"I didn't seem to think about it either!" The wind is also Xiu, is it.

"How about that! Attack group, defense group and control group, you can participate in training, until you think about your own path, you are in the specialization of that road After thinking for a long time, Jialan Ziyu finally came up with a compromise.

After all, the performance of fengyixiu's fighting spirit is too multi-faceted. It's really unpredictable. It can only be grasped at once.

After the spirit level of fengyixiu war is upgraded, you can confirm the group with him.

"All right! Now that's it. I'll take part in the strong attack training first Feng Yixiu walks towards Shen Ruyu with a smile.

At the moment, all the people in Dingban are stunned. They look at Feng Yixiu who goes to the strong attack group.

"I'll go! That's OK! It's worthy of being the leader of our style

"I also understand the teacher's hardship. If you leave me alone, I don't know what to choose. Are you angry?"

"These are all war spirits. Why is the gap so big?"

Many students shake their heads when they see them.

"Now the leaders of each group are: Shen Ruyu, leader of the strong attack group, Han Xiao, leader of the defense group, Hualing, leader of the auxiliary department, and yunmo, leader of the control department."

"If we don't have any opinions, we will start the class formally. Our actual combat class is very urgent, including physical training, fighting skills, actual combat practice and meditation and spiritual training." Jialan Ziyu said seriously.

After that, a lot of training equipment was brought in, including weight-bearing sandbags, dumbbells, boxing sandbags, and various strength training equipment.

"All of them put on 10 kg sandbags to warm up, run around the training hall for 10 laps, and then train 10 groups of dumbbells and 10 groups of core strength training..."

Jialan Ziyu's teaching stick did not know when it turned into a whip, and looked at all the students without expression.

"Old teacher! What do you call warm-up Han Xiao looks incredible.

At this level of training, I'm afraid the triathlon is just like this!

It is estimated that the training intensity in the army is similar to this. She even calls this "warm-up exercise"?

"Well? Do you have any opinion? "

Suddenly, a trace of flame suddenly appeared in the eyes of Jialan Ziyu, which felt like a real flame.

People seem to see the shadow of the purple flame king snake behind him. They are staring at all the students with murderous spirit.

"No No problem Han Xiao counseled on the spot and immediately responded.

All of a sudden, the four groups started the so-called "warm-up campaign" under the leadership of their respective group leaders.

They were running to the pool in the training hall when they were about to turn around. Once again, there was a stern voice behind them: "jump down!"

Immediately, there was a girl who seemed to be weak. It was Hualing, the leader of the auxiliary group. She frowned and said, "teacher I can't swim

"If you were in the wilderness, and there was a vicious but swimming purple Warcraft chasing after you, would he let you go because you couldn't swim?" Jialan Ziyu took a deep breath and said coldly.

"If you don't drink more water, you'll never learn to swim! Jump in Jialan Ziyu approached the pool slowly and ordered.

Now we should be strict with them so that they can have more vitality in the future.

Some people can not swim is not stupid, but because they can not overcome the fear of water, a person on the shore, even if the posture in the standard, it will never learn to swim!

"Teacher, I see." Hualing just hesitated for a moment, then jumped directly into the water.

But the result is obvious opinion, but for half a minute, the flower bell struggled for a moment and then stopped moving.

Jialan Ziyu teacher did not say a word, even the shoes are too late to support, directly into the water, will be rescued in time, a look of concern on the side.

Until she wakes up, she will go on again

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