Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1096: Scared of blood

"I don't want this pot."

Yue Wuwei scorned: "I didn't do anything."


Meng Meng looks suspicious, but she understands very well that these people are more powerful than Dad, and they are a grandfather, no one else.

"Dad is joking with my mother."

Zhang Han laughed and raised his hand and touched the sprouting brain: "Hungry?"

"Not hungry."

Meng Meng's eyes drifted back to the place where I just played: "I haven't finished playing yet, Dad, you can let me save the snacks, don't scream."

"Ah, okay." Zhang Han nodded with a smile.


Meng Meng slipped back.

When I first came to the Hailong Star Field, this was the first time I played the Hailong Star Field in the true sense. When I came last time, I only strolled around the lost mainland and Dahl Star, and I didn’t see too much. This time Not the same, they still have a month of play time, can play a lot of places.

"Zhang Daoyou is very excited."

Kahn smiled, and not far from Liu Qingfeng, Ahu walked side by side.

"All the processes have been completed. Waiting for the deposit here, we will begin to integrate the fleet in the order tonight. Except for the ten main ships of the Lei Wang, other aircraft and frigates can be ready. About noon tomorrow. It can be taken away, there is a little energy stone inside, enough for you to fly to the falling star, I will submit the file later, you can fill the highest energy stone there, which is also our wish."

Hearing this sentence, Li Mu snorted.

Is this still the Snow Alliance?

Also given the highest specification of energy stone, ten Lei Wang main ship, sixty frigates, plus so many aircraft, just this energy stone filled, must be a million crystal.

The rules, always used to break, the high profile of the Falling Snow League, oh, just did not meet the people who can break the rules.

Li Mu suddenly realized that having money can make the ghosts grind.

"This is a deposit."

Zhang Han’s right hand moved, and a flashing space ring flew to Kahn.

Oh... call...

This moment.

Kahn’s heart beats fiercely, and it represents the 2 billion crystals that he has never seen in his life!

It’s just Jingshan!

However, after the intelligence was detected, Kahn’s expression suddenly solidified.

“All, all are top grade crystals?”

He was shocked to see Zhang Han.

I thought that there would be a lot of lower crystals and medium crystals. I didn’t expect that there would be 200,000 pieces of crystal in the space ring.

The value of Shangpinjing is much higher than that of Zhongpinjing and the next.

He knows that in Tianlongxing Province, many high-end things only accept the trading of the top products.

In the high-end star field, Shangpinjing is the mainstream.

It seems that in the province of Tianlongxing, there is not much power to take out 200,000 yuan of crystal.


What is their origin?

Kahn was a little scared.

After thinking about it, this matter should be quickly reported to the owner Alva.

Then he arched his hand and said:

"Please wait a moment, I will come there, the amount is too big, I dare not put myself in my hands for too long."

If you put it too long, you don't want to go into it.

Kahn’s heart is bleeding.

Damn, so many spar, not their own.

Turned away and hurried away, back to the office, he looked excitedly said: "Adults, two billion, oh no, 200,000 Shangpinjing! The deposit is here, I really can't think of it, they suddenly took out 200,000 Shangpinjing, too Terrible."


Alva's pupils shrank and then laughed. He patted Kahn's shoulder and grabbed the space ring directly. The spirit detected it and his smile was more harmonious. He said again and again: "Kahn, you are doing very well, I am I think... maybe you are not far from the seat of the church, and the guests are important. You should first arrange their accommodations and give me the account."

"Yes, the owner."

Kahn looked excited, and he turned his head and turned away.

After he walked out the door, Alva’s mouth leaked a smile and took out the communicator:

"Adult, it is 200,000 on the top."


When Kahn walked back to the leisure area, Zhang Han and his party also gathered together.

I am getting ready to go.

"Dad, where are we going?" Meng Meng curiously asked: "Is there any fun place here?"

"The Snow Alliance, there is no special place, if there is, the underground dwarf country." Zhang Han said casually.

"The dwarf, hey, is the dwarf in Dad's storytelling? Can I see the Dwarf King?" The sprouting light shimmered.

"Of course." Zhang Han smiled and said: "The dwarfs are quite hospitable."

Something happened in the past. He used to go to the dwarfs several times to repair some of the commonly used artifacts.


Kahn heard this and almost got caught in the saliva.

What are you doing?

The dwarf king is hospitable and makes a joke.

The dwarves are the core of the Falling Snow Alliance. They are the places where nothing can go wrong. The strongest of the three Yuan Yingfeng is guarded by the underground dwarves. There is also a very strong world. You want to see the Dwarf King. It is impossible. of.

The transaction amount is 2 billion, but you can see the members of the dwarf royal family, but the dwarf king will never come to see them.

In the concept of Kahn, Zhang Han and others can only be in the center city, and can not go to other places.

In Zhang Han’s philosophy, the world is big, where can I go?

"Then we will wait for the Dwarf King to play, let him take us to visit the Dwarf Country." Meng Meng said with a smile.

Nina, Li Mu, Mo Wen: "..."

Collective speechless.

They are very clear about how difficult it is for the Dwarf King.

In the past, when there was a grand scene in the Snow Alliance, the Dwarf King might come out to see one another. Other times, outsiders could not see it.

"This one......"

What Nina wants to say, and finally did not say anything.

It’s very difficult to see the Dwarf Kings, let alone take them to the dungeons.

"Let's go to the rest place first."

Kahn’s mouth trembled. When he came over, he took the lead and walked down the hallway to the periphery. He stepped on the flight disk and traveled not far away.

On the back side of a hill, there is a building area, similar to a half-mountain mansion, a fresh courtyard.

There is also a mountain path.

Down at the intersection.

"This mountain path, the scenery is very good, I think you can look at the scenery, I will go to dinner, I will send it to your residence later, go along this road, and go to your residence." En smiled and said: "Where you live, everything is brand new, please rest assured."


After greeting, Kahn turned and left.

"Do we want to climb the mountain?"

Liu Jia said with a sigh.

A little reluctant expression.

"How are you so lazy."

Liu Qingfeng glanced at her and said, "This is a little higher than the Crescent Moon. Are you too lazy to climb?"

"Who said that I am lazy?" Liu Jia said: "I just ask."

"Haha, let's go, sports are also very good." Ah said with a smile: "If you are tired, I will take you back."

"Climbing the mountain."

Chen Chuan ran forward and ran forward, and after running a few steps, he would stop and wait for the people behind him.

The spirit of the child is always very good.

The trees on both sides seem to have been trimmed, very beautiful, and the shapes and divisions are regular, looking very comfortable.

The elders looked at each other with a gaze:

"I didn't expect this tree to be in the same way."

"What is the formation?" Jiang Bing did not understand.

"Belongs to the line of sight and fresh air, huh, huh, the old man's thousands of maps have been studied in the small half, this point of the film, not worth mentioning in front of me." The elders said faintly.

There is also a detachment in the body.

Pretending to be the sacred bones, no one cares.

There was a little bit of ripples in the air.

"Great, great elder."

The words of Jiang Bing several people made the elders comfortable.

His eyes looked at Zhang Han.

I smiled.

In front of him, he said that the formation is not a big axe in front of Luban.

The leaves are green, red, blue, and black, colorful, and each color is different in each position. Walking through it, there is indeed a very refreshing enjoyment.

It is not far away, and it will take about ten minutes to walk to the head.

Soon, everyone is close to the top of the mountain.

At this time, the painting style is abrupt.

On the top of the black tree at the top of the mountain, stood a man in a green shirt.

Back to the crowd, the gentle wind blows his clothes slightly, and the long hair is also drifting with the wind.

Let people take a look at it, and then they will have a mysterious atmosphere.

It seems that the man has become a generation of heroes who have gone to the end of the world.

Ultra-dust and refined, not a mortal generation.

This kind of mood and atmosphere has never been seen in most of the Yuan Ying people that everyone has contacted.

An ordinary person has a spirit of spirit, not to mention a cultivator.

And have a wonderful mood.

Yue Wuwei’s eyes are slightly stunned.


Zhang Han leaked a strange look.

A spiritual monk coming here may not be saying hello.

His subconscious control sprouted and floated to his side, and he moved Chen Chuan to Chen Changqing by the way.

Others are still swearing, I don’t know if they are enemies or friends. Although they are vigilant in their hearts, they are still too young for Xiu Xianjie.

Zhang Han, the old fritter, responded at the first time, regardless of the situation, directly acting.

It is also because the other party is a god, a **** monk, or a character that Zhang Han can't resist at the moment.

However, there is Yue Wuwei, Zhang Han is not worried.

The old guy, at least the **** of the gods, just Zhang Han has noticed the micro-expression of Yue Wuwei.

Oh, this is not taking the other party seriously.

It’s a slippery, and his strength is open to question.

Seeing the people ahead, Mu Xue brows slightly wrinkled, just about to open.

A melodious and slow voice, as if in a gentle breeze, blown into the ears of everyone.

"After the autumn, September 8th."

"I spent a hundred flowers to kill."

"The sword is eight hundred years old."

"The frost has not been tried."

"It’s a pity that my sword can reach the fifth level and cannot carry the energy of the years."

After finishing these words, I ended up with a sigh.

The melodious voice is accompanied by a looming murder.

The words speak straightforwardly.

He is coming for the sixth-order Lingbao!

All the people present can say that Chen Chuan, Liu Jiaxuan, Meng Meng, Yue Xiaofan, Nina are not deeply involved, and may have to ponder.

But Mu Xue, Liu Qingfeng, Zhao Feng, and Zhang Mu were all directly felt.

It was actually to grab the Lingbao.

A person who is a great god, can't help temptation in the face of the sixth-order Lingbao?

Zhang Mu looked at Zhang Han.

In my heart, there is a definition of the sixth-order Lingbao.

There are very few sixth-order Lingbaos in the Lianshen, and these sixth-order in the cultivation of the fairy world are already very high-end.

It's no wonder that when they use weapons, they never feel the weapon is not supported, they are determined by hard power.

However, outside, there is a situation where the realm is too high and the spirit cannot support it.

"Since you want the spirit."

Yue Wuwei said faintly: "Is there still a leisurely poem? You can tell us that among us, there are more than 20 kinds of sixth-order spirits."


It is very clear that the other person is breathing tightly.

It seems to be a little unexpected about this news.

Also more excited.

Everyone feels it, a stock press, filled with the man in front.

The sword at his waist was shaking.

It seems to be roaring, and there is a big horror inside, which is about to come out.

The breath became more and more fierce, and even the air was full of chill.


Meng Meng's face shrinks, holding Zhang Han's hand and exerting her strength to express her nervous state of mind.

A little scared emotion.

Zhang Han was not happy at all.

The brow is slightly wrinkled.

Yue Wuwei saw it, and no nonsense, bluntly said:

"Put up your broken atmosphere and go to the open space with me. I don't want to dirty the environment we pass by."


The man in the green shirt is the magical person who is sitting here in the world.

At this time, when he heard Yue Wuwei, he was dissatisfied.

What do you specialize in?

Even if you are a god, it is not my opponent.

Before I attached to the spirit of Alva, I felt a little breath of Yue Wuwei, not awesome.

Plus 200,000 yuan, this rich wealth.

Devil immediately chose to do it.

But when I came here, I thought about letting the other party take the initiative to turn in the sixth-order Lingbao, and said a few words faintly, the other party did not take it seriously.

After all, he was somewhat jealous of the world of big and big battles, and the three peaks of the imperial people in the country. If the fluctuations in the battles were fierce and they were shocked, he would have no retreat.

The 200,000 top quality spar is what he wants, but what he values ​​more is the sixth-order Lingbao, which cannot be lost.

But the other party is so stubborn.


Then let the old man kill a few to show you.

In the eyes of the magical murder, he turned slightly.

At this moment, the air seems to solidify.

Including Li Mu, Mo Wen and others, all know that a battle for the great power of God will begin.


God, the battle of the great gods is terrible.

Li Mu’s heart beats faster, he can’t be nervous, and even his palms are shaking.

Nina didn't feel much. She had Zhang Han next to her, but she felt that the security was not bad.

Mo Wen’s heart is slightly cool.

I did not expect that there was a roadblock to the gods.

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressed.

It seems that they can't breathe.

But at the moment when the man in the green shirt turned.

Just now everyone saw his face.

"Oh... cough, cough, cough..."

A violent cough suddenly came out.


It was the man in the green shirt. Why is his eyes so big, like a ghost?

How is his mouth so big, like who is holding his throat?

How did that happen? Isn't he a great power?

In an instant, Li Mu and others had deep doubts.

how so?

Look at his gaze, it seems to be in the body of Yue Laozi and Zhang's predecessors!

What do you mean?

Li Mu's facial muscles trembled.

I feel that the man in the green shirt is getting whiter and white, and a cold sweat is flowing from his forehead.

In just two breaths, he has a white air rise.

It is not to be shot, it is the cold sweat and wet clothes, the water vapor produced by his body temperature drying.

So much cold sweat is flowing, shouldn't it be sick?

"You are sick?"

Mu Xue asked Li Mu's voice.

"I, me, me, cough and cough..."

Devil can't speak, coughing, like a person who is about to fall.

Even the palms could not stop shaking.

"Are you sure you are going to rob?" Yue Wuwei is inexplicable: "Is sick or go see."

Not only him, but other people also feel inexplicable, the last second is still arrogant, stable like a big man in Taishan, the next second is the sheep's epilepsy, the kind of foaming mouth.

This kind of gap, in the eyes of everyone, will feel wrong.

"Yes, right..." Devil trembled, unable to say complete words.

"It's really sick."

Zhang Mu and others also relaxed.

"Are you robbing or looking for us to see a doctor?" Zhang Guangyou couldn't help but say: "We are not old Chinese doctors, we will not see a doctor, you should go somewhere else."


Devil’s teeth are shaking, only one word is really capricious.

Just when everyone is too confused, can't see what he is doing.

Zhang Han looked at him and looked straight at him. He suddenly said, "Are you afraid of me?"

These four words hit the heart.


The magic brain screamed, some dumbfounded, but fortunately it did not cough.


Others present were a little dizzy.

He is afraid of Zhang Han?

I can see the expression and I am really afraid of him.

But what is he afraid of?

Is he a fake god?


Yue Wuwei squatted down and suddenly looked at Zhang Han, thoughtfully.

what happened?

It’s hard to be true. What is the secret of this kid?

"Ha! I understand!"

Mu Xue eyes bright, straight hooked stare at the magic, the tone is faint: "You actually saw the power of my master, oh, tell you, see the tip of the iceberg of my great demon master, you are finished, under his hand Never leave alive."

Mu Xue has always been proud of it, that is, I have seen several pictures of Zhang Han's memory.

Very mysterious, now I know that it must be in the cultivation of the world, can kill millions of immortals, how terrible is it?

Mu Xue thinks that it may be the inheritance memory of the master, or it may be that he used to go out and mix, anyway, it is the big devil.

Whether it is or not, it is not wrong to scare the other party.

Who is the result?


I heard the words of Mu Xue.

‘You are finished. ’

‘The Great Demon Master. ’

‘He never left alive under his hand. ’

'tip of the iceberg. ’

A vocabulary, as if it has become a sharp edge, will destroy the body of the magic, his face is more pale, the atmosphere is more and more messy.


A large mouthful of blood was sprayed out by him.

The body's breath plummeted, but it gradually stabilized.

Everyone around me was in a daze.

God, is it scared like this?

real or fake?

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