Yuanmen lingfu.

As soon as Feng Yixiu Gang came back, Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu and others rushed over.

Han Xiao frowned and said, "are you back so soon? How much did you make? "

Feng Yixiu smile, some doubt way: "how do you know I must earn? What if I fail? "

Han Xiao said with a smile: "I don't know you. You've never come back empty handed, so don't sell the key!"

Feng Yixiu directly threw his anger scale card into Han Xiao's hand and said in a deep voice, "count yourself..."

"Get it!" Han Xiao took the card and then began to count it: "one hundred million..."

"My God! Eight zeros? 100 million?! " Han Xiao's voice trembled.

In just a few hours after the wind was repaired, he actually made a small goal of 100 million yuan?

The efficiency of making money is too terrible!

At the end of summer, some of them couldn't believe it. They said in a deep voice: "you can't count them all wrong! Let me count! "

Then she snatched the anger scale card in Han Xiao's hand, and the result was still eight zeros.

"My God! You're not going to take the school vault, are you? Is there still time to run? " The eastern summer end one face is frightened way.

She couldn't think of any other way to make a hundred million yuan in a few hours.

Feng Yixiu grabbed his magic card and said with pride, "can't you expect me to do well? It's all because of my own ability. Maybe the dean will come back and thank me! "

Xuanji teacher eyes a bright, exclaimed: "you should not have completed the letter of authorization left by the president?"

Wind also Xiu nodded and said, "yes, I just earned the Commission money of the president."

Xuanji teacher exclaimed: "it's incredible. I remember when I was still studying, the principal's Commission was always there. No one dares to take it. Unexpectedly, you solved it easily."

"Haha Good luck. " Feng Yixiu scratched his neck with some embarrassment, then changed the topic and said, "by the way, now we can prepare to go to the Qinglong tower?"

Xuanji teacher nodded and calmly said, "a hundred million angry scale points are enough anyway. You can start with a little preparation."

After that, Mr. Xuanji took out a map and gave it to Feng Yixiu. He said, "this is the map inside the Qinglong pagoda. You can look for the magic card you need according to this map. Because the college stipulates that teachers can't accompany you, you can only rely on yourself."

"Ah? I thought you could take us with you, Mr. Xuanji. " At the end of summer in the East, some people were disappointed.

"You are all grown up and can't rely on teachers all the time. I believe you can find the right magic card. I wish you success Jialan Ziyu cheered the crowd.


Yuanmen building at night.

"Hache..." Han Xiao hit a lazy waist and said in a loud voice: "finally, we have made the plan and route for tomorrow, and we can go to bed!"

"You go to bed first! There are still some details to be improved. " The wind also Xiu toward Han Xiao and others said.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not sleepy..." Shen Ruyu was confused.

"Silly girl, you can't sit still. Go to sleep first." The wind also repairs to touch Shen Ruyu's forehead with smile, the other party also instantly fell on the table.

When the wind settles Shen Ruyu, he finds that there is no rest in the end of summer in the East.

"At the end of summer, aren't you sleepy?" Wind also repair doubts.

"You don't have to worry about me. Since I woke up to spirit soldiers, I feel very excited at night. It doesn't matter to me whether I sleep or not." In the end of summer in the East.

"Well Let's finish this in a hurry The wind also builds a serious way.

Since the opening hours of the green dragon tower are fixed, one day a week can be opened. It happens that tomorrow is the open day.

So they had to plan all the routes ahead of time, so that they would not have a black eye when they entered the Green Dragon Tower tomorrow.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

In the early morning, the bell suddenly rings. This is the ringing of some old clocks in the Yuanmen building.

Feng Yixiu's keen sense of hearing is that he hears a strange sound outside the bell, as if a little girl was laughing.

Then he felt a cold wind blowing through. He clearly remembered that he should have closed all the doors and windows. There should not be wind!

It suddenly occurred to him that when he had just taken over the building, he seemed to have heard of dirty things in the house.

"At the end of summer, there seems to be something wrong here." Wind also repair a face serious way.

"I feel it too..." At the end of the summer in the East, I was very nervous, and I was afraid.

"Jie Jie Jie I haven't tasted the human soul for a long time The voice of a cold little girl suddenly rings in the ear of Feng Yixiu.He felt his right shoulder as if he had been held down, and his whole body seemed to be imprisoned. It was terrible cold!

It was like an out of body feeling. He even felt his body and soul separated for a moment.

"What the hell! If you have the ability to stand up to me The wind also repairs a roar, the overbearing gold thunder burst out suddenly.

He seemed to feel the "thing" that held him apart, but his sense of danger did not dissipate.

Then he immediately opened the "lightning heart eye", but he could not feel anything at all, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Is it ghosts that are hard to come true?" Wind also Xiulian thinks of the rumors here before, and he is a little flustered.

"That thing came to me..." One side of the eastern summer suddenly flustered way.

"Don't panic, quickly use shadow mode, it should not hurt you!" It is also reminded to repair the road immediately.

"Good!" At the end of the summer in the East, some sense was restored. With the help of the body, the shadow brake was quickly condensed.


At the end of summer, the figure of the East suddenly disappeared in place, completely lost in the endless darkness.

In the shadow mode, the eastern end of summer and the night are completely integrated, and immediately get rid of the dilemma just now.

"Damn it! How can they be so difficult to deal with

Feng Yixiu heard a little girl's shrill voice, and then conveniently identified the position by listening to the sound and clapped dozens of palms towards the other side.

But it didn't seem to have any effect. Then Feng Yixiu saw that Han Xiao's body was emitting a faint white light.

This glimmer is like a soul. Some human shapes are being gradually separated from his body.

Feng Yixiu doesn't know what this is about, but it's not a good thing!

"Late summer! Stop him It is also reminded to repair the road immediately.

At the end of summer in the East, the distance from Han Xiao is very close. Feng Yixiu doesn't know where she is.

With the help of the faint moonlight, he saw the dark shadow like death, with a huge sickle on his back.

This sickle directly penetrates another black shadow, and Han Xiao's soul recovers. After a moment, both shadows appear.

It is the eastern end of summer with a huge sickle, directly a translucent state of the little girl's abdomen to pierce.

The little girl seemed to be unable to believe some of them and whispered: "how could this be possible?"

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