Godly shop's cheat fragrance

Episode 37: The Cockroach Family and Tabletop Mirrors

The corner of open-air street, near the fountain square, where the Sevites specialty "Infinite Water Bottle" spits out water.

I've been letting Giro and Clari open an outdoor shop for the past few days.

Rotton did the opening process for me. Thank you.

I came to the outhouse with three of us, Rotton and Lalaila. Lalaila is holding lunch. I didn't mean to let him have it, but he distracted me from talking to Rotton on the road.

You're a good boy. Really.

"Hey, how's the sales?

"It's selling amazing! Brother Akira!"

"Customers… a lot"

"That's good"

While I was talking to the two of them, a pedestrian and thoughtfully styled middle-aged man slammed his face from side to side.

"Excuse me, um, is the product lined up here... is it really the price that's out there?

The pedestrian pointed to a price tag made of wood pieces.


"Cradle for tabletop - 1,780 yen"

And it was denoted in my rough letters.

And arranged in an outdoor shop are massive, tabletop mirrors. This is the type of mirror that can change the small angle that is common in your home. As for the size of the mirror, is it larger than a comic book and smaller than a weekly magazine?

I'm used to seeing it from me. It's a cheap mirror that seems to be in the 100 yen shop if it's the cheapest.

That's the thick rug laid in front of Giro and Clari, lined up in masses.

That's unfamiliar to humans in this world...... it was a mysterious outdoor shop, lined with mirrors with one cloud, one crack, and enough items of this size to be of national treasure level, lined up at prices as if they were jokes.

"Can I have a look?

The merchant was disguised as calm but his voice was trembling.

"Of course it is. Go ahead."

"Oh... this is... really a mirror... is this really 1780 yen? It's not a 17.8 million yen mistake, is it?

"Yes, but no more than twenty per person, no discount whatsoever!

"Oh well. So will you sell me twenty!?

"Yes! Thank you! Carry it with care as it is a fragile item!

"Oh, oh!

When the merchant paid, he carefully put it in his handheld item bag and left the scene with all his might.

I'm sure you're going to hurry up and go to another city.

Now, of course, in general, let them handle the finest items, the protection is complete.

"Weird guy didn't come? Yalarai."

"Especially not a problem."

I was leaning against the box with my arms behind Giro and Clari, the strongest seo m...... he nodded lightly as I spoke to the bodyguard thin macho blonde dread elf Yalarai.

"No, no! Uncle Yalarai! You're acting weird!

"What do you mean?

Giro enters Yalarai funny, but the person at the time doesn't seem to understand. I raised an eyebrow and asked for an explanation, and Clari told me what was going on.

"Eh, I explained that it was up to 20 per person, and there was a merchant who pulled it up once, but another merchant brought some friends and bought 20 for the number of people. The first merchant who saw it came back to complain with an amazing sword screen..."

The number is well prepared, but it is difficult to be bought up by a single merchant, so the number of sales is limited to 20 per person.

The reason is simple. Because as many merchants as possible have to have it in their hands.

By the way, some of the large crates Yalarai is leaning against are packed with tons of item bags borrowed from Rotton. As some of you may have forgotten, an item bag is a magical bag that holds dozens of times its capacity… a strange and convenient bag.

For now, I stock 2,000 pieces each day, but they definitely sell out.

Clari had the stunt of remembering the customer's face, definitely turning down the merchants and others who had come to buy in their spare time.

Some of the guys came in disguise, but I hear Yalarai discerns them.

"So? What happened to the merchant who came back to complain?

"Uh... Mr. Yalarai... has taken him somewhere"

"He came right back, but no."

Giro distorted his mouth happily.

I guess you can easily imagine what happened.

"Ah, Father. Giro, Clari, I brought you lunch."

"Yay! I'm hungry!

"No, Giro, you! Um, Mr. Lalaila. Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll keep the store number, so the three of us can eat."


The three of them started eating deliciously, spreading their lunches, behind the dewstore. They're easy things to fry potatoes and vegetables, but they're sandwiched in a bread they love, so you'll love it.

When me and Lalaila sat in line at the dewstore instead, Rotton said goodbye.

"Then I'll be around here --"

"I found it! Akira aahhhh!!

Blocked from Rotton's words, a raging voice piercing the heavens echoed through the outdoor street.

In this noisy neighborhood of hustle and bustle, the voice, which can also be taken as the sadness of poking its furious hair, was accompanied by enough volume to silence and reflect on the noisy people around it.

"Kichiki-kun, oh!!!! Because of you, yes, yes!!!

It is, of course, Doddle Messala who has come running over with his big crotch as he wields his shoulders.

The clothes he was wearing were cheap, coarse hemp piercing clothes, which he was able to convince even when he was told he was a beggar or a slave.

"Oh, this is Mr. Doddle. Long time no see."

"Become you!! What the hell is this about? Aah!?

Doddle pointed to the tabletop mirror he was rearranging as he came in front of the dewstore with his big crotch.

"What do you mean, what is it?

"Yo! How soggy! Why! This, so much! Mirror! You're selling it off so inexpensively. Bye! Aah!!

He doesn't even turn his tongue to too much rage. I deal with it very normally.

"There's a number of them, and they're just for sale at the right price?

"Become!? Become!? Become!!!! What the fuck! What are you talking about!!!

"Is there a problem?

"You're on me! Mirror! Didn't you sell me for a horribly high price!!!!

I noticed Giro and Clari reacting to Doddle's fury.

Giro ate his teeth and stared so much that he seemed to shed tears of blood. Clari had her gloomy eyes pointed at the dollar, even as she hid behind Giro with fear.


In the depths of my heart, something shook heavily.

"Oh, dear Doddle...... no, it's just Doddle already. What are you talking about? I guess I just sold him a mirror, huh? What's the problem?

"Huh! Don't be ridiculous! What's normal! That would be a hell of a scam! And me! Don't do it!

"Ha! Did you hear that? The city council is fired, isn't it? You're just a citizen now. I'm not in a position with you. Doddle (...)?"

"Holy shit! Don't be with garbage chips like you!

"Oh I see. You're aware you're a piece of trash."

Now, let me explain briefly why the Dollar went bankrupt during this short period of time.

First Doddle took the purchased mirror to his brother Graha's Chamber of Commerce. Of course they were happy at first.

Immediately, the Graha Chamber of Commerce will contact the rich man with the legend, but not one can be sold.

So when the Graha Chamber of Commerce investigated, they realized that it was after the Adele Chamber of Commerce was secretly sprinkling mirrors cheaply.

Doddle's brother quickly realized he had been set up.

The market for the mirror, which had already been splashed in secrecy, had fallen to the bottom of the earth.

On the contrary, small mirrors are cheap and scattered all the way to the outhouse.

Market fraud.

No, because of market manipulation, the Graha Chamber of Commerce was forced to purchase garbage-like items on a billion-yen basis.

So the Graha Chamber of Commerce secretly took the deal to the Adele Chamber of Commerce.

The contents are to hand over all the mirrors and to hand over all the property of the Dollar (...).

At the end of the negotiations, in addition to that, the Graha Chamber of Commerce was also to be made to pay a considerable sum.

If we did not drink that condition, the Graha Chamber of Commerce had no choice but to drink that condition, as it was visible that the Graha Chamber of Commerce would suffer enough damage to crush not only the Doddle.

Doddle's confiscation of property took place promptly. This is to prevent the Doddle from hiding or letting the property escape in some way.

As a result, Doddle confiscated all his property to the Adele Chamber of Commerce until it was in his underwear.

The Graha Chamber of Commerce managed not to crumble, but it became quite indebted, making it impossible for the moment to do a terrible business.

Originally, other businessmen resented the forceful way in which they took advantage of their position.

How could it have been so fast and Doddle had gone bankrupt, that was more than the reason.

It would be nice if people who don't understand the explanation would understand only one sentence below.

”Dollar was abandoned by his family, too, and bankrupted”

Well, that's the thing.

The beggar-like clothes that we are wearing now are Rotton's conscience. Well, you just didn't want to see his ichimotsu.

"This stuff!

Doddle tried to kick the tabletop mirror, so I gently paid for it with my hands.

It's like paying for an Inari ear, such as a kick that doesn't even wrap a letter around it.

Seeing an unnecessarily flipped dollar, I...

From the bottom of my heart, something darker gushed out and gave me a dark grin.

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