"Oh, no I didn't see it... " Han Xiao painful cold sweat DC, and then no longer dare to look at random floating.

"Poo Hoo..."

Many young and beautiful girls who passed by scoffed and walked past, but did not dare to chat up.

Feng Yixiu is frowning. It's not a good thing to attract so many people's attention.

But he didn't know why they attracted so much attention. He looked at their clothes and there was nothing wrong with them.

Xuanji teacher seemed to see feng Yixiu's doubts and said in a deep voice: "what they pay attention to is not you, but the central China championship ring on your hand."

At the moment, the wind is also repairing, which is just like a flash of water, and immediately put away the champion ring in his hand.

The central China champion ring is not only a storage ring, but also an absolute strength!

Having any one of the seven rings means that they have the strongest strength of that base, which is a symbol of identity and strength.

The other few people saw that Feng Yixiu put away the champion ring, and they all put away the ring.

"The central China champion ring is a symbol of strength and honor, but don't show it easily, so as not to be envied by others and targeted by some people with ulterior motives. You are right to do so." Xuanji teacher definitely nodded.

Sure enough, after Feng Yixiu and others put away the central China champion rings, not many people looked at them like this again.

Then Feng Yixiu, under the guidance of teacher Xuanji, toured the whole outer courtyard of Nu scale college, including the Research Institute and the Nu scale arena.

However, what makes Feng Yixiu pay more attention to is the highest dark green building of Nu scale college.

This is a huge pagoda towering into the clouds. As the pagoda is separated by a wall in the inner courtyard area, it can not see the whole picture clearly.

But Rao is so. Fengyixiu also feels a strange feeling when he sees the tower, as if something in the tower is attracting him.

"Mr. Xuanji, what kind of building is that dark green pagoda towering into the clouds?" Feng Yixiu stopped and asked, pointing to the ancient pagoda.

"The ancient pagoda, named Qinglong pagoda, is said to have suppressed many powerful Warcraft in the ancient times. It is also one of the most important buildings in the whole Nu scale Academy." Teacher Xuanji was very serious.

"Qinglong tower..." The wind also has a wandering way of self talk.

"Teacher Xuanji, why are you so familiar with Nu scale college?" Shen Ruyu said curiously.

Xuanji teacher smile, indifferent way: "of course I am familiar with it, because I am a graduate of Nu scale college."


There was an incredible cry from all of us.

It turns out that Mr. Xuanji is also a graduate of Nu scale college. No wonder he is so familiar with everything in Nu scale college.

However, with the excellent degree of Xuanji teacher, he was not surprised that he could become a student of Nu scale college, but he did not react for a while.

"Mr. Xuanji, aren't you from central China? Why did you graduate from Nu scale college? " Wind also repair some doubts.

"I am indeed a member of the central China headquarters source plan, but this does not contradict that I am a student of Nu scale college. After all, there is a specialty in technology. As one of the four holy academies, nu scale college certainly can not be compared with other places in terms of talent cultivation." Xuanji explained seriously.

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