After that, the elder turned around and walked away with a sneer on his face. It seemed that Feng Yixiu's fate had been completely determined, and he would leave Nu scale college miserably.

As the elder was just about to leave, Feng Yixiu said in a high voice: "wait a minute! It seems that there is more than one assessment in the inner court? "

The elder slowly turned around and looked at Feng Yixiu as if he were a fool. He said faintly, "your first assessment is only level C. do you think you still have hope to enter the inner courtyard?"

The wind also repairs to smile slightly, light description light writes: "do not try again how to know not to be able to?"

"Ha ha ha..." The elder laughed and turned around and said in a deep voice, "you boy, you really don't give up until you get to the Yellow River! Do you know what it means if you grade C in the first level? "

"What does it mean?" The wind asked with a smile.

"Second elder, please talk to the frog at the bottom of the well..." The elder looked at the two elders who were silent.

"This means that the three levels behind you must be SS score in order to reach the comprehensive score s score, which is the minimum standard for non aristocrats to enter the angry scale inner courtyard." The two elders said solemnly.

President Lu was also livid. He wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know where to start.

This is the admission rule of the inner hospital. He is only the vice president of the external hospital, and is not qualified to evaluate the admission standard of the inner hospital.

"Do you hear me? Do you still feel it necessary to take part in the following three examinations? " The elder sneered.

"Why not?" Feng Yixiu was still calm, but after a moment he raised his eyebrows and said, "but I have only one question. You say that the minimum standard for non aristocrats to enter the inner court is s. then what about the aristocrats you say?"

"Of course, aristocrats don't need such a high demand. They only need to score a to enter the inner courtyard." The elder said naturally.

There are a lot of simple clothes around the candidates are pale, but no one dares to confront the authority of the elder, just secretly gnash his teeth and curse the elder's different treatment in his heart.

On the contrary, the children headed by Longmen are arrogant and arrogant.

Smell speech, the wind also repair facial complexion a sink, cold voice way: "you anger scale inner courtyard is so different treatment?"

The elder frowned and said, "if it wasn't for the Four Holy Spirit kings, I'm afraid the whole human race will be destroyed. What do you know about the greatness of the four families? What's wrong with me giving them some privileges? It's a pity that some of your friends are homeless dogs who have been expelled from the family, but they can't enjoy these privileges... "

Feng Yixiu was angry and laughed back. He said in a deep voice, "this is the funniest speech I've ever heard. It's also the first time that I've heard such high sounding flattery. Do you think they'll look up to you when you hold the stinky feet of the dragon family?"

The number of the other four families in the Nu scale college is still small. If we say that the noble students, most of them are the direct or collateral families of the dragon family, and many of the affiliated families are also attached to the dragon family.

"You..." The elder's face was livid with anger. If the wind also cultivates, it's like a sharp sword stabbing his heart.

Feng Yixiu continued to pursue the victory and said: "if there are a few of my partners, they don't care about the aura of the four families. It's not the family that drives them out, but they give up the pedantic family!"

"Good, good, good!" The elder's face turned from green to black. He said three good words in a row, and then roared: "since you are so confident, I am lucky to raise the assessment standard of non noble candidates to SS. I would like to see how you get into the inner court!"

As soon as this speech came out, all the examinees and examiners were boiling.

This non aristocratic student was originally difficult to enter the inner court, but now it has increased a lot of difficulty again. This is simply not giving the ordinary exam a way to live!

This is to embarrass ordinary students. I'm afraid the inner courtyard will become a paradise for those nobles.

For a time, all the ordinary examinees collapsed, and all the ordinary examinees were staring at the elder with indignation, hoping that they could not be devoured alive!

In the past, only SS level was required to pass the examination of the inner hospital, but now it is required that all the three passes in the back reach full score of SSS level to reach the comprehensive score of SS.

This is simply an impossible task, because no one in the history of Nu scale college can reach the SSS level in the last three levels at the same time!

Some of the two elders couldn't see it, so he advised, "I said, elder, it doesn't seem very good! This will cause big problems... "

the elder elders waved his sleeves and said, "the president is not here. Now I has the final say in the whole college. Can't I change the assessment standard of the inner courtyard? "

"Good, good You has the final say... " The two elders saw that the elder was excited and nodded repeatedly.

Feng Yixiu was dignified and said in a cold voice, "I will make you regret today's decision!"

"I don't know if I will regret it in the future, but today I will make you regret against me!" Big long old face shows crazy color, rage way.Then, under the leadership of the elder, all went to the examination hall of the second level.

"This is the second level of assessment, the purpose is to test the actual combat ability of warspirit, this is a simulated battlefield, you will immediately encounter various powerful Warcraft attacks, and with the increase of time, the number and strength of Warcraft will greatly increase, and the longer you persist, the higher the score will be." The second elder explained the examination content of the second level in detail.

"How long does it take to stick to it Feng also asked Dean Lu to the side.

"More than ten minutes is A-level score, half an hour is an S-level score, and an hour is a SS Level score. As for the score, SSS is not only a time requirement, but also to defeat one of the five elements of Warcraft. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve SSS for as long as possible." President Lu's face was heavy.

"Five element Warcraft? Is it good? " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"It's very powerful. It's said that it's based on the disaster level Lord of Warcraft in the legendary wasteland battlefield. Its strength is terrible!" President Lu said very seriously.

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