After hearing Shen Ruyu's reply, Shen Qingci saw the happy smile on Shen Qingci's face, and the big stone in his heart was finally put down.

She has been thinking about whether it is right or wrong to bring Shen Ruyu out. After all, Shen Ruyu should have been a carefree little princess life.

But it was because of her failed marriage that she took Shen Ruyu away from her family. She didn't know whether it was fair to Shen Ruyu.

She has never asked Shen Ruyu whether she is willing to follow her to a strange city from home, which she thinks is good for her.

Until she heard Shen Ruyu's exact answer and her real smile, the mountain in her heart was finally released.

"The happiest thing in my life is to have a lovely sister like you." Shen Qingci intimately scraped Shen Ruyu's Qiong nose, then waved his hand towards him and said with a smile: "go! I hope you will have a good study in Nu scale college. "

Then Shen Ruyu flew on the golden Griffin under the leadership of Feng Yixiu.


A loud and clear sound of the eagle's voice sounded, the golden Griffin soared up, and quickly flew to the high altitude.

Feng Yixiu looks at the smaller and smaller scenery below, and feels a little reluctant to give up.

He vaguely saw a pair of teams in black coming out of the shadow. It was the first team of the wind Department led by the cat.

The cat held a lazy black cat in her hand and waved to the wind. Hundreds of wind team members behind her waved.

Feng Yixiu waved goodbye in their direction until the whole house below looked like an ant.

The golden Griffin has been constantly rising, until the final wind can see that the whole central China base has not stopped.

Han Xiao looked down at the bottom, looked at the terrible height, and then shrunk toward the inside.

"I said," Dean Lu! You don't have to fly so high, do you? I feel a little short of oxygen. " At the end of summer in the East, there are some doubts.

"You can't do it if you don't fly higher." Lu responded directly.

"What does it mean not to fly higher? Is it still in the sky Han Xiaodao is even more puzzled.

"Ha ha ha..."

Dean Lu and teacher Xuanji looked at each other for a moment, then almost at the same time laughing.

"Mr. Xuanji, why do you laugh at me? Is there anything wrong with what I said? " Han Xiao scratched his head, some do not understand the way.

"I really let you guess right, this angry scale college is really in the sky!" Xuanji teacher smiles and says in a loud voice.

"Ah? Heaven

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and others almost exclaimed at each other. The news was too dreamy.

Nu scale college is in the sky instead of underground. No wonder Dean Lu said there is no signal. How can there be a signal at such a high altitude!

"Mr. Xuanji, are you kidding us? How can a college be in the sky? " Shen Ruyu is also tight frown, very puzzled way.

"The reason why these four holy shrines are respected is that they play an irreplaceable role. They are called upon by the early king of the Holy Spirit, and then the Four Great Holy Spirit kings set out to establish them. They are not only the highest institutions for cultivating war spirit talents, but also the strongest barrier to protect China." Lu explained with a smile.

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