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Episode 5: The Freeman and the Archbishop Again

I finished my interview with the Pope at the General Mountain of Aigasm, Mother Earth God.

It's not even in the mountains. How can this be the main mountain?

Perhaps the translation abilities I get from Melhes God are translating them for me to understand.

While returning to the inn with Cherina, Utis and Faff (the church gave me a carriage on my way home) I took out the extra holy mark and smeared it with my fingers.

"Kamiki hey... have you both heard of it?

"No, I don't."

Cerina said so, taking the same form of wood carved holy mark from her chest.

Is there a size there, but it pinches (...)?

"I'm a little..."

"Can you tell me because it's good to know?

"Yes, I don't know where, but I have heard that there is a place held by the Church, called the Sanctuary, where some of the trees that grow will grow a divine tree that dwells only slightly in the power of God"

"Shinki in the sanctuary... is it like a shrine?


"Uh, it's a churchy place in my country of birth. Culture is different, so there's quite a difference."

"I'm a little interested"

"No, forget it"

I don't want Utice. It got me interested.

"I don't know why, but since this Holy Mark was a guy named Shinki, that great looking Ramasynos attitude changed dramatically,"

"I think it probably is. Wouldn't you be able to sanctify if you were a great man?

"I see."

Well, you can't help thinking deeply around it.

When I arrived at the inn, I surprised the people around me. Never mind.

It was when I ordered a drink to rest on the first floor of the inn, even though I received a slightly strange gaze.

"Oh! You're back! Quick, but let me make a deal for that carriage!

Of course, it was Agai from the Alavant Chamber of Commerce.

Were you even ambushing him, this guy?

"Uh, was it Mr. Aguy? Sorry, but I'm willing to sell that carriage..."

"Oh, even if I know. What do you say we start with a deal other than a carriage?

At that moment, the tavern space wandered small.

Perhaps they were merchants, all paying attention to the dreamy situation of being able to take a deal from the continental Ichi Chamber of Commerce.

I do have no money in my possession, so I have a hand in doing business...

I told the Chamber of Commerce of Continental Ichi what would happen if I sold something rare, and that just doing so would make my stomach ache.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to do business in this city.

"What? Then at least just that carriage...... and of course not just the money, but the replacement carriage!

"That's not the problem. I can't sell that one. Please understand."

"Hmm. You're good at negotiating out-of-the-box hoisting. No, do you realize that's all I want in a boulder? Ha ha!


I shook my gaze at Chelina for a help ship, but she came back with a look that seemed complicated.

I was a little curious, so I whispered and talked to him so he wouldn't sound aggay.


"No, I know I can't sell that carriage, but I didn't think I wanted to ruin it until I had the opportunity to do business with the Alavant Chamber of Commerce."

"Uh. You know what? I don't know how Cherina feels about being a merchant, but think about where I stand. Definitely not a busy thing."

"Well, you're right"

Chelina has returned a bitter laugh.

I see. As a Veriero Chamber of Commerce, I guess it's an edge I want to keep connected.


"Excuse me. Even if I trade, I want a prep period. If I start doing business without thinking about it now, I'm sure I'll have a rundown."

"Sure. It's the Alavant Chamber of Commerce."

"That's why you understand."

"Because I wasn't opposed to anything else."


It was when I finished my confidential conversation with Chelina and wanted to say no to Agai again.

Once again, the tavern space squeezed more than the throat.

When I looked up, there were dozens of fine clergymen standing at the entrance to the inn.

For a moment, I wondered if my carriage escort was back, but it seemed very different from the Eigasm clergy clothes.

"Excuse me during the welcome. May I have a moment?

"Isn't this the archbishop? Long time no see."

"Oh, we're out of time, Master Agui. How are you?

"Yes, the Archbishop seems more robust."

"It seemed like a business meeting, could I have a moment of your time?

"I don't mind that..."

The old man Agay called Archbishop is turning his gaze on me.

"Excuse me. My name is Foss Ineodros and I am a Bishop of the Sun God Heoris. Can't you go wrong with Master Akira?

"Huh? Ah, oh."

I see it's sun-embroidered.

But isn't the Archbishop pretty great?

"I apologize first for the sudden visit. In fact, I have been contacted by the church in Sevites asking about Akira."

"Oh, you know what?"

"Yes, according to a letter from Sevites, Akira will come to the main mountain of the Atlantic Empire from now on. Thanks to you, I would love to invite you to our church, and I am graciously invited to visit you."

"The archbishop of Heoris immediately?

It wasn't me who whimpered and whined, it was aggay.

If you listen carefully, the wild horses were leaking something similar.

"Hey, who is that guy?

"He said that the Aravant Chamber of Commerce enthusiastically took the business, and that even more Heoristic archbishops would come to visit immediately?

"Isn't he some prince?

"And you're a people who don't see it."

"Fool, that's why I'm telling you he's a prince of some small country."

"Oh, I see"

Don't take the liberty of making people royal.

I scratch my head and try to say no, no, wait.

I thought if I gave you the Holy Mark on the spot, you wouldn't have to go all the way to Atlandia. Then you can get away from Agay.

"Uh... well, if only for a little while"

"Oh! Thank you! We have a carriage outside, so come here!

"I've got some of them."

"Of course you can all come with us!

"Then sweeten to your words. That's right, Mr. Aguy. That's why, excuse me."

"Ah, oh. It's a direct invitation from the Archbishop. Let's talk about it later."

"No, I'd like to end the story myself."

"Ha ha!

No. This guy, I don't know what to do...

Anyway, we got in the carriage to get away from Agay.

In the carriage, we introduced ourselves to each other again. We arrived at the church.

It was usually a huge church, though inferior to Aigasism, which is the main mountain on boulders.

At times like this, Runa-san! Or should I scream?

He is with the greatest archbishop on the boulder, so he was guided non-stop to the chamber of sight.

Once again, when I was thanked by Archbishop Foss, I was set to get down to business.

"I heard rumors. He said Akira was a messenger of God."

"No, I guess not."

"No. It has been decided that it is the apostle or the witch who can hear the voice of God more than ever."

What kind of witch is there?

All I can think of is red and white witch clothes.

"So I asked Akira to do me a favor, and it depends on how she called me."


I have a bad feeling about this.

"Yes, I would love for you to come with us to the Empire of Atlandia and meet with the Pope"

I knew it.

I picked my eyebrows. I shook my head to the side.

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