It has been half a day since the helicopter started from Qingyun University and reached the steel barrier of the central China base.

The closer we get to the steel barrier, the more we feel the desolate and serious atmosphere here, which is quite different from the prosperity in the urban area. Some of them are just desolate and bloody.

Feng Yixiu looked down at the soldiers in uniform guarding the outside of the steel barrier, each face with the spirit of death.

Until we really get close to the magnificent steel barrier, we can feel the height of the steel barrier, which is hundreds of meters high, and the thickness is estimated to be several meters. It gives people a sense of massiness like a copper wall.

In addition, there is a layer of energy shield looming over the steel barrier, with electric light shining from time to time, forming a semicircular dome directly covering the whole East China base, which is to prevent the attack of flying Warcraft.

"Here we are. This is the last defense line of our central China base, the steel wall." Jialan Purple Jade light voice.

The helicopter landed slowly, Jialan Ziyu teacher took the lead to jump off the helicopter, fengyixiu three people jumped off the helicopter together.

"Wow! What a magnificent steel wall The wind also looked at the towering steel barriers and sighed.

"This steel wall is so magnificent, so we must have a solid base in Central China." Han Xiao also sighed at this.

Jialan Ziyu's expression suddenly became serious, and said in a deep voice: "don't look at the steel wall being so strong. In fact, there are times when Warcraft breaks through the wall. I remember a month ago in the second isolation area, a lord level Warcraft evolved into a disaster level Warcraft, and finally acquired the ability to cross the void, and quietly passed through two steel castles, In a small village not far from the border, it was the Alliance Army that killed it at a great cost

The level of Warcraft is divided into low-level Warcraft, medium-level Warcraft and high-level Warcraft, and then the Lord level Warcraft. The Warcraft who has reached this level already has wisdom and is extremely difficult to deal with.

As for the Lord level, there are disaster level, disaster level, disaster level, and natural disaster level Warcraft. Just like their rank names, Warcraft at that level is almost synonymous with disaster.

"Ah There is no time to be quiet. It's just that someone is carrying a heavy load for us to move forward... " The wind also Xiu can't help but sigh.

"You know it's not easy to have a peaceful life now. It's not too early. Let's get going quickly." Jialan Ziyu urged.

There are still entrances and exits in the steel wall. Each entrance is heavily guarded by soldiers. However, fengyixiu still sees many people coming in and out. Some students like them are led by teachers.

"Stop! Pass, please

A soldier specially responsible for guarding the city wall stopped Jialan Ziyu and others.

Jialan Ziyu took out the prepared pass and handed it directly to the soldier who was in charge of checking the pass.

Feng Yixiu carefully observed the pass of Jialan Ziyu. Instead of the emblem of Qinghai University, it was a military green pass with a thin line running through two five pointed stars.

When the soldier who checked the pass saw the pass, his attitude changed a lot. He said with a smile, "it's lieutenant, sir. It's disrespectful."

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