Then Feng Yixiu turned over the information to the second page. Sure enough, he saw that there were materials about the warspirit union skill.

The name of the war spirit harmony skill formed by the Xuantian war elephant and the soul enchantress is called soul chain!

Its function is to attach the body to the Xuantian battle image, and then connect all the people in the team with the chain of soul. As long as the Xuantian battle elephant is immortal, all the objects connected by the soul chain will be reborn again!

If you want to defeat Xuanhua in the war, you have to kill Xuanhua first.

But Xuantian war elephant is a super strong defense spirit of defense system, which is the limit war spirit of 5ss level!

It's impossible to beat it at one stroke!

"Therefore, this Xuantian battle elephant is an insurmountable mountain for you. You must kill it, or you will not be able to kill any one of the central China team!" Teacher Xuanji was very serious.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu have a tacit look at each other. Naturally, this task falls on their two fighting spirit masters.

"Among them, the strongest comprehensive ability is still Lin boiled wine. I don't need to say more about the attack power of the red flame devil dragon. It is one of the most powerful fire variant fighting spirits. Originally, the only relative weakness was defense. But now with the chain of soul, he can launch a fierce attack without fear." Xuanji continued.

Han Xiao was silent for a moment. "Give me this red dragon! I'm going to stop him even if I'm dying! "

Xuanji teacher said, "OK! Lin's cooking wine is the core character of the other team. Your task is very heavy! "

Han Xiao actually patted her chest and said confidently, "I dare not boast about anything else, but it's rough and thick. I'd like to see how he can do with me."

Xuanji nodded and said, "the competition will be held a week later. This time, the venue is still the central China arena. During this period, you should try your best to enhance your hard power. You must not slack off!"


The four responded almost at the same time.

During this week, Feng Yixiu and others almost forgot to eat or sleep. Everyone's goal was very clear.

There is only one mountain left to win the China Central League Championship. Even if they are tired again, they have no complaints.

Feng Yixiu took advantage of this period of time to upgrade the "white wing Griffin King white wing" card to purple gold magic card "white wing Griffin King white wing".

This is the first purple gold magic card of Feng Yixiu. However, what he didn't expect was that after reaching the purple gold level, the magic Spirit card was prompted as the highest level by the system, and it could not be integrated and upgraded again.

It seems that not all magic cards can be upgraded to the highest level, which is somewhat similar to the evolution of warspirit. After reaching a limit, they can no longer continue to evolve.

However, this is also a huge advantage of Feng Yixiu in the face of the central China team. After all, the other side only has the magic card of platinum level at most.

In order to implement the whole tactics, Feng Yixiu bought a magic Spirit card of purple gold level for the bramble enchantress in case of emergency.

A week's time soon came, and the central China martial arts arena opened again after more than half a month's consolidation.

Although the last terrorist attack left a deep mark on many war spirit masters, it did not stop people from coming to watch this grand event which attracted worldwide attention.

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