"Let's go." The wind also nodded and agreed.

The next day, all members of the Qingyun team returned to Qingyun college.

Before he entered Qingyun college, he saw banners hanging around to welcome the return of Qingyun troops.

It is not only Qingyun university that has these banners, but also the whole city of Jiangshui.

"Wow! Oh, My God! I haven't come back in these months. As for exaggeration? " Han Xiao's whole person was frightened by this exaggerated battle.

"When were we so popular in Jiangshui city?" The end of summer in the East is also confused.

However, Xuanji said with a smile: "you have underestimated the weight of China Central League Championship! I'm afraid you can't imagine the glory he has brought to Jiangshui city. Not only will Qingyun university become the Central College comparable to Huazhong University in the future, but also the status of Jiangshui city will rise with the tide! "

Feng Yixiu nodded vaguely and looked at the red banners hanging around for a long time.

He vaguely remembered that when he joined Qingyun college on his first day, the past seemed to be in his mind.

When he and Shen Ruyu joined the college on the first day, they read out the oath to join Qingyun college.

One of them is that he has always been impressed, that is, my alma mater is proud of me today, and my alma mater will be proud of me in the future!

Obviously they've done it perfectly!

"Boom, boom..."

Numerous fireworks and warm shouts made Feng Yixiu and others feel at a loss.

As soon as the car that greets the Qingyun team has just opened into Qingyun college, they have seen the enthusiasm of Qingyun college and almost welcome the heroes with the highest etiquette.

Almost all the teachers and students of Qingyun college came to greet their return to glory. They even saw that the school seemed to be building four statues.

These four statues look like the statues of the green cloud corps and others, and they are very tall.

Feng Yixiu looks at the enthusiastic people outside the car in a daze and doubts whether he has been dreaming or not.

All this seems to be a bit too unreal, because it is only in the dream will also appear.

Until President Wang personally came to open the door for them, all the people responded that this is not a dream, but the real world!

"Why are you all in a daze? Get out of the car Xuanji teacher see several people are stunned, quickly remind way.

"Oh, oh..."

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and others immediately stepped off the special car, and then ushered in a warm welcome.

"Welcome back our heroes! I didn't expect to be able to cultivate a champion team in my retirement year. My life is really worth it President Wang kindly took Feng Yixiu's hand and walked towards the interior of the college.

Principal Zhou Yan followed him and joked, "Mr. Wang, it's all children's own excellence. What's the matter with you?"

However, headmaster Wang retorted with a smile: "I don't care! Anyway, I went out in Qingyun college! "

Zhou Yan was also adamant: "then fengyixiu was cultivated by my father since childhood."

Headmaster Wang gave a smile and said, "you've just been promoted, and you've been so tough! You didn't dare to talk to me like that before

President Zhou Yan scratched his head with a smile and said, "Hey, hey That's not your promotion

Feng Yixiu was surprised and said, "Mr. Wang, are you retired?"

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