Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1068: Near Zhuzhechi

Shi Fenghou turned into a streamer and flew high into the sky, his expression light and not panicked.

"I'll kill him!"

Shi Feng waited for this fellow who came and went without a trace to make the opponent's true king furious.

One of them directly picked up the knife and chased him at a fairly fast speed.

But no matter how you chase, you can't catch the opponent.


Shi Fenghou always sneered, almost exploding to the opponent.

"Under the whole world, except Zhang Hanyang, who can stop me?"

Shi Fenghou's expression was high, looking at the other true king like an ant.

Dignity is trampled on, but can't be caught, it's like the kind of Internet spray that runs away after cursing.

He was able to run, but the others couldn't. After fighting in the encirclement circle, the speed of the man fell faster and faster.


There were people on both sides falling at different speeds. What surprised King Liu was that the other party took the initiative to give way.


The Liu Wang group evacuated extremely quickly and walked out of the encirclement to take a look.

There are only about 20,000 people left. After such a short battle, 10,000 people have fallen. What about the other party? There are only 5,000 people at most.

The key to escape from this humiliating history made King Liu suffer a blow.

"Liu Wang, this game has just begun, don't die too early."

The true king led by the opposing team even said such a sentence.

Wang Liu's face was stiff, he turned to stare at him, gritted his teeth, said nothing, and walked away.

If the opponent does not give way, Liu Wang feels that it would be nice to be able to escape fifteen thousand.

Now the losses are less, but some, after all, they are the weakest party.


Head Mu sighed.

The war is indeed cruel.

Mu Xue was also silent, Zhao Feng and the others didn't say a word, they were frustrated like this at the first stop, and felt a little uncomfortable.


When he was about to reach the base camp, Zhao Feng exhaled and sighed slightly:

"This is the real battle. We follow Master and are invincible. For a long time, we have been a bit pampered and accustomed to victory. It is not a good thing. If the Master is not there, we have to win. This defeat is a sound for us. It's a wake-up call."

Hearing these words, Mu Xue looked startled and said softly:

"Yeah, following Master, we have never lost. We will lose if we leave Master, but I believe we will win in the end."

"Will do."

Head Mu suddenly laughed.

What he felt was the growth of these young people.

Bao Jianfeng came out of sharpening, and plum blossoms came from the bitter cold. How could he grow into a character without experiencing more things?

"Changqing, are you back too?"

On the way back to the main peak, Mu Xue was taken aback when she saw Chen Changqing.

"Yes, I escaped back." Chen Changqing looked a little weird, touched his forehead, and sighed: "We ran into an ambush on the way. It was from the King of Beihuai. 30,000 died and 20,000 died, but 10,000 returned. "

"We also encountered an ambush." ​​Zhao Feng said: "The tens of thousands of Zhenhai King encircled and lost 10,000."

Both were silent.

Walked up tens of meters.

"Instructor Liu, Jiang Yanlan, how are you?" Mu Xue asked after seeing the two.

"Don't mention it." Jiang Yanlan said discouragedly: "When we got to the border, we encountered a lot of killing formations. There were more than 20,000 people on the other side. With the big formation, we lost eight thousand."

All the way back to the main peak.

King Nanshan and King Donggu, plus Zhang Mu and You Huo, sat on the edge of the cliff speechless.

After about an hour, everyone returned and reported the numbers.

"Great defeat!"

King Donggu said bitterly: "We lost 100,000 people in a few hours?"

"They are still determined to consume our strength." Nanshan King's face was pale.

"The other party fell less than 50,000, and it was spread flat. One side was 25,000. There was almost no loss. We fell 100,000, leaving only 200,000 people. We are back to the starting point." The king of Donggu was as big as a cow: "I That's enough, otherwise I will lead people to the north, and I will kill wherever I can."

"Don't be impulsive." Nanshan King said irritably: "Wait and see, don't they want a site? Give them, the big deal is that we are huddled here, I don't believe they really want to destroy me directly."

"It's important to start the safety here. Many of our people know how to set up formations. Let's set up more formations here. Anyway, the last battlefield cannot be lost." Zhang Mu said in a deep voice: " I recommend working step by step and setting up formations in safe places."

"It can only be so."

Nanshan King nodded.

As a result, the temporary matter changed. The Nanshan Region was taken down by the team and became a slow development.

For the first big defeat, many people understand that war is very real.

"If Xiaohan were here, how would he compete with him?"

Zhang Guangyou at the back pondered.

He couldn't think of how to fight the opponent at this time.

The difference in strength is simply too big.

"If the master is there, there will be many ways to do it." Jiang Yanlan touched his forehead and said.

"The key guy cannot be there."

Dong Chen took a light breath: "If he is here, based on his formation... Forget it, don't mention it, the absence of Xiaohan is our real experience, I think it is very good."

"It's okay to lose, it's too ugly to lose." Ahu muttered.

He was wiping his right arm, where he had been injured by an explicit cut, and he recovered quickly after taking the medicine.

At this level of war, even if they are talented, they are somewhat unable to resist.

In this way, their career in the war of kings began. This was the first day. Three hundred thousand people fell one hundred thousand, which was a heavy blow.

When Zhang Han learned the news, he was also a little surprised.

"The speed seems a bit too fast, right?"

Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei were sitting drinking tea in the pavilion of Xinyue Mountain, and the two of them also had big eyes and small eyes.

"It's a bit fast." Yue Wuwei pondered and said: "If this goes on, Nanshan King will finish playing sooner or later."

"To survive in a desperate situation, perhaps they will gain even more." Zhang Han suddenly chuckled: "Even if you want to lose, the length of time you persist is a kind of exercise."


Yue Wuwei looked at Zhang Han and said with a smile: "Don't say anything, you have a trivial spirit like my master."

"Your mysterious master..."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly: "What kind of person is he?"

"Extraordinary and refined, Yushu is facing the wind, as if there is nothing in the world to move him, handsome, inspiring from the dust, watching the world, he is the invincible myth, the kind of free man who wanders the world." Yue Wuwei said while his face was hanging. Started to enjoy.

It seemed to be complimenting himself.

"How do you feel like you are talking about a young man?" Zhang Han was stunned when he heard the words, and said amusedly: "You look like this, your master is probably quite old."

"Who said that?" Yue Wuwei stared, "Master, he is an absolutely handsome group, although I have never seen the deity."

"Huh? Haven't you seen it?" Zhang Han's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I have seen it, but it doesn't exist in the memory, just like turning around, the memory of the face disappears." Yue Wuwei sighed suddenly: "I don't know what's going on, every time I follow the steps of the master, But I can’t catch it. Actually, there are many secrets on the Saint Martial Star, which I don’t even know, but you have the opportunity to know, because Mengmeng is the lord of the stream. Many secrets are just a matter of time for her."

"It's getting more and more mysterious." Zhang Han curled his lips.

I also felt a little weird in my heart. He was curious about the mysterious master. He practiced the techniques he left behind, but he had more magical powers based on his own understanding.

"How is your cultivation practice?" Yue Wuwei asked casually: "It's the one that the master gave you."

"Very good and powerful." Zhang Han said: "It fits my situation very well."

"How long do you have to break through the Nascent Soul?" Yue Wuwei asked again: "Hurry up and practice, I think you are about to go to the Sea Dragon Star Territory. Hey, you are in the Golden Core Realm, facing some things, after all, it is a bit tricky. , The huge sea dragon star field, let you run wild."

"Not urgent."

Zhang Han's gaze suddenly stared at Yue Wuwei, and he smiled and asked, "With you here, don't talk about the Sea Dragon Star Region, even if it's the Tianlong Star Province..."


Before he finished speaking, Yue Wuwei coughed lightly: "I'm always curious about my strength. I'll know when you should know. Humph, I'm going to rest. I will send my daughter over tomorrow morning with Mengmeng. go to school."

Without giving Zhang Han a chance to speak, he drew out a space door and left.

"This old boy."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly and returned to the room.

I'm wondering in my heart, I don't know how long those people in the king realm can hold on, and can they win?

The key point is that they are not good at attacking this kind of strategy.

Early the next morning.

Yue Wuwei and the others arrived and had breakfast together. Zhang Han drove the two girls to the No.1 Middle School.

"A lot of peers."

Yue Xiaonao knew what the school was like, but it was still very strange to see the scene of students gradually entering the campus.

"That must be people of the same age." Mengmeng said: "The older ones go to high school and college."

"Which level are we now?" Yue Xiaonao asked.

"Eight classes a year, the second half of the semester." Mengmeng said very kindly: "You didn't come to the last semester, and you didn't learn a lot of knowledge. I don't know if you can learn it. If you don't learn well, I I can teach you."

"Hey, you don't need to learn such a simple thing." Yue Xiaonao waved his hand wildly.

Very confident.

"Dad, we're going to school, come early in the afternoon." Mengmeng ran to the main driver, drew her head, and kissed Zhang Han on the cheek.


Yue Xiaonao immediately covered his eyes: "Mengmeng, how old are you, you are not ashamed to kiss your dad!"

"What's the matter?" Mengmeng snorted, "My father kisses me if I want."

"Then what you want." Yue Xiaonao put down his hand, took a few glances, and ran to the campus with his cute little hand.

Zhang Han shook his head and laughed, then started the car and slowly left.

With the improvement of Mengmeng's strength, as well as the treasures on her body, plus Yue Wuwei, there is no need for people to stay here every day.

After all, I have grown up a bit.

Entering the class, Bai Yilin was already waiting.

"Zhang Yumeng is here."

Seeing the two people coming in, Bai Yilin smiled and said, "This is our new classmate Yue Xiaonao?"

"It's her." Mengmeng replied.

"it is good."

Bai Yilin clapped his hands: "Students be quiet and introduce a new classmate to everyone... Let her introduce herself, come."

At the teacher's sign, Yue Xiaonao walked up to the podium and looked around without stage fright, and said loudly:

"My name is Yue Xiaonao, and I am a friend of Mengmeng. I heard that the school is quite fun, so I am here. I will take care of you in the future."

Bai Yilin: "???"

His face was a little stunned and a little embarrassed.

what's going on.

Do not play cards according to the routine.

"Um... everyone applauds and welcomes our new classmate Yue Xiaonao."

Bai Yilin said, feeling a little sad:

It looks like a girl who is not easy to control has arrived.

Experts will know if they are there as soon as they export.

When he came up to cover the classmates, Bai Yilin was a little embarrassed, and he had never encountered such a courage during his school years.

Mengmeng is very understanding.

After all, Xiao Nao grew up in the king's realm, and has lived like a princess for these years, and has developed all kinds of habits.


As for the students like Bei Jinnan, they don't like the kind of self-introduction. Hearing such words, he was very interested and thunderous in applause.

"Hee hee hee."

With a smile, Yue Xiaonao stepped off the stage and glanced at the back several times:

"Huh? Where is my position?"

"Here." Bai Yilin coughed lightly, and pointed to the position of the first row near the desk.


Yue Xiaonao was stunned immediately: "This? I won't sit here, I'll sit next to Mengmeng, so that we can take care of each other."

Bai Yilin: "..."

You treat this as a battlefield and take care of each other. I think it’s chatting with each other. How can it work?

Mengmeng is the best student in the class, and this study can't be delayed.

Bai Yilin felt even more worried, and said:

"Yue Xiaonao, this... our class is assigned seats according to grades. Only the top ten can choose to change seats. You just came to the class. Sit here first. It’s close to the blackboard. Listening to the lecture is also good. The exam is still half a month away. Can you change your seat then?"

Discussing this set is pretty good for Yue Xiaonao.


Yue Xiaonao nodded and sat directly at the special position on the first row of the table.

In fact, as far as the teachers in the key classes of No. 1 Middle School are concerned, most of them like good grades. Like this kind of transfer students, being able to come directly to the key classes also shows a lot of problems, and they are all teenagers. Sometimes Many teachers like to talk about it and persuade people with virtue, Bai Yilin is like that.

Seeing Yue Xiaonao sitting down, everyone started to study in the morning.

Originally, he thought that the new Yue Xiaonao would have good grades, but found that she was sitting there playing with small toys during a class, facing the teacher's eyes, not only was not afraid, but even looked at each other several times.

His eyes showed a few words: What are you looking at.

In response to this, Bai Yilin said that perhaps it is not necessarily the scholar who came.

After class, Yue Xiaonao became lively and sat in the class, watching Bei Jinnan and others chat with Mengmeng daily, and quickly dissolved in it.

"Class so soon?"

After taking a ten-minute break for class, Yue Xiaonao hadn't talked enough yet.

The teacher came, and the class fell silent, only the teacher was teaching at the podium.

Yue Xiaonao looked at the front and tried to listen for a few minutes.

so boring.

"Mengmeng, what are you doing?"

Yue Xiaonao's voice transmission technique rang in Mengmeng's ears.


Mengmeng was stunned for a while, and she wrote a note without ever learning the sound transmission method, and with one flick, it turned into a slightly invisible streamer, which fell into Yue Xiaonao's palm.

"Study, please listen to the lecture carefully."

"Mengmeng, school is boring, why don't we go out and play?"

"No, I have to learn."

"Hey, so boring, Mengmeng, why don't you talk to me in conversation? Don't you know how to transmit voice? I teach you?"

"Listen carefully in class, so hurry up and study."

"Then I'm boring, I don't understand what he said, Mengmeng..."

In this way, within a minute or two, Yue Xiaonao delivered a message:



I can't learn anymore, Mengmeng took a deep breath and wrote a note:

"Yue Xiaonao! I want to study, you are bothering me, and I am angry."

"If I speak with you and you are still angry, then you are too stingy."

Mengmeng: "I won't play with you anymore."

Yue Xiaonao: "..."

Some don't understand, why is Mengmeng still angry? Just because I talked to her?

After pondering the second half of the class, after class, she didn't take the initiative to go to Mengmeng at first, and found that she had ignored herself, and Yue Xiaonao couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

After thinking for a few minutes, I ran to Mengmeng and sat down:

"That's fine, I shouldn't bother you, don't be angry, all right?"

Yue Wuwei and Lisa were a little surprised when they saw this scene.

"My daughter has a time when she is subdued, haha." Yue Wuwei laughed loudly: "Near Zhu Zhechi, play with Mengmeng, I think she can be better."

"She's not good, what's the reason, don't you have any points in your heart?" Lisa said lightly.

"Yes, there are numbers." Yue Wuwei hurriedly smiled: "I was not too busy before, don't worry, I will be like Zhang Hanyang in the future, can I be a housekeeper?"


"not late."


After all, they are a couple. Although they are not as sweet as Zhang Han and Zi Yan, there is still a warm and romantic life.

Yue Xiaonao came over and took the initiative to admit her mistakes. Just Mengmeng, pursed his mouth slightly, and whispered to Yue Xiaonao:

"Then I forgive you, Xiao Nao, this place is different from Wang Jing. We have to listen to the lectures carefully. We can't talk, can't play mobile phones or games, because listening to the class is what our students have to do. Not speaking is a respect for the teacher."

"Well, I know." Yue Xiaonao said: "Then I don't know anything. Just like listening to the heavenly book, I'm so bored, Mengmeng, I wouldn't come unless you were here."

"You, you won't be able to learn, it's all simple, you are so smart, you will see it if you look at it, and if you have a good test result, the parents will also reward me. My parents will reward me every time. "Mengmeng said solemnly.

"Really? There is a reward?" Yue Xiaonao had some interest.

"Besides, if you study well, the teacher likes it, and the students admire it. Anyway, there are many benefits." Mengmeng said.

"Well, I'll try it. In the evening, I will ask if my dad has any reward." Yue Xiaonao nodded.

As a result, in the second class, listening to English, I felt a little dizzy in my head.

Yue Xiaonao listened carefully, and found that those he had said could be remembered clearly.

With one mind and two purposes, I flipped through the textbooks. After I learned it, I didn't feel the passage of time, and the get out of class was over after a while.

Oh, it turns out that this is the way to go to class, it feels okay.

Once learning, it is not so boring.

Yue Xiaonao's learning career also began.

Yue Wuwei was quite satisfied with this scene, and he sighed repeatedly in his heart:

Near Zhu Zhechi.

I am also wondering that Zi Yan and Zhang Han have cultivated cuteness.

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