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Lesson 10: Reporting to the Most Powerful Merchants and Witches

"So I'm going to boil down with the Lakerell mission."

Minister for Reconstruction Brow Sauer, who was able to tunnel into the Veriero Chamber of Commerce, sighed with a tired look.

Brow Sauer tried to assassinate me once, near the former king, but after the revolution he was bought that kind of Greek ability to spend his busy days as Minister of Reconstruction.

"Nevertheless, I didn't know that the year by year would decide to negotiate a shift room in just a few months...... no. Thank you."

"You don't sound very grateful."

"I've got too much to do, I'm just tired"


When I bought ten nutritional drinks together, I handed them to Brau.

"Oh, I appreciate this. It works very well."

"Don't overdo it."

"That's what you can't do."

Moving into a separate room with the mission with a bitter smile, I dropped off Brow's back, this one with a bitter smile.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stick my neck in the boulder for a conversation between nations. I left it to you, Brow.

Soon afterwards, Chelina's parents came into the room.

I had to wait a little while.

"Long time no see, Mr. Chelina. Dear Akira."

"Better than both of you looking good."

"Father, Mother"

"Long time no see, both of you."

"Well, the fact that you're back with me, did you finally think you'd get me a cellina?

Cerina's father, Cargo Veriero, joked about her face unexpectedly.

Noticing the change in atmosphere, Cargo now turned to his wife's witch...... friena veriero.

"Totally. You're a blunt one. If you look at the relationship, you'll see."

"Behold! Oh my God!?

"So, does your lovely Elf have a new family?

"What the heck!?

Contrary to Fliena, who calms down and checks the situation, it was Cargo and Palos, who rarely panicked.

...... hmm?

Brother Paros, how long have you been here?!?

"We've been together since the beginning. And I was surprised."

Shh, I'm sorry, you two look too strong, I totally didn't realize.

Apparently, the three of them were coming together. Yeah. Stealth brother.

"Ma, witch..."

Lalaila subtly blued her face and stuck to me, predicting the situation one after the other, even though this one didn't explain anything.

"I'm fine. I won't be eaten."


"Mr. Fryena. Stop joking like that there. Because I'm scared."

"I'm just kidding. So, are those two daughters-in-law too?

Ahead of Fryena doing her gaze was the faff of the brown loridragon and the utility who probably changed class to the cleric of the god of commerce.

"Kukuku, you're right."


"There is no annihilation! I'm just a traveling gift, and I'm just following you by saying I can't!

"I see... I understand that."

"I'm not asking you what you understand."


Really, these are the top versions of Chelina! Not at all!

"Ah, Mr. Akira. Will Mr. Chelina be like your mother when she grows up, too?


It's like I want you to be, I don't want you to be...

They asked me something very difficult.

"Nevertheless, I didn't know I'd already congratulated you... I didn't notice the boulder"

"Uh, you know what I mean"

"The clothes Mr. Chelina is wearing are good things from the elves. It's hard to notice the change in the belly line, but I'm still a mother."

No, it's not about the mother. You must have noticed because it was definitely you.

"So, of course, you can take responsibility, right?

"That's it, I have one favor to ask you."

When I sat my daughter-in-law on the left and right, I was seated in the front seat with Cargo, Fliena and Paros.

Yalarai and Luluil are standing right behind our couch.

"First of all, it's a report. I took your two daughters, Chelina, as my wife. You'll have a lot to say, but I'm glad you admit it."

Pecory and I lowered my head honestly.

"Heh! I thought we were close, but I didn't think Chelina was getting married! I'm surprised!

"... Mr. Paros. Didn't you notice how Cherina felt?"

"Huh? Is that a story from when I was in this country?

"Isn't that obvious"

"Yeah, yeah! I didn't even notice!

"Ha... you can't deal with this many great properties."

Witch Fryena giving a look like she's unusual and tired.

Apparently Paros' daughter-in-law problem is difficult to ask.

"Hmm, right. Mm-hmm. Well, you would, wouldn't you, sweet Chelina..."

His father's cargo is cargo, kind of a schizophrenic. What's up with the majesty when you travel to Tessa? Hey.

"Ignore this broken merchant ship, what is a favor?

Wow, like treating Dana like a broken merchant ship. No, that's not where you care right now.

"Yes, actually, I would like to name Akira Veliero"

I already have a name!

"No? That's when you come to adopt us!?

"Oops! Yes, sir. If possible…"

"Great! I approve of marrying Chelina! From today on, Akira, you are my son!

"Oh... no, thank you, sir?

I can't go about the abrupt changes in Cargo.

"Heh heh heh. That's it. I thought they were taking Chelina. By son-in-law, you mean you're ready to inherit Veriero?

"I know it depends on Mr. Paros--"

"Of course! I'll admit it! Hey, you've got a great brother!... No, given my age, maybe I should read it with my brother!

"Are you sure?

"There's only one condition, though. If you can't get me to drink this, I'll make you disagree with marriage."

I say it out loud, but I feel a real aura somewhere.

"Hey, what is it?

"Get me on the boat!

"Isn't it the same as before"

Chelina was frightened.

"Yes! To the ship unchanged! Uh, if I could, I'd be glad to have some more budget turns and some new shipbuilding or something."

"Ha... ok. I'll try."

"It's settled! Then get ready for the ceremony!

Paros' brother, who is rarely excited.

"Oh, that's it, actually, in the Elf Country, let me give you a big ceremony already"

"Oh, my God! Well, you mean with your elf."

"Are you about to introduce yourself to each other for the first time?

"You did. First of all, adorable, can I say hello from my new daughter's name?

"Yes! I am Lalaila! My name is Larailla Veliero!

Thus, Yalalai, Luluila and I greeted each other, and that night was a banquet that was both a revelation.

He had a hard elbow beating by Mile Bakhar, fishery guild chief for the colour black fine macho handsome invited to the feast.

Oh, you were in love with Chelina. I thought you looked great before, but I'm not giving it to you anymore.

Other invitations were also extended to Count Lettere and others, and the impolite noise lasted until morning.

On the way, Bakhar brought me booze to crush me, but Bakhar crumbled better on the contrary.

Oh, my God, you're vulnerable to seaman's ass.

"Oh... you're... unusual... shit"

"Well, it's stupid to compete with people who reveal themselves."

"All right, Hug, you want a drink?"


"Ha. They often say I drink more than I look, but is Brother Akira really human?

"Come on? You're not very confident around there."

"Your brother was a woman, wasn't he? I knew it."


"Mr. Chelina......"

"Then I wonder if I could be as good as your concubine, too? Here."


I think I heard something bad in the corner of the room, but I decided not to think deeply about it.

Thus the first day of the wilderness passed.

God, I'm happy to be here in this world.

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