Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1043: Why haven't you come out yet?

"This, what is the reason?" Zhang Guangyou knows the realm of Zhang Han, quite puzzling.

During the Jindan period and the Yuan Ying period, this kind of realm is like a scorpio. This is what he said. Then he can kill it in the early stage of Yuan Ying.

It’s not the same as doing it!

What is going on, is it a fool?

"Let's say that."

Zhang Han adjusted for a few seconds, only smiled and replied: "For example, my supernatural powers, with a force, can play a very effective effect, then they use a force, can only play the effect of zero point, conversion The rate difference is very large, so they can't afford it."

When this statement came out, Zhang Guangyou suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the case.

Zhang Han’s comprehension of magical powers and secret techniques is in his view, and the accomplishments in this respect are far more than too much.

The implementation of these exhibitions, Zhang Han's consumption is also very large, at this time also took out a recovery of the drug, eat it.

"The middle-aged man, who had just received the high-end inheritance not long ago, was a good performer, but it was a pity that he had just begun to comprehend."

Zhang Han said something with emotion, which is also the first true arrogance in the true sense since he was born again.

If the middle-aged person is not greedy, conservative, and in time, may not be able to grow into a robbery.

"Feeling something, the big tripod that the man showed, looks very heavy and vicissitudes, it is like watching antiques thousands of years ago, nor is it anyway, it feels very strange anyway." Zhang Guangyou recalled, but could not think of seeing big before Ding's appearance.

"The world is big, there is nothing strange."


Everyone, with a word of words, Zhang Han did not pay attention to this, went straight to Meng Meng and Zi Yan, and smiled and said:

"See it, as long as I decide to fight, I will definitely win, or I will take you on the road. I won't be afraid of it next time, nothing."

During the conversation, Zhang Han touched the sprouting brain.

"Well, Dad is the best."

Meng Meng raised her head and answered like a decent.

"Zhang Shu is really good." Nina also agreed.

"Hey, you have to be jealous, don't look at who is the father!" Meng Meng suddenly stinked.

"Don't be smug." Zi Yan pinched the tender and tender face.

"Oh, it’s all red."

Meng Meng quickly pulled his face away and gently groaned: "Mom, how do you always have a domestic violence."

Purple: "..."

This girl.

"All right."

Zhang Han smiled and said: "There is nothing to watch here. Let's go to the swamp."

He said that he looked at the purple, let the purple thoughts and small do not communicate, take it to the depths of the swamp.


The little bit that fell asleep, in the call of the purple and the cute, appeared from the bag, revealing the body.

Under the leadership of Zhang Han, everyone stood on the back of the black and wandered to the swamp land.

In the end of the hay, you can see a lot of ghosts drifting, going inward, and gradually, with the water, one by one, more loose, the number is much less than the ghost.

I didn't have enough food to eat. I didn't have any interest in these foods. Seeing that they were close, they didn't point around the body and lingered several black awns. The ghosts fled from the kilometer.

"This area of ​​the swamp seems to be very large."

Dong Chen looked at the sound and said: "The fog around, the distance can not be seen, the spiritual knowledge can not be sensed, Xiaohan, without your words, in this case, we are going to retreat?"


Zhang Han nodded: "Don't see through, can't understand, don't try it easily, explore it with certainty. Of course, sometimes it will inevitably take risks. In that case, you should prepare more defense treasures and escape. Means, never too much."


Dong Chen sighed heavily: "This time, I feel that the world is big, what is possible, I feel too ignorant."

"Don't say that." The smoldering shook his head again and again: "I feel that way too. I can still mediate in my mind. You say this, tie your heart."

"Yeah." Zhang Mu looked at Zhang Han and smiled. "I didn't expect that my grandson, Zhang Mu, would be excellent enough to make me look up. I am very pleased. Ignorance is not terrible. The terrible thing is always ignorance. We are Although it is a short time to contact the immortal world, we are also learning, and there are young people who teach us, and the speed is very fast."

Everyone in the room can basically see that Zhang Han’s reason to bring everyone to “walk” is because he wants to give his own experience and increase his horizons. If he doesn’t understand anything, he will make a detailed answer.

Even the nameless people have some emotions, except that they can follow Zhang Han’s, and the rest of the people who come here have a very slow understanding of the Hailongxing domain. They are not very comfortable even when they rest, and they are like them, eating and drinking. Sleep free.

"Hey, follow the boss, eat and drink, don't worry about it."

Everyone else put away the sixth-order treasures, but Liu’s instructor licked his own spike hammer and used his right hand to beat it from time to time.

With a bang, Liu’s instructor said with pride: “It’s a happy thing to be mixed with the boss. Hahaha, the six-stage treasure of scorpion, so delicious here, I will put it here, and wait for them to go out and see them.”

"Little Liu Zi."

Jiang Yanlan’s face is incomparably dark, his eyes are murderous, and the information in his eyes seems to say:

What are you special about?

"Amount, hehehe."

Liu’s instructor laughed and ‘temporarily’ collected the hammer of the wolf. Anyway, there is no outsider anymore, and he can’t see it with others, waiting to go out.

"Instructor, you can't do this. The family status is too bad. I am at home, but that's one thing." Ahu said with a big voice: "I let Liu Jiayu go west, she definitely can't look east." Go, let her dry up and cut."

"is it?"

Zhao Feng shook his mobile phone on the side: "Although there is no network, I recorded the video and waited to go back and show it to my younger siblings."

Ahu: "???"

Suddenly he stunned: "Don't talk, Feng brother, I have been with you for so many years, how do you still start to bury your brother?"

"Uncle Hu will brag."

Meng Meng said with contempt: "I saw it last time. Uncle Hu, you are not happy with Jiayu. On the other side of the gate, you are holding the thighs of others for mercy."


When I heard Meng Meng, Zi Zi couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, it’s a role model. Is this the family status you said?" Liu’s instructor ridiculed: "Great, this boss is not as good as one third of you."


"Who said?"

Jiang Yanlan is in the middle of Liu’s instructor’s ass.

This goods laughed.

Everyone's eyes are on Zhang Han.

"See what I do?"

Zhang Han swallowed and spit, as if inadvertently said.

"Yes, look at my husband, my husband's family status is the highest, say what I listen to, is it a husband?" Zi Yan lived Zhang Han's arm, very naughty blinked.

"Yes." Zhang Han nodded.

Contemplation for two seconds, said: "Under normal circumstances, big things listen to me, small things are listening to her."

"The husband and wife are united, and their profit is broken." Zi Yan smiled.

"So say..." Zhang Han’s mouth also hangs a smile: "There has never been a big deal."

The face of the purple cicada suddenly solidified, and the right hand stretched out to Zhang Han's waist without traces.

See this scene.

Nina's look is a bit weird.

‘They are free and easy. ’

‘How can you make a joke? ’

‘Zhang Shu will not be angry? He is the strong man in Yuan Ying. ’

‘It’s weird, Zhang Shu laughs so handsome. ’

Only a few days after contact, the seven princesses of this elemental elf are attracted by Zhang Han’s personality.

To put it bluntly, because of the strength of strength, showing superior strength, it has gained more attention. If you pay more attention to it, you will find the charm hidden under the calm appearance.

With their own people, the people are very casual, free, casual, but once against the enemy, the supreme gesture, and people are impressed.

The most important point is that Nina feels that Zhang Shu is very fond of Meng Meng and his wife.

‘How can there be such a man? ’

Nina is somewhat puzzling. She hasn't seen this in their elves. Although everyone is very elegant, the average man is very good at home. He wants to do very little to ask insiders' opinions.

Seeing Zhang Han, and Liu’s instructor, under the empathy, was concerned about being spoiled, and that feeling seemed quite comfortable.

"Nina, Nina? You are gone."

The budding voice brought her back to reality.

“Well, what happened?” Nina asked.

"Look at the front, there is a black fog."

Nina looked forward, and in the place where the white mist filled, there was a black mist area with hundreds of meters laterally, where the suffocating air seemed to be like a monster hidden inside.

"what is that?"

The purple scorpion subconsciously lowered the voice and pointed to the front.

"It turned out to be a black source." Zhang Han's tone was a little surprised.

"What is the source of black sputum?" Dong Chen asked.

Others have also spoken and listened carefully.

"The source of black sputum is a field where suffocation condenses to a certain extent." Zhang Han replied: "The black scorpion source in front of it is formed for at least three hundred years, but its effect is different from that of the dark system, which can speed up the monk. Comprehension of mystery and magical powers, understanding of the realm, and understanding of my own body."

“How important is comprehension?” Zhang Guangyou asked: “I see that there are a few supernatural powers in the Yuan Ying period. Is it more important to practice later, and the more important it is to comprehend?”

"I understand almost." Zhang Han smiled: "The comprehension also changes with the changes in the realm, and the understanding is thorough. With some resources, the realm can be improved, but the resources can not be enhanced, and even the resources can not be improved. It may be a sudden death, and gradual progress is the right way."

"That said, the black source in front is a good place?" Zhang Guangyou reacted.

"It should be the best treasure of this mystery." Zhang Han turned to look at Zhang Mu and said: "Grandpa, you are now Jin Danfeng, the foundation is still solid, you go to the black source, have some insight, go back to retreat In time, you can break through the Yuan Ying period."

"Breakthrough... Breaking through the Yuan Ying period?" Zhang Mu's spirit has a hint of embarrassment.

Once upon a time, he felt that the Yuan Ying period was high above.

In the Kunlun fairy world, those Yuan Ying are called ancestors, but now, it’s only after a long time, do you have to ask for the Yuan Ying period?

It feels like being dreaming.

He subconsciously looked at the fire.

Scared the fire and jumped: "Mu brother, you don't want to let this kind of thing, or I really can't follow you, go ahead, this is your chance."

"Dad, you are welcome." Zhang Guangyou laughed: "My son is looking for you, what are you hesitating?"

Seeing the strength of Zhang Guangyou's sorrow, Zhang Mu couldn't help but hit the sentence:

"What does this have to do with you, it was given to me by my grandson."

Zhang Guangyou: "..."

I should not talk too much.

And, Dad, how are you getting some skin?

Near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink is black.

I have to remind you that I will play with Dong Shu and learn to break.

Zhang Guangyou’s psychological activities are somewhat frequent.

"It looks awkward, can you really? Then how do I go?" Zhang Mu looked a little excited, and asked before flying.

"Go straight in, I will give you protection, no problem." Zhang Han laughed.

"Ha ha ha, good!"

Zhang Mu laughed and his body floated to the black source.

Wearing a long gown and flying in the wind, Dong Chen continued to express his feelings:

"The sleek and graceful character of Zhang Shenwang, it is not too handsome! You have a lot of talents in the Zhang family, one generation is better than oh no, it is quite strong after a generation."

Zhang Guangyou: "???"

Dong Shu, what are you going to do?

Zhang Mu entered the black scorpion source, and other people chatted with each other.

Meng Meng took Nina, and the two little girls talked, and the atmosphere on the field became more and more high.

Traveling in the mountains, but so.

At the same time, the canyon outside the secret.

The atmosphere is completely different and more and more depressed.

Tiger Zhiqiang did not say a word, suspended in the center of the mechanical army, his eyes were dull.

Li Mu and Yi Hou are on the outskirts of the Mechanical Legion. It seems that they don’t intend to join in the fun, just a melon.

Yinyitang Zhongan also led a group of people standing in Li Mu and others.

Other forces are basically farther away.

Sixth-order treasures, who is the word?

This is what they care about.

There is even a desire in the depths of my heart.

Will there be a loss of both sides, and then they are leaking?

I hope so.

Dorn and several other infants, standing beside the tiger's strongest, are the most heavyweight on the spot.

The other party is the former fifteen-figure infant.

Divided into three teams, the two teams are waiting, usually in the blink of an eye as if they can go for the past two hours, at this time, I feel very long.

In the second team, someone looks at the time from time to time.

It’s really slow!

Waiting for a minute, finally...

"Two hours have arrived, they have not come out yet!"

Someone in the tens of infancy was opened: "Take the rules and act, and their treasures will be turned over after they come out."

“Will they have trouble?” someone asked.

"Ha ha ha."

This sentence suddenly provoked several ridicules:

"With those people, how can we bring trouble to us? Don't say five people, even one. If you follow the time, you will come out."

"Yes, how strong can the river's secrets be? There are at best some of the spirits of the early infants, no trouble."

"I think they are looking for those people and trying to get more treasures."

"There is nothing to say, not to follow the rules, that is, I am waiting for the enemy, the second team goes in."

After some discussion, after five minutes, the second batch entered the secret.

In this regard, Hu Zhiqiang looked down on it and didn't care about it.

螳螂 螳螂 蝉 蝉 在 。.

Tiger Zhiqiang firmly believes that he is the oriole.

If someone dares to refute, the fleet they bring will give them a good look.

The tiger's strongest eyes fluttered into the air.

The news was informed, and the fleet stationed in Dahlxing was set to leave. It will be two hours here, and maybe it will arrive soon.

With the entry of the second wave of five-person squad, the fifth batch of five people could not sit still.

After half an hour.

"The elders have not yet come out? What are you doing?"

"Are they a bit too greedy?"

"Do we want to go in now?"

"No hurry." The oldest old man suddenly said: "We go in, the rules will be gone. At this time, we can only eat some leftovers."

"Yes, wait."

Decided to continue waiting.

Finally, two hours passed.

"Why didn't the second batch of people come out?"

The five people looked at each other and their eyes were in doubt.

"Don't they also...the ten of them are in the same league?"

"In any case, the rules are set by the fifteen people. When so many people are present to witness, whoever rules are bad, we must abide by them."

"Let's go, let's go in too."


Several people quickly rushed into the secret.

It has caused hundreds of people around to talk about it:

"If you don't return, the adults are bent on getting the sixth-order treasure."

"It is only the first step to get the treasure. The second step is to face the tiger to the strong. After passing this level, those treasures are truly possessed."

"When there will be a big fight here, there will be fifteen-yuan infants, and there will be more people than the tiger."


The crowd has ideas.

The big forces on the scene, isn’t it pondering the situation?

Li Mu has an energy cover that isolates the spirit and speaks more casually.

"Yi waiting, these three waves of people have gone in, one did not come out, you said that it is possible that they have something wrong?" Li Mu said solemnly: "I saw that cold sun, that kind of momentum, temperament, very Mysterious, he is a mysterious strong, can't see through, shouldn't those people not be his opponents?"

"It shouldn't be." Yi Hou slightly frowned: "The whole sea dragon star field, the major masters are the late Yuan Ying, the peak of the old monster rarely appeared, and the high-end star of the big man, rarely come to us remotely The Hailong Star Field, what you said about Zhang Hanyang, forget it, and do not rule out the possibility. If it is a big man, this farce will be seen."

"I am also worried about that situation." Li Mu took a deep breath: "Hubin died. At that time, I was really scared. I felt it. If Zhang Hanyang thought about it, killing other people is just a matter of convenience."

"The key is that you didn't see through his strength." Yiwait shook his head: "I can't see through it, it means that it may be more powerful than you think. Now look at it, the sixth-order treasure, not everyone is qualified to own."

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