The golden Griffin is still keeping on slowly clearing away the clouds and approaching the floating island at a constant speed.

With a gentle wave of his hand, a small gap was opened in an invisible border outside the floating island.

As soon as the golden Griffin entered, it quickly closed again. Feng Yixiu and others didn't realize how big it was until they really entered the interior of the floating island.

They didn't feel it when they were watching from a distance, but they didn't see the true size of the halal until they really came in.

I'm afraid the mask of this floating island is equivalent to a large city, which is not much different from that of Hanzhong City.

"My God! How beautiful it is As soon as the eastern summer entered it, they looked around.

Feng Yixiu and others can't help but exclaim. Every place here is just like a fairyland.

Most of the buildings around are ancient buildings. Although there are not as many people as real cities, they are not very few.

When they rowed across the sky, they also saw many people wearing antique clothes looking up and looking up, and their eyes showed an envious look.

This is not the same specification to meet the new life. The golden Griffin is already the highest standard.

In addition, the freshmen who were picked up by President Lu himself are very few. They must be the children of some aristocratic families, or the most extraordinary genius.

But whatever it is, it is worthy of their admiration.

Feng Yixiu looked down at those people who were dressed in a rather ancient style and wondered, "I said, Dean Lu, why are these people dressed so retro?"

Lu responded with a smile: "these people used to be the indigenous people who lived here, but came here with the island's launch."

Feng Yixiu was still puzzled and asked, "what does it have to do with their ancient clothes?"

With a smile, Mr. Xuanji explained: "300 years ago, when human civilization was nearly destroyed, the development of human civilization was also developing step by step. Therefore, it is natural that they went through the era of a little bit retro. They were lifted up with the island in that period, so they retained the customs and habits of that period, but this does not mean that they can not follow In the old days, the technological level on the island was no lower than that in other places. It was just a habit... "

"You don't have to learn from them. Just keep your own habits. No one will look at you in a different way." Lu explained with a smile.

"Oh, oh..." Feng Yixiu and others nodded.

In short, it is the epitome of the dark period, but as long as human beings have knowledge and have a little chance to breathe, they will start to develop rapidly.

However, through the epitome of these times, they also realized that 300 years ago human beings must have experienced an extremely dark period, otherwise there would be no retrogression of civilization.

As the golden Griffins fly low for some time, they also find that the density of the population below them is increasing.

"Haven't we arrived at Nu scale college yet?" At the end of summer in the East, some people were anxious.

"We have always been in the scope of Nu scale College It's just that it hasn't reached the central area yet. " President Lu said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Such a big place is all Nu scale college? " Han Xiao looks incredible.

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