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Episode 12: Meet the Free Man and the Elf

Green Garden --.

That is the name of a vast forest inhabited by many elves.

It now operates as a country once and for all, with representatives by the elders in charge of politics.

"The density of the trees is rising."

"Yeah. It's more or less recognized as a green garden from around here. We have to choose the path this carriage can take."

"I'll leave that area to Lalaila. I see we can't make it without directions."

"It could be difficult for humans."

Well, you're a natural fortress in a different way.

Maybe not if you put it on fire, but you're lucky if it's going to be a massive volcanic fire, and most importantly if you do that, the elves must go mad.

"How far is it to the settlement of Lalaila?

"If there's no fallen tree or something on the road, maybe a couple of days?

"Like a fallen tree, a hug kicks me out, huh?

"Haha. So is that."

"You're too dependable, you guys"

Spawn's old man is oddly impressed.

"But is Utice glad to be here with you?

"He's done his errands, and I feel like I know what it's like to be with him."

"I thought you said it was out of the way, didn't I?

"I know."

Lalaila will take care of it.

"How far are we going today?

"By an elf settlement on the outer edge, we'll have you stay."

"How many people do you have to sleep in a car?"

The man can be outside, but if there is a handover, can I use it?

"Then let's do it"

"Yeah. It's gonna be a while."


"Hmm. Do you have a dragon?"

"It would be catastrophic if I were here."

"So is that. Wahahahahaha!

Now it's still a street built along the outside of the woods, so I never got lost.

Thus, before the sun darkened, we entered a narrow path, leading into the woods, to the settlement of purpose.

Yalarai sits on the roof of the car anyway, so he won't even be attacked by mistake.

"Elves aren't that aggressive."

"I'm sorry. That's not what I meant."

"... I wonder if that's what you would think if you were looking at your father?

"... you can't deny it"

I laugh bitterly at the two of you.

It's not that Yalalai is aggressive, but somehow, it reminds me of the battle tribe.


"Akira! Stop!


From the top of the car, Yalarai faces upside down.

I pulled over immediately.

The road is narrow and twisted, so I didn't originally give it speed though.

"What's up?

Without answering my question, Yalalai barked loudly into the dark.

"You guys! Why are you here!? I'm the Elf Warrior Yalarai!

I was in a momentary rush for a sudden fluent word, but he yelled at me in Elf.

"Yalarai? I've heard of you. You think he's a young, brilliant warrior in an elf?"

And suddenly out of the dark, it was the three armed elves who appeared all the time.

But that figure is far from Yalalai's native American costume.

It was a beautifully decorated leather armor that was likely to appear in the novel.

"Dude... you have a lot of different vibes than Yalarai"

"My father is the only one dressed in such an embarrassing way right now..."

I mean, he said it was an old outfit...

I care, but that's good now.

"Why were you lurking armed in the streets!? I don't think so, but I don't think he was doing anything wrong!

"It's the warrior Yalala! That's a misunderstanding! We were protecting the village!

"... what?

"Let's talk about the details in the village. The... strangely bright lighting carriage..., is it safe?

"Swear to the woods I'll vouch for you."

"Okay. Anyway, come on."

Looks like we've got it all together, but isn't it something different?

When I saw Chillari and Lalaila, she was flashing, too.

"Akira, their, and follow me."

"Okay... what happened?

"I don't know. That, from now on, listen."

"So is that."

Slightly speed the car about the elves walking ahead while surprised by the amount of light in the headlights.

"Lara... I'm sorry, but I need you to tell the guys behind me what's going on. I think it's okay, but I want to keep you a little alert."

"Ugh, yeah."

"I don't doubt it..."

"It's okay. I know. But I think there's a reason."

"I think so, too. However, which Michi will need vigilance. It doesn't mean you're hostile to the elves."

"That's right. I'll tell him."

Lalaila slipped out the back and began explaining through the tiny door connecting the cockpit to the living room.

Most of the small windows in the door were left open, so I think they were heard behind.

I shouted even louder into the sky.

"Chelina! Come on down!

Then a cookle of griffons, which was flying slowly over the sky, landed on the car with a bassari.

For a moment the elves were nervous, but they quickly subsided as Yalalai explained.

"That's strangely tingly."

The old man scratches. I agree.

Anyway, I'll just have to ask what's going on.

The elf settlement was a small village of 20-30, surrounded by wooden fences.

I may say that the architectural style is quite wonderful.

It was just a beautiful building in harmony with nature that even felt warm.

I guess most houses are quite a few years old, there was a style that even made history feel like it was integrated with some parts of the forest.

In contrast, wooden defenses, made of brand new wood, surround the village. It was originally in the village, outside the walls of ordinary standing plates, lined with defensive fences pointing at Marutai.

I can see at a glance that something went wrong.

Well, I have a prediction.

"Excuse me, I'm putting this settlement together, my name is Boogaga"

Say hello to the haystack braided futon, warrior of the elves.

Of the three armed elves, the two quickly returned to the lookout.

Originally, the three of us came out because we noticed a camper and a griffon.

We were led to a house in the village and greeted.

(Lalaila, is it Midal that Boogaga is speaking right now? Is that elf?

(It's Midal)

(Oops... you're fluent)

You said you were good at Yalarai and Midal. I was also wondering if Lalaila is good because she is a scholar, but this, Yalai... no. Let's not say it.

"Boogaga, what happened?

"Recently in the outer periphery of the forest, unidentified creatures have been witnessed. We haven't seen it in our settlements yet, but in fact, two settlements have already perished"

"What, you say?

"It's... somehow"

If you think a settlement is about the size of this place, it's a hell of a lot of damage, right?

"Enemy, what?

"I'm sorry. I don't know. There's just a little strange rumor spreading, there's a human being saying he saw the dragon."


"A human dwelling would be outermost than an elf's living quarters, wouldn't it? It looks like some of the human settlements have been similarly damaged."

"Where, where?

"Even in the Green Garden, on the outer edge, on the Midal Mountains. Human settlements are also heavily damaged on that side."

"Here, a little, away"

"Oh. So the majority of the settler warriors headed to the settlements on the Midal Mountains side for backup"

"What else do you know?

"According to the elves who examined the doomed settlements, it was a footprint of an unknown creature. I'm talking about the size of it. The Midal Mountains and remote settlements are fencing and defending like ours"

"Details. Appreciate, do"

I see the elves are tingling.


"I know. You want to help me, don't you? I don't know if I can help, but let me help."

This is your chance to repay your debt to the benefactor of life.

It is unclear how powerful it can be.

"Appreciate, do"

But let me give you an opinion.


"First, stop by my wife's place"


"The elf warriors are moving, aren't they? I don't think we'll be able to do anything about it any time soon."

"Hmm. Yalarai has somewhere to stop by. I'm fine. Your reinforcements are appreciated, but our elf warrior. Even if we don't have reinforcements, we can fix it."

"... ok. Leave it to Akira."

"It's settled."

"Hmm. I don't care about elves, because I care about mysterious creatures. I'll help you."


"Wahahahaha! And of course, let me help you!

"Thank you"

That's how we decided to work with the elves.

In the meantime, you're joining Lalaila's mother.

"We'll stay in our settlement tonight, but we'll be fine."

"Appreciate, do"

The grass bed I had prepared was comfortable to sleep in when I did.

Remove the Sacred Mark (symbol) from your pocket and wrap it with your finger.

"Not at all. You're a god of trouble, not business."

Were you tired, I fell asleep that day in no time.

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