Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1025: Several big men

Nina’s words and listening to Dong Chen and others are fascinating.

It seems that there are really a lot of big guys here.

One of the eight major honors in Yunxing District, a very powerful name, Yunyingtian, is also a very powerful force.

A map is presented in the minds of everyone, and of course belongs to that kind of brain.

"Who is the head of Yunyingtian?" Zhang Han asked strangely.

"Li Wei." Nina replied: "It seems that a thousand years ago, Yunying was in a chaotic day. Li Wei called the king. After being the head of Yunyingtian, the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Now Li Wei is also the most in Hailong. One of the top characters."

Speaking of Li Wei, Nina’s eyes are a little dignified:

"That is the big man of the older generation, the giant in the giants, a slap in the face, half a sea dragon star field will shake."

Zhang Han sighed and did not ask questions.

Who is Li Wei?

I have never heard of it.

It seems that Xiu Xianjie is different from the one he knows.

For a thousand years, if Zhang Hangang was in the era of the immortal world, one of the best treasures, you can go back to it. The prophet is the most powerful means, but now it seems that it is not the case.

However, it does not matter, Zhang Han's pursuit of Zhibao is not so strong.

“Yunyingtian is the strongest in Yunxing District. The Hufu royal family comes from the largest sea area in the sea, the world of scientific and technological development, the main ship has dozens of ships, and the experience is the Prince of Hubin, he is a very powerful weapon. The warrior is also the level of Jindan's peak. The combat power is not high. But the machinery he owns is very strong. If he can break through Yuanying and control more powerful machinery, he will be qualified to compete for the prince in the royal family. He seems to be in the west of the river now, and his Wang Shuhu Xingqiang led a small landship to the east of the river."

Nina also said the situation of the other two forces:

"The other thing to note is that the Silver Wing Hall is also located in the star field of the sea. This time it is a young branch, Zhong An. He is a pure practitioner, Jin Danfeng, but killed. In the early Yuan Ying, although the Yuan Ying was seriously injured in the early stage, it also proved that he was strong enough, because that battle, famous in the Haizhong Star District, this time he brought his own team, and yesterday still explored in the west of the river. There is no rush to go to the river east."

"My head is a little dizzy."

Mu Xue touched his forehead: "Simple understanding is the three powerful forces here, from Yunyingtian in Yunxing District, Hufu Royal and Silverwing Hall in Haizhongxing District, and Li Yingtian Wood, the elders are righteous, the tiger is the royal family, what is the tiger? Oh, Hu Bin, the weapon warrior, his Wang Shuhu Xeon, the silver wing hall is the main Zhong An, the three forces are the most powerful here?"

"Yes." Nina nodded. "There are a few sectarian forces who are similar to them, but the people who come here are not as powerful as them. If they compare them to a force, except for their three sects, the others are the second floor. On the third floor, our elemental elves belong to the second level."

"It's so complicated." Meng Meng listened a little confused.

Because of the powers that Nina said in her mouth, it was the first time that they heard about them, a personal thing, and for the first time.

Zhang Han’s words, knowing Yun Yingtian, the other two forces are not clear, and have not heard of those in Nina’s mouth, but Zhang Han is already familiar with this situation and does not feel much.

However, Mu Xue sorted it out and made everyone understand more thoroughly.

“It feels very interesting and interesting.”

The singer whispered a sentence.

"Yeah, a... colorful world." Zhang Mu sighed.


Nina smiled and said: "Guests, please come in, welcome to visit our temporary positions."

"Wait a minute!"

There are more than 20 meters from the door, and Nina is preparing to welcome them. There is a arrogant voice at the door:

"Nina, how do you bring outsiders? Do you want to enter our main house? We are elemental elves, when is this so hospitable? Some outsiders are not qualified to enter the main house?"

The main house is surrounded by the orchid tree. The tree can pass the spell of the elemental elf. Feel the people here. Whoever fell, encounters a crisis, or Nina’s uncle in the east of the river can do it. This place never welcomes outsiders.

"Since it is not convenient, then we will not go in and bother."

Hearing the tone of the other party, Zhang Mu’s brow slightly picked up and opened his mouth for the first time.

“There is nothing inconvenient.” Nina’s eyebrows wrinkled and looked at the man two meters high at the door: “Hans, they saved my life, according to the highest treatment of our family, even Roland Star, Can go to the palace, how can I not here? And I do things, you do not need to judge, you say yes? Hans cousin?"

Hans, who looks good at the door, is slightly stiff, and some of his eyes are not happy. He sweeps to Zhang Han and others. When he sees the purple sable, the light is bright.

So beautiful, the ears are shorter.

"Since it is the life of the Seven Princesses, of course, welcome."

Under Nina's gaze, Hans mouth hangs a smile, sideways, and gestures to enter.

Regardless of what he thinks in his mind, his behavior, in the words of the earth, is somewhat similar to that of the ancient British aristocracy, unless it is unstoppable, or it will be restrained.

"Please come in."

This time Zhang Mu did not refuse, Nina took everyone into the main house.

The size of the main house is very large. Under the transformation of the Lanmi tree, the scale is like a three-storey small shopping mall. The outline of the house and the coiled trees can be seen outside.

I can enter it and find that there are many tree houses in it.

In every corner, a house on a tree looks very chic.

The light shines through the cracks of the leaves, and from an aesthetic point of view, it is indeed a great place to relax.

"A beautiful place, Miss Nina, you guys..." Meng Meng’s words have not been finished.

There is an ironic discourse on the back side:

"For foreign guests, don't call those popular words. She is the noble seven princess of my elemental elves. Please respect the respects. Here is the place of my family. Please be polite, thank you."

"Amount?" Meng Meng, a good mood suddenly destroyed.

Nina’s face was cold: “Hans, there is nothing for you here. If you don’t want to rest, go out and practice.”

"No, no, Nina..."

What Hans wants to say.

But Zhang Han has turned his head and stared at him, faintly saying:

"What do my daughter want to say, why do you need your consent? What are you counting?"


Nina and a few people beside her suddenly became awkward.

I rub, so don't give face?

Hans is also a member of the royal family.

When he entered the door, he slammed him. Although Hans was arrogant, it still made them feel weird.

There are even two elves who are already a little angry.

Zhang Mu, Dong Chen, A Hu and other people also have a cicada.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Han will not open, but this kind of thing, the nature of an opening will become different, and it is because his most precious daughter Meng Meng, if the kid dare to say anything disrespectful, fear is to stay it's here.

Zi Yan looked at the meal and did not say anything.

She is also annoying to this kind of yin and yang strange people, on the surface is very polite and polite, but the mouth is wrong, not as good as that is simply to say what to say.

"You are talking to me?"

Hans's eyes gradually widened, and his eyes turned angry. He suddenly took out a willow branch from his waist, and a breathing time became a staff:

"You, now, must apologize to me! Otherwise..."

"What else?"

Zhang Han brows his head and his right hand suddenly jumps forward.

Broken empty hand!


The energy of the mad roll instantly crushes the back door.


Hans couldn't move, and his staff suddenly smashed. His face was white, and the whole person didn't catch it. He rose three meters, like being tied.

His eyes are full of incredible, unbelievable, and deeply fearful.

Don't want to die!

"No, please exalt your hands."

Nina's face changed slightly, and she quickly went to Zhang Han's front and said: "The benefactor please let go of Hans. He is a little rude and more offended. I apologize to you on his behalf."

When she spoke, she hurriedly bowed to Zhang Han.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Han smiled.

In the people's territory, he did not intend to die, otherwise Hans in the middle of the Golden Dan, long ago no life.

"If there is another time, let you die on the spot."

Zhang Han dissipated his empty hand and glanced at him with a gaze.

Killing and killing, this is the real temper of his footsteps.

"Yes, I understand."

Hans had a cold sweat on his forehead, and suddenly found that the strength of the other party was much more powerful than he had imagined.

"Not going out soon!"

Nina’s face was cold, and she retorted her voice and said, “I will say it again. They are my benefactors. I am invited here. I don’t need those vain rituals. If you have opinions or don’t want to stay here, you can go. Other places."


Hans was speechless, looked up and looked at Nina, and his eyes solidified for two seconds, hiding his face.

A few people beside Nina, their faces are a little weird.

Unexpectedly, Nina would be angry, and she did not expect that Zhang Han’s temper was so violent, saying that it would be hands-on and did not give people a psychological preparation time.

Because of this scene, Meng Meng’s mood is much lower.

Nina glanced at her and smiled and said:

"Your friends and relatives are calling you cute, can I call you like that?"

"Oh, yes." Meng Meng responded.

"Then you will call me Nina, don't listen to what they said, I also have several practitioners friends, friends also call me Nina, but there is no such thing, you are my friend, just call me Nina good It is."

In the face of Nina's smile, Meng Meng's mood improved, but also leaked a smile: "Know it, Miss Nina."

There is a fairy friend.

Meng Meng's heart is beautiful, just that point is unpleasant, and it is left behind.

Zhang Han and Zi Yan and others also leaked a smile.

Especially the smoldering fire, my heart is great:

Wherever the flies are, the direct shooting is complete, simple and rude, sometimes it is the essence of solving the unhappiness.

"Meng Meng, rest here today, there is no light star here, the day is coming suddenly, the night is coming suddenly, wait for me to give you a concise place to taste some of the specialties of our elemental elves, I believe you will definitely satisfied."

"Okay, when I have dinner, I will also prepare you for a good meal. There are smoothies, juices, snacks, and some fruits. Yes, Miss Nina, you said the light star is the sun. Is there a moon at night?"

"The sun? The amount should be, it is the glowing planet, the light illuminates the earth, it is the gift of the day, the warm glow of the night, the gift of the night star, where is the sun and the moon?"

Nina's age, converted, is actually not big, and she talked with Zhang Han, a little pressure, but chatting with Meng Meng, very happy, and soon, Meng Meng loosened Zhang Han's hand and ran to Nina Beside them, the two chatted.

"Without the sun and the moon, it feels so strange, and Yue Lao does not say that one is coming out." Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han.

"He heard your words, maybe he just got it." Zhang Han answered with a funny smile.

"But he can't hear it. He said that he can only look at it like a satellite." Zi Yan said.

"Not necessarily, there is no energy isolation, he should be able to know, but he may not see us at this time, so many people are lost in the mainland, there will be many places to fight," Zhang Han said.


"The map is here."

Going to the innermost side, there is something like a crystal screen, crystal clear, Nina waving right hand forward.

Oh la la!

The sparkling green light flutters forward, like a firefly. When covered with a hundred-inch crystal screen, it looks like a miniature map.

"This river runs from the north to the south."

"We are in this position."

Nina pointed to a place: "The north side of the river, the area above, we have all explored."

"Three hundred miles to the south, where the Silver Wing Church is stationed, is a large garden. The Silver Wing Church is located in the western part of the city. It is a temporary trading town. It kills the beasts here and can trade some. Spar, or barter, where it is guarded by a force in the sea star area, here to the south hundred miles, is the station of the tiger's royal family, a former Zongmen, not large, but I heard that they got very good The treasure, the tiger's royal family five hundred miles east, is the station of Yunyingtian, very close to the big river, and there are many places where the forces are stationed, all on the map, the entire river west, was explored about two-tenths, according to The progress of various forces is expected to be similar to the river west exploration in three weeks."

"In the east of the river, some people discovered three secrets, showing three ancient cities, fierce beasts, those who went to the east of the river, have cleaned up, my uncle told me that I am going to the nearest small town. It is called Hedong City, located in the east of Dahe."

"In addition to the presence of some forces, there are many common places, there are rear personnel, temporary pubs, inns, can stay and rest."

"The strength of the benefactor is very strong. You can also explore the river in the west, find the remains after the relics, and stand firm. You can let other people stay in the west of the river and then explore the river east. Now these forces are doing the same. When you find the site of the relic, there will be some beasts."

"There are no aborigines here, but there are quite a few beasts, and there are also beasts, which are also dangerous places."

"Oh, yes, I heard the address of the Silver Wing Church. I found out that it is not a spirit beast. It is a land of ghosts and ghosts. Zhongan alone will sweep away the strongholds and gain benefits. I will not go to the river east for the time being. And."

Nina pointed to the map and explained it to everyone.

"I didn't expect so many forces to come here, there are hundreds of bases." Mu Xue said a few times.

"Most of them must be in the west of the river." Jiang Yanlan said: "There are children and animals in the east of the river. The danger is too great. The river west is the home field. So many forces are distributed here. If you don’t explore the area, you will definitely fight because of the battle for the remains."

"Battle is also a normal thing." Chen Changqing smiled and said: "Would we like to fight for a few relics?"

"Come here, isn't it just for the sake of chance?" The smoldering laughed: "Now it looks like I am so savage, I am honestly following you, not asking for much chance. This is a long time." ""

"I can't help but want to go against the strong guys!" Liu instructor rubbed his fists.

When he was an instructor, he liked the blood of fighting. Now he feels like he is in a troubled world.

‘I’m rising in trouble! ’

Liu instructor thought.

Imagination is very good, first it may be cruel.

But it is still very good now.

After introducing the map, Nina looked at a female elf next to her and said, “Go and let people prepare for dinner.”

"Yes, princess."

The man nodded and retreated.

"The passage on the right connects the dining room, where we eat, I usually live in the room above, there is no one on the left side, I will give you a house."

Nina said with a smile.

"Okay, how is it condensed?"

The big eyes of Meng Meng flashed and flicked, very curious.

“It’s the unique way of using our elves.”

Nina’s right hand appeared in the staff, and it appeared out of thin air.

On the way to the road, you can see that most of the elves are holding the staff. The higher-end one is the Hans who just got, the staff has shrunk a lot, and Princess Nina appears directly.

Under the gaze of everyone, I saw her low whispered a few words, the voice was ethereal, the staff in her hand and the Lan Mi tree were involved, a strand of energy, let the branches change constantly, gathered into a house, each house They are all squares and look like the area of ​​fifty bungalows, similar to an apartment.

"I haven't condensed inside. Let's go in together. I can condense the style you like according to your thoughts." Nina laughed.

"What is your house like? Can I have a look first?" Meng Meng curiously looked at the house on the tree where Nina lived.


Nina was slightly hesitant.

The faces of the people around her have also changed slightly.

‘The princess should not even agree with this? ’


Nina finally nodded.

The life-saving grace is reported by the spring, and she feels that it is acceptable to take a look at the boudoir.

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