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Episode 12: The Most Powerful Merchant and Wilderness Cook

Dinner was supposed to let me cook without weighing myself down to relieve stress.

To hide the power of SHOP until now, I have endured a lot of things, but the fact that SHOP has become almost unlimited and that more people can share secrets has made me want to try it funny.

Joining us are Papa Mommy Combinations in Cargo, Fliena, Luluil and Yalarai. Chef Hugo. And then, the usual members. Faff also came back to see if he was caught by the smell.

This time I asked Agui not to.

Once upon a time, Narnia gained a delicious position as a maid with cellina, serving and tasting.

You're a little girl, aren't you?

Because of the large number of products, it was made into a standing buffet format.

The cook, led by Hugo, and the maids rush to prepare the dishes from next to next.

During the Japanese era, at my boss's home party, a mysterious event was held every once in a while where even dishes were cooked. Thanks to this, I was good at making tons of dishes quickly. Among the events that my boss would be forced to accompany me, it was not an event that I rarely disliked in terms of being able to bring home food.

The party didn't cost me any money, so it was a helpful event for me.

Speaking of which, before I was flown into this world, it seemed like this party was held a lot?

No, I don't care.

Anyway, show off the culinary skills you've gained in vain and line up the dishes that don't thread on your budget with this or not.

Let them cook the whole thing, and Hugo will get excited and imitate it.

Fortunately, the ingredients are piled up, so I thought you'd fail at any rate, but he's the exclusive head chef of the boulder Veriero. I was swallowing the way it was made in no time.

Is there a difference in taste around here?

- Kobe beef steak with foie gras.

Everyone admired it, the ultimate dish.

Even though there were as many replacements, the beating was about to begin to take place with momentum.

I especially like the faff and eat it.

I knew you loved meat when it came to dragons.

-Sugar sushi with mackerel.

Very popular with people used to fish.

I'm glad you like it because I personally think it tastes better than tuna trout.

Sushi other than mackerel was also placed side by side.

It feels good to watch that even humans who are repellent when it comes to eating fish raw are gradually captivated by its flavor.

- Flying beef curry.

From the looks of it, many people distant at first, but when one of them screams delicious, everyone tastes it.

Was it a good idea to be a sweet loo to leave the flavor of a solid meat of flying beef, which was also very popular.

Especially, I liked Narnia and she ate it all up until her belly was ripped off.

Speaking of which, the soup curry that I tried and made during the Pilates was also getting messed up.

-Nodgro sashimi, baked goods.

For some reason it was popular with elves, starting with Laraya.

Nodoglo looks like a glowy fish, but its flavour is first-class. If you eat it, you'll see. You're the guy who tastes it.

-Fugu prick, fugu tang, and techi pot.

SHOP sold the product excluding the toxic part, so I tried using it.

Deep-fried is justice.

- Tarabagani sashimi, shabu-shabu, crab roasted, boiled crab.

The crab seems to fry sometimes, and I didn't take it that far by the Tessa formation, but it was well received by those who had never eaten it.

What made me laugh was that when I twitched back at the crab, everyone was silently focused and quiet.

It's common in every world, isn't it?

Only the faff was eating every shell.

- Spaghetti with plenty of onions.

I don't know where anyone first thought about it, but the guy who combined the spa and the onions is a genius!

It was my favorite, so I tried to make it, but if Chelina's brother did it, he'd fit in and eat it all up.

Ah. You had a brother... Still stealth.

- Iberico pork shabu-shabu.

Knock it off.

I used to make sea bream shabu-shabu to spread the delicacy of fish, but it is the original meat shabu-shabu revenge!

The cow has already been incorporated into the menu, so I made it out of pigs.

I just prefer pork shabu-shabu to beef shabu-shabu.

I got this for everyone, too, so I'll behave to Agui and the elves later. Make the ingredients local.

-Elf's finest wine.

Chelina's father, Cargo, was in tears.

To the merchant, the finest wines of the elves seem to be admirable.

drunk and said, "Come on! Come on, show me your grandson's face. Yeah!" And was cheering on Chelina's stomach what could be described as a smiling landscape?

· Japanese, luxury whiskey.

Yeah. I knew it, but Hugs and Faff are consuming it like assholes.

I can afford a budget but I drink too much of anything!

When I restricted them from the way in, they both had a look of despair. I don't know!

- Chocolate cake after meals.

The finest cocoa from the elves and the cake created with full SHOP received tremendous support for the women.

As a matter of fact, I've made cakes in the Pilates, but what I made this time is far more delicious than that.

Well, you'll be happy.

So much so that the maids who were carrying the dishes have begged me to let them taste it all then.

You remember getting a tasting before. Even then, it was a terrible disaster.

The cook and the maids' share, they make it properly extra, so don't come at me with those bloody eyes!

I did a ton of other dishes side by side, but they were generally well received.

Still, we all ate.

"Brother...... I knew I liked it"

"Yes, sir. I'm not the one who likes you, I cook, right?

"Mr. Narnia. How to call it"

"Ah! I'm sorry! Dear Chelina! Excuse me. Dear Akira."

"Hmm. Dear Akira..."

"Get used to it"

Is it better than Narnia calling me a young husband or something?

If you are a maid of honor apprentice with Chelina, what can you do?

"Chelina, I'm welcome, is Narnia the only one who's good with special treatment?

"Mr. Narnia is a holiday treat, and she's adored like her sister by other maids, so no problem."

"That's fine."

Instantly understand what I'm trying to say, Chelina.

If you haven't been bullied, that's fine.

Even with the holiday treatment, I guess there were considerations around it that made me do so much work.

After the standing party, Cargo discusses it with your father-in-law.

"I've already explained what I'm going to do in Atlandia, but are you sure you want to do it?

"Oh, I don't mind"

"If you fail, you're likely to give up doing business in the world's largest nation,"

"Originally, it was too far away to reach it."

"The shift room is complete. It'll be practically a neighborhood."

"I know. But not only my emotions as a parent, but my soul as a merchant, Akira, wants to support you."

"Pretty much, you're planning on being impotent, aren't you?

"Oh. Do whatever you want."

"Thank you"

"The first time I heard you, I was surprised."

"That would be it"

"Whatever, I can't believe you're not part of a commercial guild when you build a branch in Atlandia."

"You're deviating from common sense, aren't you?"

"Oh.... but fascinating. Break it. Common sense."

That's right.

I was planning to create a Veriero Chamber of Commerce in Atlandia, but at that time I had decided not to join the commercial guild.

We did a thorough research with Agai and his men familiar with Atlantic law, Cherina and Lalaila, but when we did business, we were not obliged to join a commercial guild.

Of course, there are a lot of disadvantages, but the area is pretty much solved.

Benefits gained from entering a commercial guild include connections with other chambers of commerce and the use of raw materials and distribution. Exchange, borrowing money, not being attacked by dark organizations, etc.

Conversely, if we do business without joining the Alliance, all these matters work the other way around. Commercial guilds will come crushing at all costs.

But I'm going to let you use it even.

Crush everything you don't care about.

Yes, to our hearts, this is how we left Tessa, the free city state.

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