
As soon as the sound of the old saying fell, the wind corrected it. A finger touched the metal ball.

All they heard was a piercing roar, and then they were blinded by a dazzling golden light.

When the golden light dissipated slowly, the metal ball measuring the force of elements turned into a ball of molten iron.

"You..." The elder looked at this pool of molten iron, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

"Sorry! I didn't expect the quality to be so bad. I just touched it lightly. " The wind also xiuxi scratched his head with a smile, without any intention of repentance.

President Lu looked at him with a smile and his mouth closed. Looking at the elder's face which was even worse than pig's liver, the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

"Elder, do you still need to test the third level?" President Lu said with a smile.

"No No, I'll give him a full mark The senior officer waved his hand in a hurry and immediately announced the score of the third level of fengyixiu.

At this point, fengyixiu passed the third pass successfully with a full score of SSS, leaving only the last pass.

The hall of the last level is a hall with a strong sense of science and technology. There are two huge modern instruments, both of which are advanced instruments that fengyixiu has never seen before.

"This last level tests the potential of the warspirit division itself, that is, the test of spirit soldiers and the test of blood vessels. Only when both of them reach the full score, can they get the full score." The elder's expression was very relaxed at the moment, as if he expected that Feng Yixiu would not get full marks.

President Lu is also a little iron green. These two passes are not achieved by hard work. He relies on the talent of warspirit masters.

This talent includes the warspirit master's blood power and spirit soldier's endowments. The two abilities also represent the potential of the warspirit master.

Then a member of the dragon's gate walked into one of the machines confidently, as if he would get a higher score.

The transparent door of the instrument was slowly closed, and a dazzling light was slowly shining on the tested person. This seems to be the same as the potential of testing warspirit.

However, the protagonist of this potential test is not warspirit, but becomes warspirit master.

Feng Yixiu took advantage of the machine is still in operation, asked to the side of the president Lu, said: "what is the significance of this blood test?"

"The blood potential of warspirit Division has a great impact on the future development of warspirit division, not only the strength of spirit soldiers, but also the breakthrough limit and strength of gene lock." Lu explained in a low voice.

The wind also Xiu frowned and said, "why do members of the dragon's gate look so confident?"

President Lu responded: "Longmen members only accept aristocratic members, that is, the direct or collateral families of the four families. Just now that person belongs to the collateral family, and his blood has a natural advantage."

"Why do the four families have natural advantages?" Feng Yixiu then asked.

"It's a long story. After the war spirit Master becomes the king of the Holy Spirit, he will influence the blood of future generations. We call this kind of inheritance blood the Holy Spirit blood, which is one of the reasons why the status of the four families is so high. However, with the passage of time, the Holy Spirit blood is becoming thinner and thinner, so the role is becoming smaller and smaller. It is estimated that the blood test will soon be completed No more. "

Feng Yixiu nodded vaguely, and he was worried.

If he tests the strength and combat effectiveness, he will never be afraid, but how can he grasp this blood vessel which is illusory?

What's more, he has nothing to do with the four big families. He can't be the blood of the Holy Spirit.

But in this case, it is very difficult for him to get an s score. Don't mention taking any full marks, it is even more difficult!

For a while, the expression of Feng Yixiu becomes extremely dignified. It's hard to feel that this fate is not in your hands!

The elder seemed to see feng Yixiu's mind and said with a sneer: "it's your turn to do blood test next. Otherwise, you can give up directly. You are just a child growing up in an orphanage. Even parents don't want you. What noble lineage can you have?"

Feng Yixiu did not refute, but quietly clenched his fist. His knuckles were pinched and turned white.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

With the sound of a mechanical sound, the Longmen examinee just came out of the test room.

He took a slow look at his scorer. There was a striking s on it, which meant that their blood potential score was s.

Not only that, but also below the s score is the explanation of blood score, which is written as follows:

Qinglong blood concentration: low level (extremely thin)

but Rao is so, this Longmen member also ushered in the baptism of the eyes envied by almost all people.

All people are envious looking at the Longmen examinee, although it is only a low-level green dragon blood, but every word with a green dragon blood is doomed to his extraordinary!The Longmen examinee tilted his arrogant head and glanced at Feng Yixiu like a demonstration. He said in a cold voice, "the wind also cultivates. Do you see? This is the difference between our Longmen people and ordinary people like you

Feng Yixiu took out his ears with a smile and joked on his face: "return to mortals? Are you going to ascend to heaven and cultivate immortals? "

Around many ordinary candidates have issued a burst of laughter, gas that Longmen examinee face red.

The elder said in a deep voice, "don't be there and take advantage of your words! Now it's your turn. "

Feng Yixiu put away his smile and walked to the blood testing instrument with a heavy face. This was the test he had the least confidence in.

As if all fate is in the hands of God, this feeling is an unknown fear.

Feng Yixiu slowly sat in the warehouse of the blood vessel tester. He watched the glass door close slowly. The short ten seconds was so long.

Through the transparent glass, he saw many people from Longmen pointing at themselves and laughing. However, he could only see the movement, but could not hear any sound.

Shen Ruyu is also holding hands and staring at himself, as if praying for himself.

The wind also Xiu slowly closed his eyes, and he became a little somber under the warm light around him.

He felt his whole blood was surging wildly. His body was like a battlefield. Two different energies seemed to collide constantly in his body.

One feels incomparable cold, another feels incomparable dry heat, this kind of cold and hot interweaving makes him feel very uncomfortable.

But what he didn't know was that the sun mark on his chest began to emit a dazzling light, and his whole body was emitting a more dazzling white light.

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