Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1092: Queen Nina

"Let's go, then go see, Nina, don't be afraid, I will cover you, if others dare to make it, I will let my dad get him." Yue Xiao said loudly.

"Thank you."

Nina leaked a smile.

After a while, Zhang Han and others came out from their respective rooms.

"It’s very early today.” Zhang Han smiled.

"Well, I didn't play games yesterday, I slept early. Today we are not going to Yunyingtian." Meng Meng said with a smile.

"Going there for two or three days, is the homework finished?"

Seeing the scent of the scent, Zi Zi couldn't help but ask.


Sure enough, the shiny and big eyes instantly solidified, and the whole expression was a little bit stunned, and then the mouth was raised, and the resentment said:

"Mom, you are really bad."


Zi Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Cute cute, always makes her can not help but pit a pit, I feel very fun.

"Yeah, Meng Meng sister, your homework has not been finished yet, I have not! Waiting for us to write together?"

Chen Chuan heard the good news not far away, and ran away.

"When you go, who will accompany you to write homework."

Meng Meng turned a blind eye.

"That, no~"

Chen Chuan twisted his buttocks.

As a result, Meng Meng did not care. The eyes fluttered toward Zhang Han and stood up and said:

"Dad, wait until we are going to the palace to have breakfast. Uncle Mo Wen has just come over and invite us to say that the Elf King has something to announce."

"Well, then look at it in the past."

Zhang Han casually nodded.

Sitting next to it, waited for ten minutes, and finally Zhang Li and Liang Hao got out of the room, and the man came out of the palace, and set off for the Wang Dian not far away.

Going to the front, on the square in front of the palace, stood thousands of members of the royal family.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Han's eyes were slightly condensed, as if he had guessed something, and looked at the direction of Wang Dian inadvertently.

"This Elf King..."

Yue Wuwei smiled and touched his beard.

"So many people, are we going to celebrate our departure?" Mu Xue said.

"Maybe we are here, he is too stressed." Liu instructor looked around and said: "I still have a farewell ceremony."

All the way to the palace, attracted the attention of thousands of people in the square.

All of them are gathered together on Zhang Han's side. They look different and have envy of Nina. They can make such a strong friend. It is really a good luck.

In fact, in the cultivation of the immortal world, there are not some children with very good talents. Unfortunately, the lack of the leader leads to the wrong age of the best practice, and the final achievement is far below his qualifications.

Like Nina, they also heard that Nina was able to break through Yuan Ying so quickly, because of the spiritual resources sent by these high-powered friends.

Sixth-order Lingbao, my God, I don’t even think about it.

Under a lot of eyes, the group walked into the palace.

In the vicinity of the gate of Wang Dian, there are several dining tables, and the core members such as Elf King and Mo Wen are standing next to each other.

Today, the Elf King is dressed very formal, his face is deserted, and it is still a kind of expression that does not advance.

Such people are hard to say.

Specially obsessed.

In this regard, Zhang Han has no idea of ​​communicating.

He forced him to be strong and windy.

"Welcome to everyone."

In the face of the arrival of Zhang Han and others, Elf Wang smiled and said hello.

Didn't get any response.

After thinking about it, the Elf King went on to say:

"Today, people are very good. Some things I plan to announce first. How are we eating?"

"If you want to say it, you can say it." Yue Xiao muttered twice.

Some dislike the ink of the Elf King.

"Ha ha ha."

Who knows that Elf King does not mind this kind of 'impoliteness'.

The elves must maintain a polite tradition, but others do not need it. Everyone present wants to understand.

Laughter, the Elf King walked a few steps forward, just standing at the gate, glanced at the thousands of royal family members, and looked at Nina, looked at a few ladies, and some Nina's brother and sister, along the line More than 20 core members, such as Mo Wen, eventually returned to the square of thousands of people in front.

"I have something to announce."

"From today,"

The Elf King has a staff in his right hand, his voice is ethereal, and some mysterious atmosphere is spreading.

"Nina will be the new king of the elemental elves!"

"The brand of the king!"


A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

This statement has made many people completely discolored.

Including several of his ladies.

These news, did not even tell them in advance?

There are two more ladies, and their faces are not very good-looking. In their view, their biological sons are more likely to become new kings.

Seeing that the Elf King is holding a sacrifice, the king is branded, three-dimensional, and gathered into a subtle pattern in the air.

The brand of the king represents the inheritance of the elemental elf king.

The winners will enter the sacred land and gain their own inheritance. Some inheritance is very powerful, and some inheritance is relatively weak and varies from person to person.

If the brand of Wang falls, then Nina becomes the new king, and it is a matter of nailing.

This incident came too suddenly and shocked everyone.

Including Nina, I am a little dumbfounded.

I can't believe it at all. The father will pass on the throne to himself.

How can it be?

But things are happening in front of you.

Even the brand of the king has been made out, is there still a fake?

"Wang! You are not thinking about it? Nina is a female, are you sure that the elemental elf wants a queen?" The big lady hurriedly spoke.

"Yes, yes, and Nina is just a grown-up, Wang, about the new king's heritage, be careful!" The three ladies also rushed to reconcile.

Both of them have parents and have the opportunity to get the new king in the future, which is excellent for their development, but they never imagined that the Elven King would announce this incredible at this time. thing.

Really scared them.

It’s Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei, and there’s not much surprise in their faces. When they came, they all had this kind of speculation. Sure enough, the Elf King is smart, oh no, or it’s sharp, but he’s oily. Those who do not enter, in fact, are very caring for the elemental elves, knowing that Nina is the new king, and having this relationship will be more beneficial to the elemental elves.

Even Zhang Han admits that the Elf King is very decisive.

For the big lady and the three ladies, the Elf King did not hear the same, but became the stubborn, unable to listen to the king of others.

He slowly controlled the brand of Wang and fell to Nina.


The big lady trembled and was shocked and grabbed her mouth.

The mixed feelings in my heart are more urgent and incomprehensible.

Nina's several brothers and sisters, look different, my sister is still good, the new king is such a thing, and their relationship is not big, there are several brothers, their faces are not very good-looking, they think they also have a new king Qualifications, as for who will be the king, will you have to compete for it in the future?

Instead of giving Nina directly, what is this?

“Nina is the next generation new king of my elemental elves.”

The Elf King has a strong voice and is full of majesty, spreading in all directions:

"A thousand years ago, my elemental elf was a generation of queens. She led the people and went to glory. Now, Nina is a new generation of queens. I hope she can also lead the people to a more brilliant road. Nina is still young. Wang Zhi brand was handed over to her. At this stage, I was acting as the agent king, and she was going to have a handover ceremony in the late Yuan Ying."


In the eyes of many different looks, the brand of Wang fell on Nina's forehead.


The imprint suddenly glowed and shone, and the Nina was covered.

The three interest time has passed.

The radiance was exhausted, Nina regained her original appearance, and some of them looked at the Elf King in front of them.

"Why me......"

Nina faintly understands something, but some places are very confusing.

"Okay, what is announced today is this, let it go."

The horn of the Elf King seems to have become a lot white, and the age looks old.

This is the reason for the loss of the brand of the king.

The imprint of the king's brand is very important for the Elf King.

In fact, at this moment, Nina can be called the Queen of the Elves, or Queen Nina.

Thousands of elves in the square, looking at each other, talking about it, and even hearing some words:

"Nina is our king."

"I didn't expect it, she seems to be blessed by misfortune? A few days ago, because of the pressure of adult rituals, now she has become a queen. It seems that Wang intends to stand on the side of Zhang Hanyang completely, and it will definitely stand on the opposite side of the tiger's royal family. We, the elves, seem to be caught in the war."

"Really to start the war? Maybe."


Many people are somewhat sighed, and some things are really impossible to guess.

But there are also many people who are pleasantly surprised.

The bright, bright eyes are brighter.


She made a sister of the Elf Queen, so cool.

In just a few days, Yue Xiao's relationship with Nina was also good, and became a friend. At this time, he was laughing and happy for Nina.

Chen Chuanxi did not understand, seeing Meng Meng's sister watching Nina laughing, he also smiled, eyes squinting on Nina.

Nina's sister is the Elf Queen.


The faces of the big lady and the three ladies are slightly white, but this is the end of the matter.

The brand of Wang has already been on Nina, saying that it is late.

The heart is dark and angry, the Elf King, who is not in the oil and salt, is too arbitrarily!

However, the elf king's unpleasant temper, at this time in the eyes of Zi Yan, Mu Xue and others, I feel a little cute.

Very realistic Elf King, do a good job for the tribe, even if it was very daring to marry Nina, even if I let Nina be the next generation Elf King.

They understand that the Elf King acts on the racial interests and does not look at personal relationships.

"Let's sit, Nina, you have to go out to play, and Zhang Hanyang together, I am also assured of safety, and practice well, and strive for an early breakthrough. In the late Yuan Ying, you are our Queen." Elf Wang said with a smile. .

"I, I... I can't do it, Father." Nina's face was tangled and some were overwhelmed.

She never thought that she would be the Elf King. At this time, she felt that the pressure was great, and she felt that she might not be a queen who could lead everyone to glory.

"Oh, what can't you do?"

When others didn't talk, Meng Meng was quick to persuade: "Nina, you are so powerful, when the Queen has anything to do, anyway, you have to be with us during this time, you can ask Lisa aunt, She is also a queen, and she is amazing."

Lisa heard a slight glimpse and laughed: "Yes, you have a small number of elemental elves, but they are very good. If you don't understand anything, feel free to ask me."

"Yeah, I have to ask my mother after I have something to do." Yue Xiao said with a big voice: "My mother is a black and white palace owner, there are more than 100,000 black and white palaces, and there are many disciples. Then we have millions of people. No one dares to provoke on the continent of man."

For the people in this aspect of the population, Yue Xiaoyun still knows when he listens to other people’s discussions about the war in Wangjing.

I used to play with it, but I have been concerned about these problems.


The Elf King looked at her and looked at Lisa, who had a low sense of presence.

Hey, I suddenly feel that there is a stock queen.

More than 100,000 disciples are in a hegemonic position in a place with a population of several million.

Looking at the purple eyes.


There is also Queen Fan, can't she be a queen?

What about the old predecessor and Zhang Hanyang? Not the head of the house?

God, shouldn't it be soft rice?

The Elf King felt that he suddenly found something.

The eyes can't help but look a little different.

Nina took a deep breath and pressed down her messy thoughts and sat down.

Two long dining tables have everyone's place.

However, some people can't eat this meal.

The big lady leaked a sly smile:

"Wang, I am a little uncomfortable. I will go back to rest first."

"Yeah." The Elf King was faint.

"Father, I am going to look after my mother." The son of the big lady also said quickly.

The Elf King did not say anything.

Soon, the three ladies, the second lady and the two sons left.

Here, I feel like sitting on a wax.

The news came too suddenly.

It’s like a blue sky.

Can the Elf King's insistence can not be questioned, the brand of Wang, has also arrived at Nina.

There are no opportunities or methods at all.

Can only accept, can be painful inside, can not let them accept, rather than stay here, it is better to go back and silently lick the wound.

"Nina, how long will it take you to go out this time? I heard Mo Wen say, you may have to go to Zhang Hanyang's hometown?" Elf Wang whispered.

"I... I want to see." Nina replied.

"Want to go, let's go." The Elf King said: "You now have the brand of the king, but it is not the time to be the new king. When you are in the late Yuan Ying, we can go to the place of sacrifice, and we may get a good inheritance. It will take a while. For your trip, I don't want to interfere. What do you want to do? Just a little, the tiger has a problem with the royal family. If they want to do it, I hope that you can bring your friends to help. No. They, my family can't be the opponent of the tiger's royal family."

This sentence is said to be exported, nothing more than to Zhang Han to listen to them.

Really said.

Directly speaking in person, it makes people feel a little weird.


Nina didn't know what to say.

A little embarrassed to hang down.

This time, the tiger's royal family was originally Zhang Shu who came to participate in their own adult ceremony. It is right and wrong, it is hard to say clearly, Nina is quite complicated inside.

"If you can't beat it, we can't stay here anymore." Meng Meng said: "We will go to my hometown after a few days. Next time, I will wait for more than half a year after I have taken the winter vacation. ”

"I don't know when you are going to go back?" The Elf King looked at Zhang Han and tried to speak.

"More than a month."

Zhang Han calmly returned to the sentence and continued to be responsible for some special dishes for Meng Meng and Zi Yan.

For the Elf King, Zhang Han didn't like it very much. It was a passerby, although he had just made a wise decision.

"okay, got it."

Elf King nodded slightly.

Some things have to be pondered, but not too much.

It feels like a grand gamble. Anyway, it has already come into the water. It’s not as happy as the following. No one knows about it here. Nina first and Zhang Hanyang have a good relationship with them, and in addition to guarding the tiger, the royal family can only do it. And read it.

The atmosphere of the breakfast was not bad. In addition to the Elf King, the attitude of others to Nina has quietly changed.

Wang's brand is added, she is already a new king!

The attitude must be changed.

Elemental elves, no elders must be higher than the concept of the younger generation, the Elf King is the Elf King. When Nina is in the upper position, the Elf King at the moment does not have that status. At best, it is the core personnel.

After breakfast, everyone got on the plane.

This trip, only Nina and Mo Wen followed, did not take the boat of Yue Wuwei, went to the fleet of Nina travel, this time there is only one main ship, looked at the appearance, Liu Qingfeng slightly sinking, it is known The main ship worth more than 20 million is produced in the Haimu Alliance, which is more general.

"We are going to Yunyingtian. It is just three days from the line to go through the snowy area. It takes two and a half days to go straight to this cloud line." Nina controls the virtual starry sky Map, there are two routes.

"Then go to the Snow Alliance first." Zhang Han replied.

Generally, the main ship must be purchased, and it needs to be forged for some time. Zhang Han estimates that the Lei Wang of the Snow Alliance will not necessarily have several ships.

Let's go and see, set a batch, mainly to buy a blue butterfly for her daughter.

Sitting on the blue butterfly to play Yunyingtian, isn’t it better?

After Meng Meng saw the line, there is still something to understand:

"Dad, go to Yunyingtian very close, go to the Falling Snow Alliance and make a big bend."

"Of course, I will go buy you the Blue Butterfly."


For a time, I was very happy.

In the next second, someone will pour cold water.

"Meng Meng sister, we have to go on the road, you come and write homework with me!" Chen Chuan took out the textbook and greeted me not far away.


Meng Meng's face is black, if Chen Chuan is far away, she has already flew past her feet.

This kid is owed.

Seeing the cute expression, Nina grinned and said in her heart:

What is the job of writing a job? Will make Meng Meng's face become so fast?

For Meng Meng, writing is a boring and boring thing.

Most of the exercises will be, and each paper has only one or two questions to think about, but it is not boring.

If the difficulty of the exercises is relatively high, let Meng Meng think about each question, it is a bit of interest.

Volume: The court can't do it.

The more difficult exercises are only those that span the first stage, or the type of the Olympiad. Unfortunately, for these studies, Meng Meng is not very interested.

It’s a good time to be a class, and she doesn’t like to be a research scholar.

Otherwise, seeing these high-end technologies, it is estimated that they have already gotten into it.

With a good route, Nina ordered some of the subordinates who controlled the spacecraft to fly down the Alliance.

After entering the sub-space, Nina finally saw the so-called writing assignments.

It turned out to be learning.

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