A red light ball slowly floated to the blood cracks, and then a voice full of charm came out through the blood cracks: "I'm a fierce people, I don't need waste. Since you are dying, I'll take your soul..."

The bell from the charm heard this sound when very obvious Leng for a moment, immediately stopped those who are ready to rush into the blood color crack among the people.

Her eyes were fixed on the black figure in the blood cracks, and her face became very dignified and seemed to be very afraid.

That black shadow can not see the real face, only a general outline, it seems to be a graceful female body.

However, the nine huge tails waving behind her were waving in disorder behind her, and her purple eyes were staring at the bottom, and I didn't know where she was looking.

Xuanji and Lu Changzhen blocked the wind behind them, for fear that this terrible existence would come down and grab the magic beads of chaos.

However, the mysterious shadow did not seem to come out of the plan, with the disappearance of the blood cracks, but in the moment when the blood cracks were about to completely dissipate, the voice of the magic shadow came again.

"Stupid human beings, this is only the first gift we give you. There will be great gifts waiting for you in the future..."

The magic sound of the coexistence of charm and domineering continued to reverberate in the central China martial arts arena, and disappeared completely with the complete closure of the blood color crack.

For a time, the sky over the entire arena finally recovered its former calm, and the whole sky once again restored the beautiful scene of blue sky and white clouds.

After all that just happened, all the people realized how precious the time of peace is with the blue sky and white clouds!

People with high mental tension were finally completely relaxed. Some warspirit masters directly fell to the ground with their legs soft.

"It's finally over..."

"I'm still alive..."

"We still won..."

Almost every warspirit master has blood on his face, including his own, his teammates' and, of course, the enemy's.

Feng Yixiu is also staring at the sky for a long time. It seems that he has been out of the predicament.

All of a sudden, Mengjiang and menglang came to him, and then the captain of Chu ye also walked towards him.

The wind frowned and didn't know what they were going to do, so he said in a cold voice, "why? Want to fight? "

"Ha ha ha..."

After a few laughs, Meng Jiang came forward and said, "thank you for saving everyone!"

"Yes! If you had not defeated the monster Qiu Yueze, none of us would have survived today! " The rest of the captains joined in.

Feng Yixiu was silent for a moment. He waved his hand carelessly and said, "don't be so amorous! Who wants to save you? I'm just trying to save my jade son... "

The voice just fell, the wind also Xiu just remembered that jade son was still in the flowers of thorns, so she quickly let the thorn enchantress send that jade over.

Then a huge flower of thorns came out of the ground and opened directly beside Feng Yixiu. He hurriedly picked up the flowers of thorns. Looking at Shen Ruyu, who was a little red, he was relieved.

At the moment, Shen Ruyu was completely restored to her best state after being moistened by the flowers of thorns. She immediately sat up and said angrily, "brother Feng, if you don't let me out again, I will suffocate!"

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