As soon as Feng Yixiu left the examination hall, some people followed Feng Yixiu's steps and stepped out of the gate. All of them were ordinary candidates.

Among them, there are also outstanding candidates who have not completed the test and who have a chance to enter the inner hospital. They choose to withdraw from the examination on their own initiative, keeping up with the pace of wind and practice.

The public in law enforcement hall looked at the group of candidates who withdrew from the examination, and finally began to be a little flustered.

Among them, there are some freshmen who have just entered the inner courtyard. Most of them are excellent students entered in advance.

"Didn't you come to the inner court examination? Why are they all gone? " Two elder looks at the examinee that leaves ceaselessly, want to detain a way.

Many of them have a examinee to turn round, gnash teeth way: "excuse me, the inner courtyard is too noble, we these poor children can't stand up!"

The second elder was embarrassed and said, "don't worry! This assessment standard can be discussed! "

"Let them go! When did our anger scale inner courtyard degenerate to pray for others! They are just a group of poor boys who don't know what they are. It's their luck that we are willing to take them in our inner courtyard. They dare to be angry! They refuse to enter the inner courtyard. Sooner or later, when they regret, this group of students who quit the examination will never be allowed to enter the inner courtyard of angry scale! "


Lin boiled wine of the central China team sighed deeply, and then walked towards the gate with disappointment on his face, keeping up with the pace of Feng Yixiu.

The elder saw that even Lin's cooking wine was about to leave. Finally, he was a little flustered and said in a deep voice, "Lin boiled wine, why do you want to go?"

He is very appreciative of Lin's cooking wine, not only Lin's, but also everyone in the central China team. The talent of each of the four of them is very good.

Originally, he was going to take these four people as their disciples, but now it seems that he can't do it.

Lin's cooking wine suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice: "elder, although I only stayed in the inner courtyard for a few days, you make me feel inferior. I don't like this kind of feeling..."

After saying that, Lin still speeds up his pace and walks towards the door of the examination hall, trying to keep up with the pace of Feng Yixiu's departure.

As soon as Lin cooked the wine, almost all the poor candidates in the whole hall walked out of the examination hall. All of them left the inner courtyard with wind as the first.

At the moment, the whole hall becomes only the members of the dragon's gate and becomes very open.

The elder looked around the empty hall for a week and said to himself in a low voice: "is it Am I really wrong? "

No! I can't be wrong!

I will let you know what a stupid choice it is today!

"All members of the dragon's gate are included in the inner courtyard. I want to let these poor boys know what regret is!" The elder's eyes seem to be able to spray fire, roaring.

The people around Longmen said excitedly almost at the same time: "thank you, elder master!"

Most of the members of the dragon's gate are good and bad. Maybe they are influenced by the family. Most of them are bullies.

Most of them may not even get a's according to the normal assessment, but now the elder has let them all go into the inner courtyard, which is a good thing for them.

However, the two elders frowned and said, "it seems that this is not good! Why don't you apologize to those candidates? Maybe things will change... "

The elder looked crazy and said, "my law enforcement hall elder apologizes to a group of students? Don't even think about it! "

The second elder was worried and said, "but the premier..."

The elder directly interrupted the other side and said firmly, "nothing can be done! Now I has the final say in the whole college, and I will let the angry scale go back to glory again.

"Ah..." The two elders shook their heads helplessly and did not speak any more.

"Hum! I order that all resources in the outer courtyard be halved, and all resources be tilted towards the inner courtyard! " The elder ordered to the law enforcement hall nearby.


Around the law enforcement Hall of the people at the same time to respond, shouting the sky!

"Hum! I want to see how you fight with me The elder's eyes were burning and his knuckles were pinched and some of them turned white.

At this time, fengyixiu has already walked out of the examination hall and is preparing to walk out of the angry scale inner courtyard from the main gate.

"I said Captain, we are following so many people behind us?" Han turned his head and glanced back at Jingxiao.

"You're so scared How many people can there be... " The wind also repairs the man not to care toward the back of one eye, immediately also scared immediately turn head.

At the moment, after the wind is also self-cultivation, the vast land is full of people. Most of them follow the wind far away, and their eyes are shining with light.

"My God! Why are so many people following us? " The wind also mends a time also is muddled.

"It's not that we've spoiled them and they want to take revenge on us?" At the end of summer in the East, he also looked behind him and guessed."It is possible. What should we do now?" Han Xiao nodded and inquired.

What else? There are too many people. Run quickly Wind also repair, immediately put oil on both legs and accelerate abruptly.

Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao and others immediately followed the pace of Feng Yixiu, playing with their lives.

For a moment, the whole inner yard of angry scales was full of dust, and the sound of footsteps was even louder. Feng Yixiu and others watched the movement, which was faster.

There are hundreds of people behind them, and all of them are warspirit kings. If we really want to make a move, Feng Yixiu can't be rivals!

After running for a while, Feng Yixiu suddenly stopped and gasped: "Hoo Hoo What about? Did you throw it off? "

Han Xiao looked behind him and found that the group was even closer, so he exclaimed: "I'll go! It's really aimed at us. It's to be immortal

"Ah? Is there such a big feud? Not so! " The wind also repairs the head, melon seeds are buzzing, full face sad way.

"What are you doing so fast? I can't catch up with you

All of a sudden, a familiar figure came up with his hands on his knees, gasping for breath.

Feng also fixed his eyes on it. It turned out that Lin, the leader of the central China team, caught up with him. He was panting with sweat on his face.

"Lin boiled wine? How did you come along? " Feng also fixed his face full of questions, and then he said with a heavy face: "have you joined the inner courtyard? What are you doing after me

The other people who have not been admitted to the inner court should chase after themselves. You, who have been admitted to the inner court, should come after themselves. Isn't that enough?

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