a class also felt sorry for this.

However, it is a miracle that a class of dozens of students has two students of war spirit blood, and the hope of a third miracle is almost negligible.

The melon eating crowd around class 9 gradually lost their patience. It was getting late and they were all ready to go home for dinner.

"Yu'er, haven't you tested yet? You're not going to have a try. "

Wind also see that the detection has entered the end, and Shen Ruyu beside her has not been tested for a long time, so he pushes her beside her.

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