"Research institutes are all places where spiritual masters earn fury scale points. Although the commission fee is very high, it is not so easy to earn, because it takes a lot of time to do experiments and research, which are all things that nerds can do." Lin said.

Feng Yixiu touched his nose thoughtfully and suddenly said with a smile, "go! Take me to the inquisition

"Ah? You're not serious, boss Lin's cooking wine is a little suspicious of life.

Feng Yixiu doesn't look like a spirit Master!

Generally, the spiritual master is an old scholar with thick eyes, or a genius with a good brain.

Ordinary practical talents don't study these things. Feng Yixiu even dabbles in it, but it's not deep enough.

"Do you think I'm joking?" The wind is also facial expression.

Lin boiled wine looked at Feng Yixiu's serious eyes. He couldn't be more serious, so he said, "OK I'll take you now

Although he said yes to Feng Yixiu's request, he still doubted whether Feng Yixiu was joking.

When Lin was depressed, he saw lengfan's calm face, and his depression deepened.

"Brother lengfan, why don't you try to persuade me? It would be a shame if you were driven out by those old scholars in the research institute! Besides, there are many people from the spirit gate... " Lin cooked wine whispered.

Leng fan smiles and whispers, "I'll tell you a secret. Feng Yixiu is the Vice Minister of forestry in Central China."

"Well?" Lin boiled wine on the spot, how can this boy follow crazy?

However, although Lin's heart murmured, his body was still very honest.

When Feng Yixiu was passing by the periphery of Yuanmen lingfu, he saw a sparse crowd and asked, "has Yuanmen lost a lot of people these days?"

Lengfan nodded his head and said in a deep voice: "it has lost more than half of it. I'm afraid that one hundred people will not be able to reach it soon."

Lin also agreed: "boss, you don't know how to pacify them, or else you can't leave so many people."

The wind also fixed the corner of his mouth slightly upward, and said faintly: "the one who should leave can't stay, and the one who wants to stay can't catch up. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to filter out the students of Yuanmen. We don't need so many people who follow the trend. "

Lin boiled wine and Leng fan all nodded vigorously, and they admired the wind.

It turns out that fengyixiu does not want to control the source gate, but wants to filter the members of the source gate. To be able to share the same happiness is nothing, but to share hardships can prove their loyalty to the source gate.

Ten minutes after the entrance of the Academy.

"Boss, this is the Academy." Lin Zhijiu points to a huge building in front of him and whispers.

Feng Yixiu looked at the research institute with a scrutinizing eye, nodded his head and said, "the scale is almost the same as that of the Forestry Research Institute, but it is a little old."

It is estimated that the nuling academy has been established for a long time. The building looks quite ancient, and it should have been repaired many times.

There is a thick moss on the building of the Academy, which has a sense of historical heaviness. Among them, most of the people who went in and out were spiritual masters with thick eyes. They all wore white coats and looked like senior intellectuals.

The wind also corrected and was ready to move towards the interior, but was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Sorry, if you need to entrust the research spirit, please release it on the taskbar outside. You are not allowed to enter or leave the Institute at will." Which refers to the side of the taskbar, a business iron appearance.

Wind also repair eyebrow a frown, and then toward the side of the taskbar to go.

This task bar is full of commission of spirit research. There are not only the tasks entrusted by students of Nu scale college, but also some tasks of teachers and elders.

In general, the higher the requirements are, the higher the quotation will be.

"I'm sorry, let's make way..."

The wind also corrects when looking at these multifarious characters attentively, but was interrupted by a clear and pleasant voice.

he moved subconsciously to the side, and then he smelled a strange smell. It was unclear whether it was the smell of perfume or the smell of the body. In short, it was quite pleasant.

Then a woman in a white cheongsam came over and looked at the bulletin board's Research Commission.

"How can each word be so small This is not to embarrass me... " The woman in white cheongsam has big eyes and tiny squint, and her long eyelashes are flashing.

Feng Yixiu didn't look at the woman beside her carefully, but her posture when she looked at the bulletin board was a little strange, which attracted his attention.

The woman in white cheongsam almost pasted her face on the bulletin board. There were some big characters on her face. I couldn't see clearly!

"Hello! Can you help me to see what is written hereSuddenly, the woman in white suddenly smiles at the wind and asks.

Wind also Xiu slowly turned around, but saw that there is a warm winter sun like smile, suddenly some lost consciousness.

However, after a moment's absence, he became angry again, because this woman he had seen before was not the master of the spirit gate!

The woman knew that she was Feng Yixiu, but she pretended that she didn't know her. This made him feel uncomfortable, so she ignored her.

"Hello! I'm talking to you! Are you deaf? " Seeing the wind, the woman in white did not respond. She approached again and yelled to the wind.

The wind turned slowly and said in a cold voice, "first, I don't call you hello; second, I have my own name; third, you are really a great man and forget too much! It seems that we met not long ago. You warned me

The woman in white was obviously stunned, and then she began to laugh. The laughter was like the sound of a clear spring, which was very pleasant.

"What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny about me The wind is also mending, which is a little unpleasant.

"You can repair even the wind!" The woman in white smiles, and then her empty eyes come close to her. The distance is so close that she almost meets Feng Yixiu's face.

The heart of Feng Yixiu is about to jump to my throat, but for the sake of face, I can only stand still.

A moment later, the woman in white moved away from her and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring my glasses when I went out. I can't see clearly."

"Do you see clearly now?" The wind also repairs the cold voice.

"See clearly, pretty handsome..." The woman in white smiles.

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