At the same time, the vision of the mirror suddenly spits out seven members of the dragon's gate who have fallen into a coma. Each of them is bloodless and full of ferocity.

Although the illusion of the mirror is not life-threatening, it does not mean that it will not affect their brain to accept fear and pain. Although their body has not been damaged, their psychology has caused great harm.

Even if you were killed by Warcraft in the illusion of mirror, it would not affect the examinee, let alone fall into a coma.

But all of the nine members of the dragon's gate were in a coma. It can be seen what kind of fear and pain they suffered!

At this time, all the people who looked at the examination in the mirage of the mirror were in a dazed state, and there was no one to take care of the members of the dragon's gate who were spit out.


Suddenly, the mirror burst out.

Feng Yixiu came out of the entrance of the mirror illusion at the moment when the illusion burst. His whole body was intact. It was not like having experienced a war at all.

Until Feng Yixiu walked out of the dreamland spotlessly, the people outside the dreamland found that all these things were not illusions, but the real things.

"Three gold magic cards, two purple gold magic cards, and all of them are dark crack series? What's the matter with this boy? " The elder's eyes were fixed on the wind Yixiu, who had just broken through the illusion, and whispered to himself.

Wind also repair jade Lin Python magic card matching is not scientific, this thorn enchantress's magic Spirit card match that has exceeded his imagination!

Three gold magic cards, two purple gold level magic cards, and all of them are magic spirit cards of the dark crack series, which represents the significance of cross era significance!

Now he doubts whether he is really wrong. Maybe Feng Yixiu is a super genius who is hard to meet in ten thousand years!

"What am I thinking! Never let this boy grow up! " The elder shook his head, and then his mind was still fixed on attention.

The contradiction between him and Feng Yixiu has reached an irreconcilable level, and there is no room for relaxation.

What's more, even if the wind is strong, he is just a person without background. The world has never been short of fallen talents. Compared with him, he will still choose long Chen, the young master of the long family. He is one of the most favorable candidates for the future leader of the dragon family!

At the moment, many examinees who participate in the examination can't help swallowing their saliva. They look at the wind that has just broken through the illusion.

"My God! That's great, isn't it! Even with his own efforts, he has broken the illusion of the mirror! "

"So handsome In the future, Feng Yixiu is my idol... "

"Everyone is the king of war spirit. Why is the difference so big?"

For a moment, everyone began to talk. Both men and women were watching the wind.

I'm afraid that in the future, fengyixiu will become the object of worship of many angry scale students, whether in the inner courtyard or in the outer courtyard.

Because Feng Yixiu is the first person in the history of Nu scale assessment to explore the illusion of the mirror independently, and the first man to get full marks!

President Lu looked at Feng Yixiu with a look of relief. Then he looked at the big elder with a pale face and said in a cold voice, "elder, I don't have a good look in my eyes. Can you help me to see what the second level rating is?"

The elder finally came to his senses, and then glanced up at the scorer, looked at the dazzling three s, and gnashed his teeth and said, "SSS, full score!"

"Oh Full marks! I'm so sorry. I'm so disappointed President Lu said with a smile.

"You The elder's face turned red with anger, but he was helpless. Then he said in a loud voice, "don't be too happy too soon. You just passed the second level. The two levels behind are not so easy! Hum

After that, the old man walked towards the examination hall of the next level. As the illusion of this level was directly explored, all the candidates were recorded as s scores.

President Lu, with a smile on his face, walked towards the second examination hall with Feng Yixiu and others. He asked Xiang Feng Yixiu, "what's the matter with your two purple gold magic spirit cards? Isn't it related to my eight gold magic cards and thousand poison beads? "

Wind also Xiu also did not deny, mysterious smile way: "you guess?"

Dean Lu smiles and knocks on Feng Yixiu's head and says, "you have too many secrets. I can't see you through!"

Feng Yixiu felt some pain, touched his head and said with a smile, "everyone has his own little secret..."

President Lu said helplessly, "I'm afraid you have any misunderstanding about the secret..."

While speaking, the wind was also repaired, and the party came to the third assessment hall, which was very familiar with the wind.

This third examination hall seems to be some of the training equipment that he often uses in his daily life, but it is much more precise and high-end than the usual use."The third test is not warspirit, but the actual strength of warspirit division." The elder said solemnly.

"Yes! Our Nu scale academy has always been opposed to Zhan Lingshi's emphasis on the enhancement of warspirit, while neglecting its own strength. You must know that the powerful fighting spirit is important, but our own strength is also important, at least we should have the ability to protect ourselves! Otherwise, no matter how powerful the warspirit is, if the warspirit division is killed by seconds, there is no significance! "The two elders also agree with the way.

"But I am the assistant spirit war Can you skip this one? " Immediately, a very petite little girl stood up and said in a soft voice.

"Yes, yes The war spirit division of our auxiliary department doesn't need to fight in person... "

As soon as this was said, many warspirit masters in the auxiliary departments immediately expressed their unwillingness to carry out this test.

"Shut up Under the big elder's angry drink, all the people shut their mouths obediently and dare not speak.

After seeing that everyone was quiet, the elder said in a deep voice: "our Nu scale academy cultivates real soldiers who can defend the country in the future, rather than oil tankers hiding around others. I don't care what kind of war spirit masters you are. If you really go to the battlefield, will the enemy first ask you what kind of war spirit master you are and then attack you?"

All of a sudden, the war spirit masters of the auxiliary department, who had just been filled with indignation, bowed their heads, and then fell into the crowd and stopped speaking.

Although the elder is not well received by others, his words are well founded, and everyone is convinced.

"The third level is the lowest level of assessment, but those who are not second level source weapons should give up! You're not eligible for the inner court. " The elder said solemnly.

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