"It's a lively day! If it's a gift or something, please come back. " Feng Yixiu had just driven away a man, and then came a deputy head of the dragon's gate, which made him have some headache.

"Don't get me wrong. I just came here to visit you and see my sister." This is what the East said in early summer.

At the end of summer, when he saw his sister, his eyes seemed to dodge. For a long time, he only whispered: "sister, long time no see..."

"I really haven't seen you for a long time. I ran away from home without even saying hello. Do you still have my parents and sister in your eyes?" Eastern summer tone is very strict, like an elder's tone said.

In the end of summer in the East, although he was not satisfied, he still did not dare to speak out.

On weekdays, her parents are always very busy, so she spent the longest time with the East in early summer.

The beginning of the eastern summer is like a sister like a mother to her. On weekdays, the eastern early summer has always maintained the identity of the big sister.

Han Xiao is courageous: "the end of summer has grown-up, what kind of life she wants to live is up to him to decide, do not need others in this

"What are you? Is there anything you can say here? " Eastern Xia gave Han Xiao a fierce glance, and said angrily, "it's just an abandoned son of the Han family. Even if there is no candidate for the successor of the Han family, can you give happiness to the end of summer?"

"I..." Han Xiao's whole face was flushed, and his courage was immediately vented, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Although the words in the early summer of the East were very ugly, I had to admit that what she said was true.

He was indeed swept out of the house by the Han family. Maybe it was a moment of exasperation to be swept out of the East in the late summer, but he knew that he was really kicked out.

Maybe the next time he wants to return to his family, the door of Han family will not be opened for him, and he has no doubt about this.

The wind also Xiu looked gloomy and said in a deep voice: "at the beginning of the eastern summer, I thought you were the sister of the late summer. If you insult my brother again, be careful that you can't go out of the source gate spirit house!"

At the beginning of summer in the East, it seems that some people are afraid of the strength of the wind, but still sneer: "Han Xiao, you are also a big man. Can't you hide behind a man all your life? It is said that you have not become the king of war spirit! Sure enough, the mud can't help up the wall... "

"Enough!" The wind also repairs a roar, in the hand's overlord dragon gun instantaneous condensation.

He didn't allow anyone to humiliate his brother like this, even if he was a woman!

Just when he is ready to start, Han Xiao is a gloomy face in front of himself. Feng Yixiu inadvertently saw Han Xiao's face. He swore that he had never seen Han Xiao so seriously.

Usually, Han Xiao always looks like a fool. Although he works hard, he still makes great efforts.

But this time, Feng Yixiu felt totally different. He could see his anger in his firm eyes.

"What? Just because you want to fight with me? I advise you to save... " East summer early one face disdain way.

"In a month, I will challenge you!" Han Xiao, word by word, gnashing his teeth.

"What? I must have heard it correctly How dare you, a little level 4 warspirit master, challenge me At the beginning of summer, it was funny to hear a joke from the East.

"You heard me right. You are really strong, but in a month, I will be better than you!" Han Xiao's eyes are serious and terrible.

Eastern summer looks at Han Xiao a face serious expression, the corners of the mouth inadvertently slightly up, and then immediately returned to a cold look.

"Good! I accept your challenge. After a month, if you lose, I will let you leave my sister forever In the early summer of the East, it was in a high voice.

At the end of summer in the East, he was a little flustered when he heard about his sister's strength. He was the first in the angry scale list and no one dared to challenge him. It was because of his terrible strength!

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's faces are also a little ugly. Although Feng Yixiu only had a brief encounter with the East in early summer, their strength is unfathomable.

The fact that she's number one on the scale of anger and no one dares to challenge it all.

"Brother Hanxiao, you..." At the end of summer in the East.

"At the end of summer, I will prove to your sister that I am not a waste! Do you believe me? " Han Xiao looks serious.

The eastern end of summer was silent for a moment, and then he nodded with a smile: "I believe you!"

Han Xiao a face firm looking at the East early summer, high voice way: "a month later, I will personally defeat you!"

"Everybody will say, in a month, I'll let you know the difference between genius and waste material!"

After saying that, the eastern summer also did not return to leave, the corner of the mouth is still hanging with an indescribable smile.

"You are a good tree, but I don't know if it's fireproof..." In early summer, the East left a meaningful word before leaving.The wind is also good, that is to say, it is only when Chu mang Tian suddenly visited before that that they wanted to destroy their green wood world tree.

Is it a cover that Chu mang Tian wants to give a gift, just to fight against the reality of the spirit house of the Tangyuan gate and find a chance to do it?

Han Xiao's face was still livid until the figure of the eastern summer disappeared in the circle of gathering spirits.

Feng Yixiu didn't comfort him again this time. He could only figure out some things by himself, otherwise no one could help him.

He may be able to help Han Xiao for a while, but he can't help him all his life. He has to cross the heart by himself.

If he can cross this ridge, his future practice will be smooth.

But if you can't cross it, then you can find a way

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