"Click, click..."

I saw that the holy seal emitting the holy light directly formed a chain, and the holy chain bound the whole bag with a huge bloody hand.

From the blood cracks came a very painful roar, trying to break away from the shackles of the holy seal, the two seemed to be constantly wrestling.

However, in the end, the holy seal was even better. Under the influence of the sacred chain, the bloody giant hand gradually lost its previous powerful power. Finally, it could only shrink back into the blood cracks with reluctance.

"Knot Is it over? " The bloodless Dean Cao got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It was unbelievable.

Xuanji teacher stares at the bloody crack above the sky and frowns: "no! The blood color crack has not been closed, and the chaotic boundary has not broken, indicating that the holy seal has only temporarily suppressed it. However, with the death of warspirit masters, the blood full of spiritual power will make it more and more powerful. Maybe it will break the seal! "

"Do you mean that they tried their best to make this chaos bound break the seal ahead of time?" President Lu Changzhen has a heavy face.

"Yes, maybe that's their ultimate goal!" Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"What shall we do now?" Bai Jinrou also slowly stood up, very weak way.

"Now that we are seriously injured, I'm afraid we have no strength to break the chaos barrier..." President Lu murmured.

After several battles, the four of them were seriously injured. Now they are able to stand up with willpower.

At the moment, the whole arena was in chaos again. Maybe it was the reason that the bloody hand was re sealed. All Warcraft started to kill like chicken blood.

For a time, more and more blood columns began to converge into a river of blood, countercurrent to the blood cracks above the sky.

As the river of blood gathers more and more, the voice of demon roar coming from the blood cracks becomes more and more loud, as if to vent its dissatisfaction and anger!

At this time, the martial arts arena in Central China looked like a scene of purgatory on earth, with endless cries and calls for help.

The pungent smell of blood mixed with the stinky saliva of Warcraft makes people nauseous, and everyone's fighting spirit has fallen to the bottom.

Although Xuanji and others fought hard to kill several powerful Warcraft, it was still a drop in the bucket.

President Lu Changzhen looked up at the increasingly bloody crack in the sky and sighed helplessly.

"Too much! No matter how hard we try, these Warcraft can't be finished. " Bai Jinrou said in despair.

"I think we might as well make our own decisions! It's better to die like this A warling King nearby gritted his teeth.

"Shut up! What's the difference between that and a coward? " Xuanji teacher roared.

"Are we going to die like this?" The king of war spirit was obviously not reconciled and growled.

Now they are almost at the end of their tether, and the spirit power of the warspirit division who is still fighting is rapidly consumed. With the increase of the number of warspirit masters dying, the more powerful the demons in that bloody crack will be.

Now the holy seal can still limit that demon, but as time goes on, it will be sooner or later for this terrible demon to break through the seal!

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