Shen Ruyu, as Shen Zhong's favorite little daughter, naturally hopes that he can marry a man who loves her. Obviously, Feng Yixiu's answer makes him very satisfied.

"Good If you can have this kind of consciousness, I can trust to give my daughter to you! " Shen Zhong slowly picked up the glass in front of him. He took the initiative to touch the glass and drank it. Then he said seriously: "I'll be honest with you. In fact, I know where yu'er is these years, and send someone to protect her secretly. But I found that you did a good job."

"Can I ask you a question?" Feng Yixiu looked at each other seriously and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? What's the problem? " Shen Zhong is also interested.

"My question is why do you have to make an engagement with the dragon family? Is it just for the illusory blood?" Wind also repair some doubts.

Shen Zhong said with a wry smile: "in fact, it's not that I want to marry yu'er to the dragon family, but the dragon family does not want to marry our family's jade son. He wants to tie the four families firmly to his warship, which is the reason why I let her escape."

The wind also repairs eyebrow a frown: "this dragon house so bandit's behavior, can't you resist?"

Shen Zhong shook his head helplessly and said: "the Dragon King is not out, the green dragon is respected! You must have heard this sentence. As the descendant of Qinglong holy spirit king, the dragon family is not only the leader of the four families in name, but also has the strongest strength and foundation. We Shen family is not their opponent at present. "

For a while, the wind also raised his eyebrows and frowned. Then he said in a deep voice, "why do the dragon family have to bind you to their warships? What do they want to do? "

Shen became very serious and said, "you still don't know about it now. It's not good for you to know too much."

The wind is also xiuruo, especially nodding, there are still some answers in my heart.

"Can I ask about the realm of the dragon master?" The wind is also a little curious.

"I haven't seen the dragon family master for a long time. I remember the last time I saw him, it was the eighth level peak Zhan lingzun. Now it is estimated that it is almost level 9 Zhanling emperor." Shen responded.

"And you?" Feng Yixiu asked again.

Shen Zhong seemed to be asked about the pain, and after a long time, he whispered: "level 8 battle spirit Zun..."

Feng Yixiu's expression became a little surprised. At the same time, there was such a big gap between the majors of the four families, which he had never thought of.

He originally wanted to ask the other party why he was so low, but he was afraid that he would stab the other party's pain, so he refrained from asking.

However, Shen Shen's expression suddenly became ferocious. The wine glass in his hand suddenly burst and the surrounding air became hot.

"It's all from the master of the dragon family! If it were not for him, I would not have fallen from level 8 to level 7, and my fighting spirit would have degenerated from the ultimate body to the whole body! It is no longer possible to upgrade to war spirit emperor! " Heavy gnashing of teeth.

"You said it was the dragon family leader who hurt you? What's the matter with that? " Feng Yixiu is more confused.

Shen Zhong seems to have fallen into a long memory, and his eyes have become some holes.

There are a lot of unwilling eyes, but more is regret and hatred intertwined together.

"Ah..." Shen Zhong first sighed deeply, then looked up at the ceiling and said again.

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