Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, and then went on: "since the holy gate appears, and there are some powerful people like the first king of the Holy Spirit, why haven't we humans eliminated all the Warcraft?"

Xuanji teacher smile, light way: "this question is good! On the one hand, the dark crack appeared earlier than the holy gate. By the time the holy gate appeared, the whole earth star was basically occupied, but in addition, there was the most important point... "

"What's the most important point?" All of us have the same voice.

"It is said that almost at the same time as the holy gate, there is another devil's gate. The totems depicted on the devil's gate are exactly five. It is said that people who have seen the gate of hell will either die or fall into the devil's road and become a blood spirit Master." Xuanji then explained.

"Five, too? Is this a coincidence? The holy gate depicts four Holy Spirits: green dragon, white tiger, Zhuque and Xuanwu. There is another one that I really can't see clearly, so I can only draw a general picture. What is the totem depicted by the devil gate Shen Ruyu is also interested, blinking big eyes asked.

"It is said that the four demon totems are depicted on the door of the devil, which are chaos, poverty and strangeness, Taotie and Taowu. As for the supreme demon in the center, no one has ever seen the real appearance." Xuanji said solemnly.

All of a sudden, all of them were stunned. Then they looked at the wind as if they were monsters.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Feng Yixiu was seen to be numb and weak.

"Nothing! I'm thinking, fortunately you didn't draw a devil's gate, otherwise I really don't know what to do Han Xiao smiles.

"Are you going to break up with me if I draw a devil's gate?" The wind also mends the way of life.

"Haha Of course not! Even if you fall into the devil's way, I will accompany you Han Xiao half jokingly patted Feng Yixiu's shoulder and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Feng, so am I!" Shen Ruyu also said seriously.

"I And me At the end of the eastern summer, he also raised his small hand with a smile and was very excited.

"Shut up

All of a sudden, Xuanji teacher's angry drink scared all of us. He grimaced and said in a cold voice, "I don't want you to make a fool of this kind of joke!"

All of a sudden, all of them closed their mouths tightly. They also knew that they had touched the pain point of Xuanji teacher unintentionally.

Xuanji was formerly the leader of the wind team, and he was beaten into a vegetable for the reason of tianxiongzhong. Therefore, his hatred of tianbingzhong is endless.

"Xuanji Don't be so serious. The children are just talking and playing... " Jialan Ziyu pulled Xuanji teacher's clothes, soft voice.

Xuanji teacher this just restored calm, some regret way: "excuse me, just mood some out of control."

Feng Yixiu also bowed his head and apologized: "it was just my nonsense. Don't mind, teacher."

Xuanji nodded his head and said in a soft voice, "you don't mind me. I'm too painful to hate others. That's why I react instinctively. Don't take it to heart."

After saying that, Mr. Xuanji continued to pick up the comic strips by Feng Yixiu. It doesn't matter whether you look at it or not. The more you look at it, the more frightened you feel.

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