Although Han Xiao doesn't care, it is not a happy thing to be expelled from his family.

However, he was also very concerned about the heavy psychological burden of Fengyi society, and did not show it clearly. However, his smile was still stiff and lost.

Han Xiao gave a bitter smile and said, "there are more talented people in the family than I have. Maybe I can do without..."

Wind also see Han Xiao's mood a little lonely, immediately went to comfort: "brother, I believe this is the loss of the Han family, one day they will know what they missed."

Han Xiao slowly raised his head and looked at the wind and said in a deep voice: "will there really be that day?"

The wind also Xiu heavily patted Han Xiao on the shoulder and said in a high voice, "brother, when did I cheat you? If I say you can, you can do it! "

Han Xiao slightly smile, once again resumed the smile: "you little, you have not broken your promise, thank you for comforting me..."

"I didn't comfort you. I was just telling the truth..." Feng Yixiu said with a firm face. Then he stood up slowly and said faintly: "well, in a few days, we are going to go to Nu scale college. Don't think too much. Only when you are strong is the most important thing."

"Uh huh..." Han Xiao stands up with a smile, and then restores her old smile.

The next morning, President Lu Changzhen came to find Feng Yixiu and others as agreed.

Xuanji immediately called Feng Yixiu and others, who immediately went to the playground of Qingyun college to gather.

Feng Yixiu made a special observation of the state of the east at the end of summer, but found that he did not seem to be abnormal.

It seems that leaving the Oriental family is not something to be sad for her, and she still looks like she is laughing.

"Mr. Xuanji, I've agreed to gather in Huazhong University! It's so easy for me to find it Lu Changzhen complained.

"Didn't I text you? Didn't you get it? " Xuanji teacher some doubts.

"Did you? Maybe there is no signal when we are on the way... " Lu Changzhen was a little puzzled.

Feng Yixiu and others are confused when they hear the speech. Can the signal be bad?

"Dean Lu, you didn't forget the eight gold magic cards you promised me?" The wind also repair smile ha ha way.

"Of course, I didn't forget. I had to argue with our dean for a long time to get these eight magic cards. He was still reluctant to give up! You're a real pick! " Lu Changzhen grinned and pulled out a stack of gold magic cards. Behind each card, there was an eye-catching abyss eye.

"Thank you very much, President Lu!" The wind also Xiu grinned and collected all the eight magic cards into the storage ring.

It has to be said that the central China League Award ring is still very easy to use, the interior space is very spacious, full of 100 cubic meters.

Feng Yixiu and others put all the gifts and necessities into it, which is more than enough.

Dean Lu then looked at the teacher Xuanji and said, "so you can't change your mind temporarily?"

Xuanji teacher suddenly appeared in the hands of three letters of invitation, it is the other three sacred home invitation.

The three envelopes in Xuanji's hand turned into powder and dissipated.

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