"A thousand!" Feng Yixiu recited a sentence in his heart, and then the fierce attack came to an end.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

Xiao Tian's whole arm has been completely numb, breathing heavily.

"Cut! I don't think you're more than that! " Xiao Tian sneers, then disdain way.

It's really hard for him to understand that his captain should be defeated by such a person. His offensive is just like that in his opinion!

Feng Yixiu was still expressionless and said in a cold voice, "who can't talk big! Show me what you can do... "

Xiao Tian resisted the huge hammer on his shoulder. At this time, the golden hammer behind him turned black. There were dense runes on it. It looked very heavy.

"You just hit me, and it was great! But I want to tell you that my spirit soldier is called Xuantian hammer. Every time I remove a hostile spirit soldier, it will double its weight. You can't stand the strength of my hammer now! " Xiao Tian's huge Xuantian hammer pointed at the wind, not to mention how arrogant.

Feng Yixiu showed a surprised look and said in a cold voice: "this How could that be possible! "

"Ha ha ha..." Seeing the wind, Xiao Tian was surprised and arrogant: "I'll let you taste the power of my Xuantian hammer!"

Wind also showed a look of disdain, eyes slightly to the bottom of a glance, and then very naturally moved a position.

"It's just a broken hammer! Have the ability to kill me! Rubbish The wind is also Xiu's unflinching sarcasm.

"You..." Xiao weather's face turned red, and his anger had already flushed his head, and he had already forgotten the matter of delaying time.

"Xuantian strikes hard!"

Xiao Tian held up the huge black hammer in his hand. He didn't know whether it was the illusion of Feng Yixiu. He seemed to see that what he had in his hand was not a huge hammer, but a mountain thousands of feet high!

The huge mountain range, which was thousands of feet high, was smashed directly towards the wind, causing a violent hurricane.

Just when Xiao Tian was about to hit the spot completely, he seemed to see a sneer from the wind.

Feng Yixiu's figure disappeared in front of his eyes. Before he could react, a sharp pain came from his wrist.

His two palms holding the Xuantian hammer were disconnected at the same time. He could only see a dazzling white thunder light exploding in the air.

Feng Yixiu had already appeared behind him, and said without expression: "I'm sorry, I have already guessed the ability of your spirit soldier."

Smell speech, no matter be Xiao Tian or Lin Shuanger all pupil stare like copper bell general, one face is inconceivable.

A deep fear can't help but rush to my heart. It turns out that all this is under the control of fengyixiu.

What a terrible man this is, whether it is strength or mind, they can not match the existence!

They are like a three-year-old child in front of Feng Yixiu. They have no secrets to say!

Out of Xiao Tian's control, the Xuantian hammer began to grow larger and larger, and finally covered half the range of the martial arts arena.

That is a real mountain falling, which is the inevitable existence!

Shen Ruyu and Lin's cooking wine are both flying fighting spirits. Xingling Gemini and Tiangang giant turtle have released the time field and gravity field at the same time, and almost escaped at the same time.

Tiangang giant turtle immediately loosened the nose of the Xuantian war elephant, and was thrown out with great inertia.

Only the clumsy Xuantian war elephant was at a loss. Looking at the natural disaster scene like meteorite landing, even it felt powerless!


The whole Huazhong University felt a huge shock, which directly caused a small earthquake.


Xiao Tian suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood, and the magic scripture beside him bursts in an instant!

Xuantian war elephant died!

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