"You want to be the monitor! It's hard and thankless. " The wind also repairs in below, murmurs a way.

However, at this time, I suddenly felt that a pair of hands suddenly grasped his wrist, and suddenly made a force to raise his hand.

"Good! This classmate in white, please introduce yourself! " Jialan Ziyu said with surprise.

“???????” The wind also Xiu a face despairingly looked at the side of Han Xiao one eye, then helplessly stood up.

He was actually by the side of Han Xiao to Yin, thanks to himself also as a good brother, this critical moment even pit himself!

"This student? Are you listening to me? " Seeing the wind, Jialan Ziyu stood up for a long time and asked again.

"Yes, sir. My name is Feng Yixiu. Zhan Ling is Lei Department Snake spirit. " Feng Yixiu introduced himself.

Although very reluctant, but since all stood up, it can only be on the scalp.

Looking at Han Xiao with a bad smile beside her, Feng Yixiu decides to have a good repair of Han Xiao after class.

Just when Feng Yixiu said the word "Lei", the eyes of everyone in the class obviously brightened. Then when they heard the last two words, they immediately lost interest.

"Cut! Startled me, I thought our class mixed into a genius! It turns out to be the abandoned war spirit

Ning Chen, who was preparing to run for the monitor of the class, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some disdain.

Although he is also a low-level warspirit, his war spirit has at least a chance to break through the whole team, but the possibility is very small.

However, compared with the abandoned warspirit recognized by the warspirit world, his war spirit is better than one and a half stars.

If in class C, he may not dare to say anything, but here is Ding ban. He is still very confident in the short one.

What's more, their fighting spirit is much better than a pet snake when they are young!

"Ning, pay attention to your attitude! There is no waste war spirit, only waste war spirit Master. If I hear you say this, I will drive you out of Dingban by myself Jialan Ziyu said solemnly.

"Teacher, I was wrong. I won't say that again." Ning Chen immediately apologized to Jia Lan Ziyu.

But the wind also Xiusi can't see the slightest apology from his eyes, but the meaning of disdain is undisguised.

After waiting a little while, Jialan Ziyu found that no one else was competing for the monitor. She announced directly, "let's have a competition between you two, and the winner will be the monitor."

Feng Yixiu and Ning Chen come to the podium together. This platform is different from the ordinary platform. It is very large in area. This is also to facilitate the teacher to demonstrate the fighting skills of fighting spirit.

However, just as Jialan Ziyu was ready to start shouting, Han Xiao stood up cautiously on his face: "teacher, can you hurt your classmates in this way?"

"Don't worry, I won't do it too hard." Ning morning scornful smile, and then patted chest assurance way.

"Classmate, you may have misunderstood my meaning. I am saving you! If you're ungrateful, that's fine Han Xiao shook his head helplessly and then sat down.

He had almost predicted the tragic end of ningchen. If he really made trouble with the wind, I'm afraid the hospital would have another long-term patient.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they're safe when I'm here." Jialan Ziyu promised.

Fengyixiu and ningchen summoned their own fighting spirit at the same time.

Ning Chen's fighting spirit is obviously much larger than the snake spirit of fengyixiu. As soon as he appears, he bares his teeth and roars at the "small white building".

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