"Green dragon order..." The wind also suddenly slapped his forehead, which recalled that he had such a token.

At that time, he just felt that Qinglong pagoda was unusual, but he didn't know what the specific function was.

So it seems that the Green Dragon Tower may be able to obtain more advanced magic cards, but I don't know exactly how to get them.

"Do you mean that you can get high-level magic cards in the Green Dragon Tower?" Feng also inquired.

"Yes, the demons in the green dragon tower are all high-quality magic cards, not only the dark crack series, but also the more advanced spirit cards of the waste ancient series and the green dragon series." Xuanji teacher nodded and said seriously.

"What's the magic card of Huanggu series and Qinglong series?" Han Xiao has some doubts.

"The magic cards of this series are the Warcraft of the ancient times. As for the green dragon series, they are more and more rare. They are more or less related to the green dragon. Such magic cards are more and more precious." Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"What are the specific characteristics of the magic cards in the waste ancient series and the green dragon series?" Feng Yixiu thought for a while and said curiously.

He suddenly recalled his own fusion of the purple and gold magic card "green dragon ancient tree - green wood".

The back of that magic card is not the eye of the abyss, but the design of a green dragon. Maybe this is the magic card of green dragon series in the mouth of Xuanji teacher.

"This can be identified by the pattern on the back of the magic card, which is different from the eye of the abyss behind the dark crack series card. The green dragon totem is behind the magic Spirit card of the green dragon series, which is very easy to identify. The pattern behind the magic card of the waste ancient series is the devil totem." Xuanji said patiently.

Feng Yixiu immediately called out his second magic Scripture. Two purple and gold magic cards floated out of it and slowly floated to Feng Yixiu's hand.

"Teacher, is this the magic card of Qinglong series?" Wind also repair doubts.

Xuanji teacher's eyes were straight when he saw these two magic cards. This boy is really good at frightening people!

He gently held the two magic cards floating in the air in the palm of his hand, and then kept flipping back and forth to check.

"Yes, this is the magic card of Qinglong series. You are really hiding it..." Xuanji teacher mouth twitch way.

This carefully took a look at the magic card, and then looked at the green dragon pattern behind him. The more I saw it, the more frightened I was.

My feeling is not wrong, the green wood world tree is not inexplicably natural growth, but through the two purple gold magic card made!

Feng Yixiu scratched his head with a smile and said in a soft voice: "Hey, hey Just a trifle, I won't disturb you

Xuanji, a teacher with a angry smile, nodded his forehead, and said with a smile, "I thought it was heaven's favor to you..."

At the end of the eastern summer, he said with a smile, "let's not talk about this. You'd better tell us what the situation is in the Qinglong pagoda."

In addition to Feng Yixiu, who already has a platinum magic card, three of them are very interested in platinum magic card. After all, everyone wants to get a stronger magic card.

Xuanji said in a deep voice: "the Green Dragon Tower is one of the most important places in Nu scale college. There are many demons in the ancient times. These are the powerful spirits captured and suppressed by the holy spirit king of Qinglong in those years. The weakest of them is disaster level Warcraft, and the higher you go up, the stronger the spirit will be." Xuanji explained.

"How many floors does the Green Dragon Tower have?" Shen Ruyu is also curious.

Xuanji shook his head and said in a deep voice, "there are six floors in the Qinglong pagoda, but it is said that there are seven floors in fact, but no one has ever been to the seventh floor."

"Never been to the seventh floor? Has the Dean never been there? " Han Xiao frowned.

"Yes, there are rumors that there is a peerless devil emperor in the seventh level. Some people say that there is a great chance in this. Only when they are recognized can they have the chance to inherit. However, no matter which is true, no one has been able to step on the seventh level." Xuanji said seriously.

Feng Yixiu and others are very attentive to listen. After all, they are still very interested in those things in the ancient times.

Xuanji teacher immediately said in a cold voice, "don't be ambitious. After all, the legend is a legend. It's still very far away from you. Now your top priority is to get a platinum magic Spirit card in the Green Dragon Tower, that is, you should enter the second layer of the green dragon tower to defeat the evil spirits."

"Why are you so evil? Is it not the Warcraft that is held in the Green Dragon Tower, but the spirit? " Wind also repair some doubts.

Although there is a word difference between the Warcraft and the demon spirit, they are very different.

Warcraft is killed before it forms a magic card, and exists in the form of a spirit in the card.

So Warcraft won't do any harm to the real world, but Warcraft is different."The Green Dragon Tower's detention of Warcraft is not Warcraft, which is probably the result of careful consideration by the king of the Holy Spirit of the green dragon. After all, the threat of Warcraft is still too great. Although the Green Dragon Tower is extraordinary, no one knows what changes these beasts will have in hundreds of years, so it is more convenient to turn them into demons." Xuanji explained seriously.

"But will the spirit dissipate if it is not absorbed for a long time?" The East inquired at the end of summer.

"This is the magic of the Green Dragon Tower. It can keep the demons for a long time without collapsing, which is the significance of the existence of the Green Dragon Tower. It is because of this feature that Nu scale academy often replenishes demons to the Green Dragon Tower, so it can last for hundreds of years. " Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"Ah? In this way, the better magic cards in the Green Dragon Tower have been selected by the predecessors? " Wind also repair some disappointed way.

Qinglong pagoda has existed for hundreds of years. Even those spirits left over from the ancient times should be selected.

Xuanji's teacher gave a smile and said in a deep voice: "you think too much. Although you don't look very big outside the Green Dragon Tower, it's another world inside. The demons are like a vast sea of smoke, and the more powerful they are, the more difficult it will be to be conquered. Therefore, those ancient demons left behind are the strongest."

Feng Yixiu and others nodded, expecting to gain something in Qinglong tower.

"Although the Green Dragon Tower is a good place to get the magic card, in order to prevent the demonic resources from being wasted, it takes a lot of anger scale points to enter the Green Dragon Tower or bring out the magic spirit cards. Even so, only the students in the inner school of Nu scale are qualified, but it's another matter if you have the green dragon order." Xuanji teacher reminds way.

"Ah? Even if you want to spend anger scale points, why do you have to pay for the demons conquered by your own ability? " Han Xiao didn't agree with his way.

"This is the rule of Nu scale college, and it is also to protect the precious internal resources in the Qinglong tower. Otherwise, it would not have been passed on for hundreds of years." Xuanji said solemnly.

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