"Wow! How beautiful

Shen Ruyu and the eastern end of summer almost at the same time issued an exclamation, both of them are full of Venus, looking at the bright colorful jade Lin python.

At the end of the eastern summer, fortunately, he ran to fengyixiu's side and said pitifully, "I said, Captain Feng, can you let me pull out the scales of a small white building? Just one piece! "

Xiaobailou seems to have heard the voice of the end of the eastern summer, and immediately swam in the past, trying to keep a safe distance of 10 meters from the end of the eastern summer.

At the end of the summer, looking at the fleeing little white building, he pursed his mouth and said, "Hello! It's just a scale! Don't be so stingy

Teacher Xuanji interposed: "is it just a piece of scales? Would you like to have a nail pulled out? "


"No, no more..."

Smell speech, the eastern end of summer automatic brain make up for a picture, then can't help but fight a shiver, very discerning never mention this matter.

Feng Yixiu also laughed, did not say much, and then immediately took out two magic cards.

"Steel hedgehog - sword armor!"

"Titans swallow the sky Python - Titan armed!"

With two miraculous lights into the body of colorful jade Lin snake, Xiaobailou immediately transformed into a huge Titan chariot.

However, unlike usual, all the steel armour has turned into crystal clear diamonds, which is very dazzling.

Feng Yixiu turns around the diamond version of the Titan chariot and nods with great satisfaction.

He also gave the diamond version of the Titan chariot a new name, called the diamond star chariot!

"Don't you want diamonds at the end of summer? You can take this sword armour diamond as long as you can knock it off. " The wind also patted the small white building on one side, smiling.

"You said it yourself! I didn't force you At the end of summer, the East immediately jumped out and summoned his own fighting spirit.

The evil eye tiger directly grasped the star chariot with its sharp claws as hard as metal, but it didn't even leave any white mark, but it was the claws of the evil eye ghost tiger.

Then it tried with its own mouth, still unable to bite, and then the evil eye tiger shook his head toward the end of the eastern summer, saying that he had no way.

"It's useless. It's up to me to do it by myself."

At the end of summer, the East took out his back silver blade, and then slashed it on one of the swords. Except for the sparks, the star chariot was still intact.

"I don't believe it!" At the end of the summer, the Oriental government tried to chop it, but it still failed to cut it off successfully.

Feng Yixiu was afraid that he would cut down the silver blade of his back. He immediately stopped him and said, "forget it! It seems that you and I have no predestination for this free diamond. You'd better let your brother Han Xiao buy it for you! "

"Well then..." At the end of the summer, the East finally gave up, but after leaving, he kept looking back, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

Han Xiao immediately said with a smile: "don't be sad. I'll buy it for you."

At the end of summer in the East, a happy smile appeared at the moment, but the eyes of Xiaobailou were still very hot.

Jialan Ziyu nodded: "it is indeed one of the most defensive platinum demons. Even the back silver blade can't do anything about it. It's really terrible."

Xuanji teacher said in a deep voice: "tomorrow is the official fight against the Sirius team. I hope you can play the spirit of 12 points. This competition only needs to win, not to be defeated!"

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