The charm of Zhong Li looks at the back of the wind, which seems to be thinking.

"Cat, did I indulge him too much?" Zhong Li Mei asks suddenly.

The cat was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "do you mean the chaotic magic bead?"

Zhong Li Mei nodded and said in a deep voice: "this chaotic magic bead is the supreme treasure of Chaos Magic hall. I'm afraid they will take back this magic bead at all costs."

The cat also pondered for a moment and said seriously, "isn't that harmful to the wind captain?"

Zhong Li Mei was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "you quickly release the news, and say that the chaos magic beads are on me. Let those blood spirit masters have the ability to come to me for them!"

"Yes The cat immediately nodded.

"You go down first! I'll be alone Zhong Li Mei waves his hand, indicating that the cat can go again.

As soon as the cat left again, Zhong Limei slowly raised her head and looked at the direction where the bloody crack had just disappeared. She said to herself, "I don't know if I'm doing this right..."

After saying that, the charm of Zhong Li disappeared in place, and the whole arena suddenly became empty.

However, when everyone disappeared, a mysterious man with a hood slowly appeared, and then walked out of the gate of central China martial arts arena.

This great change has delayed the competition of China Central League for half a month.

The attack on the martial arts field in Central China was soon spread in the warspirit world, and a string was hanging in everyone's heart.

Not only the central China base, but other bases have also become tense, for fear that when the heavenly mob will attack their bases.

At this time, Feng Yixiu had just finished his routine meditation and was staring at the ceiling in a daze, as if thinking about something.

He slowly took out the yellow photo under the pillow, looked at the happy smile of the three people above, and couldn't help but drop a tear.

"Father It's very kind of you to be alive, but why did you leave us? " The wind also Xiu caresses the photo in the hand, sobbing way.

He always did not know why his father abandoned him ruthlessly, but at least they were still alive, which was great news for Feng Yixiu.

At least he knew that he had relatives in the world, and he was no longer alone.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

"Brother Feng, may I come in?" At first, there was a gentle knock on the door, and then Shen Ruyu's voice came.

Feng Yixiu quickly wiped the tears on his face and hid the photo behind his back. He said in a deep voice: "jade son! Come in

Shen Ruyu directly pushed the door and came in and said with a smile, "Xuanji teacher asked me to ask you to go to the secret base for training."

"Oh..." Feng Yixiu agreed at will, and then he was ready to get up.

"Wait a minute..." Shen Ruyu, however, suddenly grabbed Feng Yixiu, and then looked at Feng Yixiu's eyes very carefully and said in a soft voice, "have you just cried?"

"How could Just now the wind was so strong that sand came into my eyes... " The wind also mends, and there is a sense of guilt.

Shen Ruyu takes a look at the closed window, and then slowly looks at Feng Yixiu with question marks all over her face.

The wind also repairs a time also is blushing, flustered way: "I just closed!"

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