"Union currency? What is that? Can you change that for money? " Wind also repair doubts.

Han Xiao was silent for a long time, then replied: "this union coin is similar to the contribution value of the warspirit master. It can be obtained by completing the release task of the warspirit alliance, but it can also be exchanged through some other materials, such as the magic Spirit card or the Warcraft crystal core."

"When you say that, I almost understand." Feng also nodded, then found that the opposite did not seem to answer their own questions, so again asked: "you have not answered my question! Can I exchange this union currency? "

"This union coin is equivalent to military skill, and magic card is equivalent to arms. Have you ever seen anyone dare to buy these things with money?" Han Xiao is a little speechless.

Do you want to exchange money with others?

If you let others hear this, I'm afraid you will be angry to death on the spot!

"Oh, oh So I can see that I can't change money. " Wind also repair some disappointed way.

"But you don't have to be too disappointed. If you want to become a warspirit master, you will not be short of money. Even if you don't do anything, just relying on the status of warspirit master, you will receive a lot of money every month. This is also the welfare of the state and the Alliance for warspirit masters." Han Xiao saw the wind also repair some disappointment, specially reminds way.

Basically, after becoming war spirit masters, the secular life has been far away from them. What they have to do is to continue to cultivate and become more powerful warspirit masters.

The country certainly won't let a war spirit Master's genius worry about the mundane affairs. Basically, as long as they are good enough, they will naturally get everything they want.

"Ah? And this good thing! How much can you get in that month The wind also repairs, immediately eye bright, excited way.

"This depends on the level of warspirit division. We are a level one warspirit master now. We can get about 7000 a month! It's not a lot, but with the gradual upgrading of warspirit master's level, more and more money can be obtained. Even after reaching the level of warling king, the state directly rewards a villa. " Han Xiao is lack of interest.

In any case, the 7000 yuan is a drizzle for him, and all of them are dispensable. He may not go to Zhanling alliance to get his monthly salary.

"Seven Seven thousand! After reaching the king of war spirit, you can even reward a villa Feng Yixiu almost jumped up with joy and said excitedly.

In the past, when I was still working in a big stall, my salary for a month was only 2000 yuan, which was when I knew my boss very well.

I remember that when he was young, even some black hearted boss delayed his salary infinitely. At that time, he was too young to sign a labor contract, so he had to swallow his anger.

Now he doesn't need to do anything. As long as he keeps getting stronger, he can get a high salary. Now his motivation of practice is directly multiplied by ten times!

"What are you doing here? Let's go

Without saying a word, Feng also pulled Han Xiao and ran outside the door.

"Ah! Where are we going? " Han Xiao a stagger almost didn't stand firm, ask a way.

"You don't talk nonsense! Hurry to class! This time is money. We should seize the time to practice Wind also repair a face serious way.

"Wait a minute! I haven't changed my slippers yet... "

Han Xiao was dragged away by Feng Yixiu

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