"Brother Feng, you make fun of me again..." Shen Ruyu bowed her head and said shyly, but she couldn't hide her smile.

"I think a lot of talents in class A are interested in the third sister! Brother Feng, I think you are under a lot of pressure Han Xiao smiles.

"Ha ha Do you think I'm afraid? " It doesn't matter how the wind builds.

Han Xiao thought about it for a while, and then said seriously, "I don't think you can either, but the monitor of that class a class hears that the strength is very strong, so you can't take it lightly!"

"I care whether he is a genius or a fool! If he wants to provoke yu'er, I won't be polite! " Feng also took a look at Shen Ruyu and said seriously.

Speaking, the three finally came to the No. 3 training hall. Before entering the door, they heard the noise coming from inside.

Feng Yixiu rushes in with two people, but sees that his classmates are confronting a group of people they don't know.

Ning Chen, who had been fighting for the position of monitor by he fengyixiu before, was obviously injured. A trace of blood was spilled from the corner of his mouth. If he had not been helped by his classmates, he would have been unable to stand up.

"Ding Hu, you are deceiving people too much! This training hall No.3 is clearly ours. Why should we give it to you? " Ning morning maliciously stare at each other, roar a way.

"Why? We are class C and you are class D! You should give it to us! "

At the moment, a man standing at the front of the opposite class team, disdained by his face, looked down upon all the people of class D, and said in a deep voice.

The man's muscles are extremely developed, wearing a black vest, strong muscles will be loose vest up.

"What if we don't?" Ningchen gnashing teeth.

Ding Hu sneered and walked two steps toward Ning Chen. Then he said, "let's fight until you let it go."

"Hit it! Who cares! When our monitor comes, I will let you kneel down and beg for mercy! " Suddenly someone roared.

"Ha ha ha I'm so scared! Where is your monitor? I don't want to hide there and dare not come out! " Ding Hu pretended to be afraid, and then directly began to laugh.

"Ha ha ha..."

Ding Hu behind the class C students in his drive, began to laugh crazy.

"Damn it!" Shen Ruyu stood at the door at the moment, frowning tightly, and was ready to make a move on the spot.

Feng Yixiu took her hand and said in a soft voice, "yu'er, do you still need your hand? You can see mine!"

"There seems to be a lot of them! You must be careful. " Shen Ruyu's hand, which was just about to summon the spirit book, put it down again and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I haven't been afraid of anyone in this aspect of group fighting!" The wind also patted the chest, guaranteed the way.

After saying that, Feng Yixiu went straight past and said in a loud voice: "who should I be? It turned out to be class C garbage! Yes? You like to rob other people's training hall so much. Why don't you rob class a? "

"Who is it?"

Smell speech, Ding Hu and C class people looked around, this just saw three people coming towards this side, and then locked their eyes on the wind of speaking and self-cultivation.

"It's your grandfather and me! The wind mends Feng Yixiu stood directly in front of all the people in Dingban.

"Brother Feng! You're here at last. It's just too much of a crowd. " Rather morning to see the wind is also Xiu, just like to see the Savior, a face aggrieved way.

Since he was beaten by fengyixiu in the morning, he has been completely convinced by fengyixiu.

Although he is not a monitor, but in the hearts of all the people in class D, more than monitor.

After all, only he showed his great strength, and the monitor and Deputy monitor did not really use it.

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