Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1010: Such a large Jindan

"Do you know the real name of our planet?" Zhang Guangyou said in the old god.


"No, call the holy Wuxing ball."

"What is the holy Wushu ball?"

Zhang Guangyou sighed and replied with a light cough: "It is a planet that is more powerful in the cultivation of immortals."

My heart is also pondering. On that day, I heard that Yue Wuwei and Zhang Han spoke, one bit of a holy Wuxing, but did not say that it is a holy Wuxing?

"The specific does not need to ask, know the name on the line, in addition to the holy Wuxing ball, here is also known as the Tianliu Dojo."

"What is the meaning of the Tianliu Dojo?" Jiang Lanlan was also the first to hear about this, and some doubts.

As a senior official of the National Security Bureau, she knows that the news is relatively more, but this secret is still unheard of.

"It is the place of enlightenment of a big man, the place where he once lived. He has now left. This day, the trajectory field is in the possession of the Lord. All have the opportunity to compete for the identity of the Lord of the Sky. This requires a trial. It is Lost trials on the mainland."

"Do you know where the lost continent is?"

Zhang Guangyou said with a smile: "In the Xiuxian world, it is very close to our planet. It is very difficult to go there. The qualification for admission is in the late Jindan. For nearly a hundred years, the qualifications are relatively good. There are many. Did not reach the late Jindan, just like you are a few younger ages, so there may be high-end relics recently, or where there is a heavy treasure, that is, Xiaohan and you said, you can go out and find your own chance The winners, in a short time, will be promoted to the late Jin Dan."


"This is real?"

"You are not kidding?"


Including Dong Chen, Mu Zhangmen and others, all looked at Zhang Guangyou with amazement.

Didn't drink too much?

"It's true." Zhang Mu said: "There is a need to look at luck, telling you, is to let you have a mental preparation, do not have to look at these things too much, even if there is no resource, Xiaohan can also Take us to somewhere else."


Dong Chen nodded: "It turned out to be the case. So what we heard is the news of our whole world? The secular is the Tianliu Daochang, the holy Wuxing, or the whole is?"

"Including ancient mines, kingdoms, Kunlun wonderland, secular, ruins, endless seas, North Minghai, etc., all of which can be called holy martial arts, this is the name of the character, the heavenly lord is the power The name after the refining of the holy Wuxing, can be called anything." Zhang Mu replied.

“Refining the Saint Wuxing? What kind of strength does it need?” Liu’s instructor screamed: “Refining the entire planet? My God.”

"It's very strong and strong. How about it, wait until you grow up and talk about it. It's useless now, and we don't know."

In an instant, the atmosphere on the court was a bit weird, and everyone was silent.

After more than two hours, a group of people entered the Kunlun fairyland and found a place with a pleasant scenery. Everyone took out the frosty spar and matched the Yuandan and added some treasures.

"Many of you have eight inches of Dantian, and some even nearly nine inches. This breakthrough must be well understood. There will be some epiphanies in the moment of breakthrough. For the secret tricks, it may become a starting point for magical powers."

Zhang Mu will tell Jin Dan's experience and immediately guard the way for these people. They sit cross-legged and break through Jin Dan.

Just as they retreat, they are hundreds of miles away from the forest.

There is a sect door in it, named Silver Star.

The size of Zongmen is not large. In the eastern domain, it belongs to the second-class Zongmen, and the popularity of Yinxingzong’s head Yinshan is not weaker than Li Qingfeng and Gaochuan. It is in the peak of Jindan for several decades, and the disciples of the Zongmen are nearly a thousand. In the middle or above of Jindan, the three elders are also the peak of Jindan, and they are relatives of Yinshan.

At this time, the Silver Star is the most central palace square.

Whether it is Yinshan or the other three elders and some of the top executives of the silver star, about 50 people are all there.

In front of Yin Shan, there are more than 70 people standing. The leader is Shi Feng, and the people behind him are also some disciples of Fengxue Hall.

Today, there are more than 10,000 people in the Snow Temple. The number of surviving elders or high-ranking people has thought about whether they will bring them together and re-create a sect.

However, they did not dare. If they did, they would provoke Zhang Hanyang’s dissatisfaction. He would kill him again with the Moon Emperor. Who can stop it?

Thinking about it, it’s still important, and the power is moving, and it has to be spent.

So more than 10,000 people have traveled to various sects. What is more interesting is that there are a few first-line sects, and people don’t want to be troubled.

Many disciples in the Fengxue Temple are cool in their hearts.

If you don't join the Zongmen, you can also scatter it. It's just how those resources should be exchanged. The East is not without meditation. It's not just there. There are also a lot of them. But the disciples of these Fengxue Hall enjoy the kind of sect. Convenient, scattered, if you get the treasure, you have to go to the market to exchange, all kinds of intrigue, play tricks, etc., think about the scalp numb.

Many people ran to the second-rate Zongmen to try, and finally someone was willing to accept it, and one was still more than 500 people.

The other Zongmen are watching. After seeing the lower boundary of Zhang Hanyang, the other side of the valley does not ask the world, and concentrates on establishing the Zongmen in the former Fengxue Hall.

Suddenly found.

Oh, these are small things.

There are successively ancestral gates, and there is also this scene in front of the Silver Star.

"Xiao Peng Wang Shifeng waiting, long-awaited name!"

Yin Shan squinted slightly, looking up and down at Shi Feng.

"Yin's head has won the prize." Shi Feng arched his hand.

Now Shi Feng is also waiting for the late Jin Dan, has his own arrogance and arrogance, even if it is Yin Shan, he will not bow down.

It belongs to the idea that there is no place to stay in this place.

However, Yin Shan is still welcome to Shi Feng, a qualified disciple.

"Since you choose my silver star sect, there will be your position here, but everything must start from the beginning, you can go to the light door, you can also go to other places to perform tasks or practice, Shi Feng waits for the time being, wait for the breakthrough of Jindan later Can enter the court."

"Thank you for your head."

Shi Feng waited for an arch.

"Song Tangzhu, send them to rest, arrange accommodation."


Song Tang is the owner of the law enforcement hall. In the late Jin Dao, he was about fifty years old. He was strong and his attitude was moderate. He nodded and took Shi Feng’s side from the side door to the west of Zongmen. .

"Come, come to the West Chamber to arrange accommodation, tell the next sect, Shi Feng waiting, you come with me, you live in Xilongyuan, where is the location of our warfare, although you are not yet, but I feel that it should not be far from the later stage?"

Song Tang said with a smile.

"It will take a long time to break through." Shi Feng nodded.

"When you enter the post, you can do a lot of things at an unbeatable speed, and you can earn resources quickly. It will form a virtuous circle. Maybe in the near future, you will surpass me. Silver Star is still a disciple. Yes, at least you have contributed, Zongmen will not treat you badly, just remember one thing, don't break the password of the head..."

Song Tang’s master seemed to have something to say, but when he said it stopped, he gave a meaningful look.

Don't go against the command of the head?

Shi Feng waited slightly, and that should be said, Yinshan that person is a little careful, small belly chicken intestines? What kind of report must you report?

"Remember, thank you Song Tang."

In any case, it was a good intention to remind people that Shi Feng had arched his hand.


The two were walking on the stone road, and suddenly they heard a crisp sound on the right side, accompanied by two calls.

After Song Tang’s main hearing, his face was slightly stiff.


Speed ​​up the pace, when passing a five-meter-high wall, I saw, in the 100 meters on the right side, a red-haired boy who looks fifteen or six years old, holding a fifth-order Lingbao long stick in his hand. A disciple who was half lying on the ground, was half-dead, and still groaned in his mouth:

"Waste, kill you! Let you break my smashing ball."

"Less master, the ball is broken when it hits the demon dream stone, not me, don't fight."

"That's what you got! Dare to be hard!"


Shi Feng waited to see the eyes of the Lord.

Why is that kid like a bully?

After walking away, Shi Feng asked his mouth:

"That child is also the master of the master, how can the disciple not defend?"

"The defense is even worse." Song Tang snorted. "You didn't see the two people standing behind? They are the left eagle and the right eagle. They became the peak of Jindan three years ago. They are only responsible for it. Yin Hao’s safety and travel, Yin Hao is the only son of the head. He has been spoiled since he was a child. He has nothing to do with the Zongmen. He does not know how to develop such a character. Last year, he was a little bit sloppy. Things, to kill three sectarian disciples, those three are also hard bones, looking for opportunities to shoot Yin Hao, but was killed by the left eagle."

"Is this not a bear child?"

Shi Feng waited for a brow.

It seems that they are all out of the category of bear children. Is it silly or too arrogant? He feels a little bit touched.

"bad boy?"

Song Tang mastered the embarrassment, then shook his head: "In Zongmen, in addition to the command to listen to the head, it is this Yin Hao, in addition to Yinshan's parents, the kid is almost afraid of anything, how much is the early gates In the years, the general disciples saw him walking around, even in the past two years... and then you will pay attention to it later."

The words did not go on, but looking at his expression, Shi Feng sneered:

"Oh, is that kid who specializes in harming Zongmen female disciples?"

Song Tang’s main eyelids trembled, and he looked around his eyes and waved a soundproof cover to exhale a long breath:

"How do you see it? Those things should not be passed out."

"I have read a few Chinese medicine books in the world, I hope to hear and cut, I look at the face and movement of the kid, a bit imaginary." Shi Feng waited faintly.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have this means." Song Tang sighed and felt a bit strange.

When you get to the gods, you will have the knowledge of the spirit, you can check the situation. Just after Shi Feng did not use the spirit, I can see it in a few eyes. It shows that there are many people who know how to learn.

"Yin Hao is sixteen years old. Last year, he took a look at an 18-year-old female disciple from Xifengyuan. The face was light and thin. The woman escaped to find the owner of the law enforcement hall. Things went to the head, no. On the third day, when the female disciple went out to do the task, she disappeared. Later, when I listened to the left eagle and the right eagle, I said a few words, they brought it back. Closed in the backyard of the main hall, the head must know this, but a few female disciples, he does not care, even think that Yin Hao's bed partner is a great honor, in the past two years, the missing female disciples also have six or seven ""

Speaking of this, Song Tangzhu once again paused.


Shi Feng is half sneer, no words.

The Song Tang Lord no longer said anything, silently came to a different hospital:

"You live here, take a day off, and tomorrow I will bring you to familiarize yourself with Zongmen."

"Thank you for the Song Tangzhu." Shi Feng waited for the arch.


Song Tangzhu smiled and turned and left.

Going back to his place of residence, the eyes of Song Tang’s lord became cloudy and uncertain. After ten minutes, he sighed:

"I don't know if I can borrow his hand and kill the little beast."

Just seeing the first side, Song Tang masters plan to kill people by knife.

It’s just that the knife is not sharp enough, and it won’t be over, so I don’t know.

At the very least, Shi Feng’s attitude is also relatively light, and he can’t see through.

Similarly, Shi Feng did not understand him, is it really good or what, but do not care, he is mainly to practice.

"Wind Snow Pavilion, Wind and Snow Temple... twice."

Shi Feng was sitting in the courtyard, and his face was a little emotional: "Is there no way to provoke Zhang Hanyang?"

Even the high-pitched wind and snow temples were destroyed. This is also a blow to Shi Feng, and he has been practicing for so long. The result has not yet reached the end. When Zhang Hanyang entered Kunlun, he and Feng Fenggang, but his wife waved and suppressed. Yuan Ying ancestors, horrible.

Why is it so simple for some people to practice?

Five days later.


On the 5th day of the retreat, Mu Xue opened his eyes, some kind of lingering green awning, the right hand appeared the magic dance sword, a sword shot, and suddenly there was a pale black mist around, which turned into a sword, followed by Mu Xue’s mind. Surging back and forth, disappearing here, suddenly appeared on the left side of the 100 meters, and fleeting.

"Awesome moves, not bad."

Zhang Mu’s eyes lit up and he clap his hands.

"Alright, Grandpa Zhang, the famous teacher is a good teacher, it is good for the teacher to respect." Mu Xue said with a smile.

At this time, the breath of the body is already golden.


Liu instructor spit out a sigh of gas, his right hand licking a sixth-order wolf hammer, and grinning at the hills five hundred meters away: "Eat a hammer!"

Waving forward, in an instant, a 50-meter-high hammer appeared.


The top of the mountain peak is twenty meters flat, and the power is visible.

"Ha ha ha, comfortable, I am also a gold Dan strong!"

Liu instructor is in a good mood.

In the next two hours, Zhao Feng, Dong Chen and others ended their retreat, and their body was strong.

All members broke through.

"Very good, you are here to consolidate and cultivate, you can learn from each other. After two days, we will go back. When you understand the secret technique, I will take you to the light door. It is time to see the world of the bones."

Zhang Mu leaked a touch of laughter.

"Bone Devil World? What is it like?" Mu Xue asked.

"It is a... cold-blooded, cruel world." Zhang Mu replied.

This can't help but make them feel shocked.

Mu Xue’s eyes drifted to Jiang Lanlan:

"Come on, let's talk about the two female disciples of the two divisions?"

"Afraid of you?" Jiang Yan blue snorted, and the two men formed a shape and faced the war.

"Zhao Feng, it is time for you to look at the true strength of the instructor." Liu instructor squatting with a hammer hammer and running toward Zhao Feng.

"Mu Ge, I am also time to discuss with you."

Dong Chen’s body is somewhat sinister, his face and his eyes are as light as water, his hands are carrying, like a king, looking at his own people’s speeches, he step by step approaching Zhang Mu, and he has not had time to show his secret skills.

Hey, hehe...

"Who is it with?" Zhang Mu took back his fist.

Dong Chen flew hundreds of meters before he stopped his body shape, dissatisfied with mutter:

"Is it really a little bit of face? Can't beat you, I will call your son."

Directly rushed to Zhang Guangyou.

It turned out that Zhang Guangyou, who used to hang on before, was so fierce today that it was difficult to distinguish himself.

Looking at the scene of the melee, Zhang Mu carefully observed, and found that the strength of this group of people has surpassed the disciples of the early Jindan Zongmenli Jindan, and many mid-term leaders do not give up.

what is the reason?

Zhang Mu frowned, some puzzled.

I thought that when I broke through the early stage of Jindan, it was also step by step. It was very rough. These people had almost no rivals in the early stage of Jindan.

"Stop first." Zhang Mu waved his hand: "Guangyou, come over."

"What's wrong? It's cool." Zhang Guangyou wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"How big is your Golden Dan?" Zhang Mu asked.

"Is it still a plan?"

Zhang Guangyou waved the plan: "It's so big."


Zhang Mu suddenly coughed up, and only two seconds later he muttered: "To tell the truth!"

"It's really big, according to the standard that Dad said, it is such a big one." Zhang Guangyou once again made a plan.

"Impossible, the last time is seven inches, you are now eight inches in size, eight inches of gold Dan? Hey? You want to be a few years old Yuan Ying baby ancestors? Floating is it?" Zhang Mu some fire Big.

"Yes, but I am really so big." Zhang Guangyou murmured.

"I want to be a small one. Can you say that my qualifications are not as good as him?" Dong Chen scratched his head and made a stroke.

Zhang Mu’s face was even more stunned.

"Mys doesn't seem to be getting smaller, but it's getting bigger." Mu Xue stretched out his palm.

Zhang Mu’s face is darker.

"I am also in this situation."

Jiang Yanlan, Zhao Feng, Liu Jiaoguan and others successively made a plan.

In the end, Zhang Mu’s face suddenly became confused, feeling a pair of hands in front of him, constantly stroking.

"what happened?"

Zhang Shu closed his eyes.

According to them, the smallest is seven inches, the biggest Mu Xue, are very close to the nine-inch Jin Dan, what joke?

"It must be wrong."

Zhang Mu seems to have been hit hard, and opened his eyes, but seeing these people are watching themselves, can not help but sink:

"Look at what I am doing? Go and learn!"

"Oh, good."

The crowds dissipated, learned from each other, and constantly experienced the strength of their own skyrocketing. This kind of Xuan’s feeling of openness is not enough for outsiders.

The day is like this.

When the night falls, Zhang Mu feels that these people feel the same, can go back in advance.

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