Han Xiao's head was still low. When Jialan Ziyu finished her anger, she said obstinately: "miss Jialan, please let me have a try, just once..."

"You boy! Did I just tell you for such a long time? Are you listening to me Jialan Ziyu was angry and blue, and said angrily.

He doesn't want Han Xiao to hurt himself in order to absorb a magic Spirit card, so it is not worth the loss.

After all, the class qualifying will start in more than a month. As the strongest shield in the team, he doesn't want Han Xiao injured or even relegated!

"Miss Jialan, please let me have a try." Han Xiao is still saying this.

Han's absorption of Xiaofeng was not finished, but he was still not absorbed.

If not Jialan Ziyu teacher came in time to interrupt the absorption process, I am afraid Han Xiao will be directly demoted!

Jialan Ziyu can see that Han Xiao is not dead in the Yellow River. He can only let him try again.

"I can see that your boy's temper is just like your tortoise shell. It's very hard!" Jialan Ziyu shook her head helplessly, and finally let go of her mouth: "well, let you try for the last time. If there is anything wrong, I will immediately interrupt you!"

"Thank you, teacher. This time I will succeed in any way." Han Xiao immediately happy like a three-year-old child.

He had a reason to be stronger. If he had only one reason before meeting Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, it was for his family, but now there is one more reason.

That is, they don't want to drag the wind to repair Shen Ruyu's hind legs and become their strongest shield!

"You adjust your psychic power. When you are ready, you can start to absorb magic cards." Jialan Ziyu said seriously.

Han Xiao nodded, and then sat cross legged directly. Soon he entered the state of meditation and began to recover his lost spiritual power.

"Ah What we need to conquer is the Scarab with super strong defense, but brother Han's turtle spirit doesn't have much attack power. It's really hard for brother Han. " Shen Ruyu looked at Han Xiao, who was full of Han, and felt a little sad.

There are only two ways to conquer demons. One is to let them be absorbed willingly, and the other is to defeat them and absorb them by force.

However, this first kind of situation is generally impossible to happen. Warcraft is formed by Warcraft. It hates human deeply and can not be absorbed actively at all!

That is to say, if you want to conquer the scarab, you must smash his super defense, which is extremely difficult for the turtle spirit, which has no attack power!

Looking at Han Dafeng for a long time, he couldn't help but think about it.

Is there a situation in which demons give up on their own initiative? It's hard to say about other aggressive spirits. Maybe the Scarab has a chance!

"Jialan teacher, can we deliver spiritual power to brother Han when he absorbs the magic Spirit card?" Wind also Xiu suddenly asked to the side of the Jia blue purple jade.

"As long as Han Xiao is extremely trusted, there is generally no problem." Jialan Ziyu subconsciously responded, and then seemed to think of something. Her pupils suddenly opened: "you mean to let us deliver aura and then consume the Scarab alive?"

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