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Episode 31: The Free Man and the Soul of the Pink Black

Sweat flows down from all over my body.

I didn't mean to be a warrior, but my red flags were screaming.

That golden woman sucks.

I'm not talking about signs of death or that level. As an organism, I felt more terrified than when I confronted a dinosaur.

There's no doubt about that, living outside the boundaries of an organism called man.

"Ah, Dear Akira..."

Looking back in haste, Cherina was also leaning against the wall and into.

"Are you all right?

"Yes. More than that, what happened?

"I don't know. But if you believe Sally, there must be a place called Atlandia involved."

"Is there Mahui Imperial Atlandia?

"Was it the largest nation in the world?

"Yeah, I hear it's a real rigid temperament, with the Sun god Heorism as the national religion"

"Religious state..."

The name has come up many times, and because it is the home of Heoris God, it is also the place where I plan to go.

"Um, Master Akira. Earlier... it was about a girl named Sally."


Well, if you suddenly say you're going to adopt him or something, you can't help but think he's out of his mind.

"Let me help you"

"... Huh?

Turning to his face in surprise, he had a gentle grin.

"We know that Akira has such unspeakable emotions with her parents... Didn't you feel the same thing for that girl?

"Oh, oh."

"Hehe. He has the look of a pigeon eating a bean cannon."

"Yes, no. Be honest with me."

"Because I understand the kindness of Akira."

I've never been nice to myself.

"Anyway, I'm going to look outside. He said he would withdraw, but Yalarai and Hugs may still be fighting. I'm also worried about Lalaila. Before that."

I was fainting. I laid Lulu in bed.

"You're not hurt... are you?

"You'll probably be fine"


"I'm coming, too."

"I can't..."

"In the first place, the elves here are just a little exaggerated, and they can exercise normally."

"Right. Okay. Just don't ever push it, okay?


Chelina strokes her own stomach with a heck of a laugh.

Something, like this, don't get your face hot, dude.

"Akira, now..."

"Have you seen Lalaila?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. When I saw him, I couldn't move..."

"Fortunately, there is no damage. He said he was retreating."


Lalaila is heartbroken. I know how you feel. Honestly, I'm sorry to fight him.

"What about Utice?

"I'm treating the injured... oh, there"

You noticed the battle was over, an elf and Utice bandaged from a nearby building, peeking into his face.

"Mr. Akira!

"I'm glad you're safe"

"Yes, I was helped by the elves"

"No, no, it's this way that you helped me turn to treatment. No one's probably dead because of you."

Apparently, Utice was going around doing first aid. Are needles good at sewing scratches?

"Let's not leave any enemies around here. I'll see how Yalarai, Hugs, and Googlow are doing. I'm worried about Spawn's old man and Zatherzan."

"Okay. And, Mr. Chelina! You're safe! Good!"

When the elf warrior shouted joyfully, the other elves that were entering the perimeter also laughed.

"Thanks to everyone for saving me. Thank you."

"What. Protecting women and children is the role of warriors. I'm proud to have failed to protect you."

"Oh. You're really an elf warrior."

They looked proudly chested.

I carried Lalaila and headed to the place where Yalai was holding back.

It's about him, he won't lose, but the struggle will be imperative. That pale spear bastard, I hope you retreat.

"I'll be there, too."


"If anyone else is injured, I can help."

"Right. Maybe he was hurt with Spawn's old man, so let's go with him."


As the four of us went a little further, the sound of the sword strike echoed.

"Still fighting!?

When I rushed out on the spot, something unexpected was happening.

"Kim Pi Woman!? And Sally!"


Yalarai and Raydock confronted each other, and a gold pimp woman and Sally stood a little further away.

Probably just got here.

It makes me angry when I think I was walking in the enemy line, but it means I have as much strength as I can.

"What are you playing, Ethereal Spear"

"Shit. Is that Baba from Fardarn? Why did you come back?


"Huh!? You gotta be kidding me!? We're going to have fun!

"The doll has been wiped out. It's a drawer."

"Whoa... the elves are gonna do it"

Oh, shit!

We're just ignoring each other!

When Yalalai saw the golden pimp woman known as Fardarn as Chilali, he opened his eyes.

His nervousness is coming this way.

"At least let me kill this guy!

"... then hurry up"

"" "Become!?

Who screamed?

A golden pika woman stood beside Yalarai in an instant.



When I played the fast poke of a black needle lightly with the golden sword in my hand, I held one giant sword in each of its arms.

Beat the Great Sword from both sides with a flowing behavior.

Yalarai defends against it.


"... Huh?

"And... father!?

"Mr. Yalarai!

Yalarai's, belly to belly, throwing spears, was growing.

There is bright red blood running down my throat.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock."

"Let's go."



Fardarn walks away without any emotion. Raydock that goes on later looking boring.

And once I look back here, Sally follows you both to make up your mind.

Collapse, Yalarai.


Run all the way to Yalarai.

I can't stop bleeding. There's no stopping.

"Hey! Akira! What's going on over here...... WOW!!!

You wiped out all the wooden dolls, the Hugs ran over here and noticed miserably.

"but fu... damn...!

"Stop talking, Yalarai! Treat me... Utice Treat me!

"Oh no... now..."

Whoever saw it was fatally wounded. But I yelled.

"Will Yalarai die easily! Hurry up!"


Utice sits down next to Yalarai, but he sees a spear falling out of his back into his belly, and all he could do was wolf.

"Akira... this is..."

A hug creates a wrinkle in his face.

"Dad! Dad!

"Oh no... Dear Yalarai..."


Something black springs up from the core of my body.

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

It's a feeling I know.

This feeling of emotion dyeing black.

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

With the dragon spear in my hand, I got up.

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"Divine character has risen"

"We've got a new, dominant area."

"Hey...... you guys"

Gaze at Raydock and Fardarn.

Raydock and Sally looked back.

"I'll kill you both..."

I could play black emotions.

"Kukukuku...... Kuhahahaha! He's here! He's here at last! I've been waiting for this moment!

Suddenly, laughter from the side.

It's a mysterious beautiful girl faff with two small horns on her forehead...... it was Farna Mars.

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