Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1022: arrival


Anonymous ran to Zhang Han's side and took out two jade cups: "This time I found the baby on the west coast of the ancient mine, monkey wine, I was so easily exchanged from a beastmaster, the fruit of the fruit, the best I will give you a taste."

"Monkey wine?"

Zhang Han took the cup subconsciously, took out the jug by name, and filled Zhang Han.

A faint scent of fragrance floated.

Is this still drinking?

Many people are looking at it.

Please, we are going to a trial ground where the crisis is raging. If you still drink alcohol, can you not have a little nervous atmosphere?


Zhang Guangyou swallowed his mouth subconsciously, and he was quite good at this, and the strength of alcoholism came up somewhat.

"Dad, we have to go to the place, can't drink, if you are drunk, who protects me and my mother?" Meng Meng said to Zhang Han.

In a word, the expressions of the people have changed.

Protect you, forget it, does the emperor need protection?

"Ah, that's what I said, don't drink."

Zhang Han smiled and replied.


Zhang Guangyou looked at the other side, as if coughing inadvertently.

"Dad, can you taste it?" Zhang Han was amused and asked.

"Alright." Zhang Guangyou laughed in his heart, but his expression showed a slight hesitation. He took the glass and smelled it first, then took a drink.

Oh, it’s very sweet.

Very comfortable feeling.

For Zhang Guangyou, I can't find any topic without name, but I can't talk about it myself. I talked about wine:

"Zhang Shaozhu, this monkey wine, is the best quality I have picked in the Monkey King territory. It is very rare. I heard that Zhang Shenwang has an elder position in the valley, coughing, and the valley is very good."

There is no name to laugh at, and there is a saying that you want to taste the characteristic wine of the valley.

After drinking this cup, Zhang Guangyou poured him a glass of wine in the valley.

The two men drank in this small mouth.

"Hey? Dad!"

Meng Meng’s eyes suddenly slammed and quickly grabbed Zhang Han’s arm: “You look at it, the sea is changing color!”


The sable also quickly blinked a few times: "It's silvery, oh, a little scary, like mercury, it's dense."

During the speech, Zi Yan subconsciously leaned against Zhang Han, but there was a small light bulb in the middle of it, and it could not be squeezed.

In the front and rear of the ship, many people look at the purple eyes from time to time and find that she is so a little bit cumbersome, and the feeling of protection is like a weak woman.

Hey, is the moon emperor usually so cute?

Even those who are in the Western Region, the Northern Region, and the Southern Region, the first time they saw the Emperor of the Moon are such thoughts.

what's the situation.

The rumor is not to say that the Moon Emperor is extremely powerful, just like the Queen, high above, with supreme style.

But now...

Spicy eyes!

The contrast is too strong.

How can the Queen be like this.

"This is the Yinhai area. After half an hour, we will go to the clear water stream, then we will tour the waterfall and enter the space passage to the lost continent."

Yue Wuwei was a flash, came to penetrate, his hands were carrying, and his eyes looked flat.

At this moment, on his body, there is really a feeling of celestial wind bones, just like he wants to travel all over the world, there is nothing to give him.

As everyone knows, this posture and momentum, even the demeanor, he is imitating the lord in his mouth.

"Looking at the year, Master, too, riding a small boat, the wind is moving forward."

Yue Wuwei sighed in the heart.

I don't know when I can see the lord again. Now is the ninth time. Will the Lord of Heaven be recognized?

Perhaps someone will get the inheritance of the Lord of the Sky, will ... can see the master's style again.

In this regard, Yue Wuwei is looking forward to it.

"Isn't that kid going to be the owner of the sky?"

Yue Wuwei slightly sideways, squinting at Zhang Han.

All along, in addition to Zi Yan, Zhang Han is also a person he can not understand, this kid is a little demon, know everything, but also everything is proficient, Yue Wuwei is also strange.

Like the mercury-like sea, it is very strange. It seems to be a watershed. The front side is extremely clear water. The water surface is extremely calm. If it is not the ship ripples, everyone will even think that the ship is flying in the air. It is conceivable that the water surface is clear.

The visual angle is also like in the air. There are several kilometers below, and there are swimming fish at all heights, like fish flying in the sky.

Some look big, some are small, there are groups, there are individual ones.

It is simply a wonder of the world.

"really weird."

The purple cicada looked carefully around and looked back. The silver sea area seemed to be a ninety-degree vertical cliff, and it was clear.

The scenery is beautiful, but it is even more weird.

"Dad, what is that?"

Meng Meng suddenly pointed to the right side of a few hundred meters.

"It seems to be a keel fish."

Zhang Han took a glance: "It is a slightly mutated keel fish."

"The keel fish?" Meng Meng slightly glimpsed, seems to have heard the word?

Seeing Meng Meng’s big eyes leaking out of thinking, Zi Zi suddenly laughed:

"I still remember that when you were four years old, we also brought back a keel fish. As a result, it was eaten by Dahei and Xiaohei on the same day."

"Amount? Oh, I remembered it, it was what my mother said."


The little black whispered.

What was the fish at the beginning? The taste is not bad.

When I came to the mountain, I jumped up and down and made evil in the pond. If I didn't eat it, I could spare it?

"The front is the waterfall."

After a short walk, Yue Wuwei suddenly said a sentence.

Ten seconds after the voice fell, the sound of the water flow came.

Oh la la!

The sound of running water is getting louder and louder, but in their sight, the surface of the water is still no waves. Even if the ship is rippling, it will appear tens of meters and slowly dissipate.

Gradually, the sound is getting bigger and bigger.

"We seem to be very close to the waterfall. Why didn't you see it?"

Purple is a bit strange.


Zhang Han suddenly said: "Look below."


Everyone around them looked at the bottom of the sides.

Look a little.

I saw them underneath, the endless stream of water, falling vertically downwards, the white waves emerging, the magnificent, is a spectacle.

The flight test was three thousand feet, and the suspected Galaxy fell for nine days.

However, under this patrolling waterfall, it may be more appropriate to use the ‘foot’ as ‘里’.

In this way, the boat has been moving forward, feeling very steady and slow, but in fact the speed is extremely fast. In this regard, Shi Feng has a deep understanding, he can feel vaguely, if he is fully flying, the speed is broken. Double the sound barrier, facing this boat, I am afraid that I will be left behind in an instant.

How fast is it, he is not clear, only knowing this speed, it is almost unimaginable.

Gradually, they seem to be in the void, just like Zhang Hanyang's famous move-style star map Leihai, surrounded by dark, then you can see the colorful streamer, flashing around the boat.

"Space channel."

Zhang Han touched the sprouting brain and whispered: "The space channel, implicating two worlds, is only a moment away from millions of miles."


Meng Meng slightly said: "It is the kind, is the folding space, a straight line, there are three points, folded from the middle point, the two points of the edge gather into one point, and then can arrive in an instant, is this the reason?"


Zhang Han was wrong. This question was a bit sloppy. After sinking for two seconds, he smiled and replied: "The specific principle is to jump space. The one you said may be just some theoretical knowledge."


Just saying two words, the surrounding has become dark again, but this time, but a lot of stars, even can clearly see that there are stars in the distance.

In the universe of the void?

The spirit of everyone in the room is uplifting.

"I rub, it seems not the solar system here!"

Liu instructor was shocked and looked left and right: "What is there, a dragon-shaped planet? The frozen planet seems to be very large."

"Looking back."

Yue Wuwei laughed.


Everyone turned around and looked at the back side and suddenly stopped.

In the distance, a vast area of ​​land is in front of us.

"It’s like the game I played, the continent that floats in the air.” Meng Meng said with surprise.

“Why is the entire continent covered by a blue storm?” Ziyan said strangely.

"Because the lost continent was chosen by me to be a place for trials."

Yue Wuwei stood at the bow and smiled and said: "In the lost continent, there are many strange animals, even secrets. Jin Dan is in the late stage. It is just a small existence. Don't think that you will not die. Even I think that after you go in, In less than three hours, ten people and eight people will die. But it has nothing to do with me. You are starting from me and entering the lost continent. When you enter the light gate, you will be happy, I will pass you on. One method can understand the language in the cultivation of immortals."

During the speech, Yue Wuwei reflected the dazzling light and formed a light door.

The two blacks closest to him, without saying anything, went straight in.

Then others entered it.

In a short while, the crowd only has Zhang Han.

"They went in and were completely disrupted."

Yue Wuwei said: "You will go in the same position, the land of trials, I can't shoot, and can't affect too much, but it is still possible to arrange you in one place, and enter together. People are more powerful and consume. There is a lot of energy, and it may fall in a somewhat dangerous place. Do you choose it yourself, or do you have a few waves together?"

"Let's go together." Zhang Han answered directly.

Zhang Han has his own emboldened spirit. Even if so many people will fall into danger, they can also resolve the crisis. He can't, and there is purple.

Yue Wuwei said that the trial of the lost continent, the energy comes from the holy Wuxing, the power of the purple scorpion, the rule of the sacred martial arts, and here too.

"Good." Yue Wuwei nodded: "A month later, if the inheritance of the Lord of Heaven has not been received, then I will pick you up."

"Know, Grandpa Yue, don't forget when you arrive, or we can't go back." Meng Meng waved her hand and did not forget to remind me.

"Don't worry, I have been here this month, I can't go in, but I can sense you, just use me as a satellite, peek into the air, hahaha, go."

Yue Wuwei’s attitude towards Zi Yan and Meng Meng is much better than Zhang Han.

For this matter, Zhang Han is also strange. When Yue Wuwei is okay, he always has a lot of resentment against himself.

As everyone knows, a few years ago, Yue Wuwei felt that Zhang Han had been arrogant, and he was pregnant with Zi Yan. He also gave birth to a daughter. If he said that Zi Yan is really related to the lord, the woman should not be, in case it is a daughter. What?

I didn't look good, and when I blamed it, it was also uncomfortable for him. Of course, Zhang Han would be resentful.

However, this is only superficial, and the evaluation of Zhang Han is still very powerful.


Zhang Han's family of three quickly entered, the picture flashed, the whole world has changed.


"The sky here is blue."

Ziyan took the lead in measuring the surrounding environment, standing on a high mountain, surrounded by mountains, a primitive world, the sky is blue, there is no pollution, the air is very fresh, it is the daytime, the surrounding is very bright, just There is no sun, and people feel that there is always something missing, which is strange.


Chen Changqing, Mu Xue, Zhao Feng, Zhang Mu and others quickly appeared.

It is also the first time to observe the surroundings.

"the sky is very blue."

"How come there is no sun? Ah, right, we are not in the solar system." Liu instructor patted his head: "How is it daytime? How do you distinguish between day and day, is it always daytime?"

“There are many mountains around here.”

"The majestic, like a fairyland." The singer was silent for a while, and asked: "Mu brother, I heard that when I came here, I also tried it. It was only a month to pick us up. The old man did not seem to have People say?"

"This is the privilege of my grandmother. If you are not with us, after one month, no one can get the inheritance of the Lord of Heaven, you can't live without it." Zhang Mu said slowly.

This sentence makes the smolder feel creepy.

"Not only these, the place of trials, and the high-level strength of the entire Hailongxing domain, the sea dragon star field is extremely large, this will be a dragon fight, fire brother, you are used to it alone, if you want Remember your own words."

Fire: "..."

It’s going to be awkward when you first come in.

I used to be alone, isn't that a familiar world? I didn’t open this time, Zhang Mu, Zhang Mu, how are you doing this!

What can I say, I am also desperate!

The corner of the smoldering mouth could not stop shaking.

Zhang Mu squatted and suddenly laughed: "Of course, I suggest that we should be together and wait until we are familiar with the situation. In this respect, my grandson has more experience and can listen to him."

“How much experience?” The smoldering slammed again.

This is not the first time he came out. How come there is experience?

"The sea dragon star field is indeed huge, a Kunlun fairyland, not as good as a planet, there are thousands of stars in the sea dragon star field, and there are many high-end capabilities."

Zhang Han’s explanation was very clear. His eyes were deep and he looked around in all directions and sighed:

"Tell everyone a good news and bad news."

"Listen to bad news first," said Meng Meng.

"The bad news is that we should be in the depths of a huge mountain range now, and there is silence around us. It is very likely that there will be strange animals, and it is not one." Zhang Han replied.

"What is the level of the alien beast?" Zhang Mu asked.

"Can be called a strange animal, at least the initial level of Yuan Ying, but it should not be too abnormal." Zhang Han replied.

"What's the good news?" Meng Meng pulled Zhang Zhang's palm.

"The good news is that we are temporarily safe."

Zhang Han smiled and breathed deeply.

It’s really a familiar atmosphere. The Xiuxian world is now stepping in again, and there is a little emotion in my heart.


Suddenly roaring, not far from the east side.

"There is fighting!"

Everyone was instantly vigilant.

"This roaring sound seems to be very strong. Should we leave from the side?" The smoldering eyes were cautious. Just came to the lost continent. No one knew the situation. He didn't dare to take the initiative.

"I feel that we are more than a dozen miles away from us. From here, we can feel a pressure. Is it really a different animal in the Yuan Ying period?" Mu Xue looked curious: "Master, do we want to watch the fun?"

She is completely afraid of things. In her heart, Zhang Hanwan is like a god, and she can do anything.

Others, including Zhang Mu, Zhang Guangyou, and Zi Yan, did not speak, and completely listened to Zhang Han’s posture.

"Go and see."

Zhang Han said for two seconds: "If it is a battle between the spirits and beasts, we will leave in the opposite direction. If anyone, look at who it is, I suspect that some forces in the Sea Dragon Stars come earlier than us. ”

I still remember when Yue Wuwei said when he was going to lose the mainland, his expression was a little hesitant.

After the second day of the year, it should be a few days later than some of the forces in the Sea Dragon Star.


Everyone rose into the low sky and flew quickly from the mountain. On the top of the mountain, there was a rocky area. When it was halfway up the mountain, there were all kinds of trees.

Some of them don't know what it is because they are strange.

"This is not a tree, it is a flower."

Zhang Han pointed to a finger of more than 30 meters, like a willow, the trunk and branches are like blue water, constantly flowing, circulating, Zhang Han see Ziyan and Meng Meng are looking over there, they took the initiative to introduce: "If the water is a flower, it is an ordinary plant. Looking at this height, under the conversion, it has almost the middle level of the Golden Dan. Its water flow can fly away from the body, and the speed is fast. Jindan met it in the early stage. To be stuck, it will eventually be swallowed up and become its nourishment."

"So beautiful tree, but..." Mu Xue snorted: "Isn't it an enhanced version of the cannibal tree?"

"It's not a tree, my dad said, it's water," Meng Meng reminded.

"Oh, it looks like a tree."

Mu Xue shook his head slightly: "A tree, oh no, a flower has such power. It seems that it is really dangerous here. I have never been here, who can imagine it."

"Just just a few minutes."

Chen Changqing's face is dignified: "I have felt a glimpse of a crisis from a dozen plants, or a gas machine. Is there a plant of consciousness in the field of cultivation?"


Zhang Han nodded: "Da Qian World, life is colorful and diverse, some plants, produce consciousness, become a special life, their origin is the purest, many cultivators find that they will be hunted, but unfortunately, many times they are killed, plants It is life, and some are very strong."

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