Feng Yixiu's move is undoubtedly to make all the participants in the selection all confused.

The first step in the selection of the inner court is to pass the pressure of qinglongshi, so as to be qualified for the next examination.

In general, nine out of ten people who took part in the examination will be screened out. However, with the arrival of fengyixiu, everyone in the hall easily passed the examination of qinglongshi.

President Lu was stunned for a long time. He looked at the careless wind and did not speak for a long time.

Feng Yixiu saw that President Lu suddenly stopped, so he asked, "President Lu? What's the matter with you? "

Then President Lu suddenly came back to his senses and said, "what did you just do?"

The wind also scratched his head and said, "nothing The broken stone makes me feel uncomfortable, so let him stop... "

"Eliminate Stop it? " Dean Lu's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

The green dragon totem on the green dragon stone was painted by the holy spirit king of Qinglong. Its main purpose is to suppress evil spirits and prevent ordinary evil spirits from entering the inner courtyard of Nu scale college.

Among them is a drop of real dragon's blood, which is one of the four holy spirits. Even after a few hundred years, it has the supreme divine power.

Even if the emperor of war spirit is present, he will at most suppress his dragon power for a short time, which can not make him lose efficacy for a long time.

However, even this kind of treasure of the town hall was made invalid by Feng Yixiu's fury. He didn't know what the situation was.

Around, many of the students who participated in the examination were smiling with excitement, and many of them were holding fists and worshiping in the wind with gratitude.

"It's a piece of cake. It's all classmates. Don't mention it..." Feng Yixiu holds his fist to those who participate in the examination of the inner court.

Then Feng Yixiu and others walked toward the inner courtyard of Nu scale under the guidance of Dean Lu.

People look at the back of Feng Yixiu's leaving, and they can't help but talk about it one after another.

"It seems that this freshman doesn't get into the inner courtyard by relationship! It's really powerful to make the green dragon stone, a magic weapon of the town, invalid... "

"This is the key to being handsome! I don't know if I have a girlfriend... "

"I don't think you're going to die. You're far from the beautiful woman around him! It seems that there will be one more candidate in the future... "

For a while, everyone began to talk, and most people had a good impression of Feng Yixiu.

After leading Feng Yixiu and others through a long corridor, Dean Lu formally came to the inner courtyard.

As soon as Feng Yixiu stepped into the inner courtyard, he felt a stronger aura. The aura here was at least twice as much as that outside.

There are many huge spirit trees with precious light around. The tall and beautiful spirit trees can not be seen in the outer courtyard. It is estimated that the reason for this spirit tree is that the spirit trees are so abundant here.

Each spirit tree is about 100 meters high, about the size of three people holding each other. The whole tree is green and green, and countless spiritual lights can be seen by the naked eye.

This ancient wood is different from other trees in that its bark is like scales, emitting a green metal light, which is extremely beautiful.

All of a sudden, Feng Yixiu felt that the second Spirit card in the psionic consciousness was ready to move. It seemed that he had a feeling for the trees that were emitting aura.

"Dean Lu, how beautiful these trees are? What are these trees? " Shen Ruyu looked at the tall trees around him, and his eyes were full of stars.

"The name of these ancient trees is called the green scale tree. It is said that when the green dragon becomes the Holy Spirit, the green scale tree will grow along with it. Therefore, it has become the treasure tree of our Nu scale college. This green scale treasure tree is one of the main reasons why the inner courtyard is yearned for by so many people." Lu explained with a smile.

"Oh So it is Shen Ruyu nodded and pondered.

"Now wait for me here. I will report to the president of the University and formally issue the documents of the inner court to you." President Lu said hello to Feng Yixiu and others, and then walked towards a tall building.

"OK, Dean Lu..." The wind also nodded, then stood in situ waiting.

During this period, his attention was quickly attracted by the highest building in the inner courtyard, which was the towering Green Dragon Tower.

Before I was in the outer courtyard, I couldn't see the whole picture of the Green Dragon Tower. Only when I entered the inner courtyard could I have a glimpse of the whole picture of the Green Dragon Tower.

The Qinglong tower is much more dignified than he thought. The straight front of the tower is straight into the sky, and the pressure emanating from it can be felt even if it is more than 1000 meters away.

Feng Yixiu seems to be able to hear the roar of Warcraft in the tower, but in addition, he can feel the looming terror of dragon power.

But whenever he wanted to use thunder and lightning to explore the truth, he found that he could not do it at all. It felt as if there was something powerful to keep him from prying.Then Feng Yixiu turned his attention away from the green dragon pagoda and then looked at the other scenery of Nu scale Academy.

The people who have just entered the inner courtyard of Nu scale are naturally curious about everything. People in the late summer of the east also roamed around nearby.

As she wandered a little farther in the late summer, her attention was attracted by three inscriptions with names.

"Angry scale list? What is this? " At the end of the summer, the east came to the first stone tablet and said softly.

Then he watched on the first scale of anger scale, and his eyes quickly swept over the inscription. Finally, when he saw one of the names, his eyes suddenly condensed.

"Late summer sister? What are you looking at? "

Suddenly, Shen Ruyu appeared behind the eastern summer and patted her on the shoulder.

"No I didn't see anything... " The East faltered at the end of summer.

Feng Yixiu looked at the eastern end of summer, which was a little strange. Then he took a look at the stone tablet in front of him and said, "angry scale list? What is this? "

Then Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao also walked towards this side with curiosity, and then took a look at the stone tablet.

"This angry scale list? What do these names mean He frowned and glanced at the wind.

"This is the angry scale stele, on which is the list of angry scales list, which records the ranking of all the strong people of Nu scale college!"

In a flash, a familiar voice came, and Feng Yixiu and others almost turned around at the same time.

Then they saw four familiar people, four of them from the central China team. They were walking towards the wind with a smile on their faces.

"Brother Feng, long time no see!" Lin cooked wine and wind also touched the fist and laughed.

"Brother Lin, why are you here?" Feng Yixiu was surprised.

"What? Brother Feng means that I can't appear in the inner yard of angry scales Lin Shaojiu smiles and asks back.

"Ha ha ha You know that's not what it means. I'm just curious why you're here The wind also gave a hearty smile.

He had a very good impression of Lin zhujiu and others. Although they were arrogant, it had something to do with their growing environment.

However, there is no problem in terms of moral character. At least, he has a strong appetite for wind cultivation. As a friend, he is a good candidate.

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