Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1099: The secret of the bones

"You haven't seen the movie yet?" Zhou Fei glared at Li Mu.

"Is that kind of short film on the screen? Movie? Austria, I understand." Li Mu leaked a stunned look: "Some hundred years ago, people got this thing, some of it passed down, but basically no one looked, This is gradually falling."

"If you want to make a movie, I can be a male lead." Li Mu suddenly came to the mood.

Not interested in the movie world, but... can be mixed with them. This is a good thing for Li Mu. He was still worried about going to Yunyingtian. How do you mix with them afterwards? If this If something can be done, then he will have another chance.

"You talk about you." Meng Meng looked at Li Mu, the small face showed a feeling of sigh, sighed: "It is not handsome, not outstanding, no features, you are not suitable as an actor. ”

Li Mu: "..."



Why am I not a daughter?

Li Mu once again doubted his life.

"Meng Meng sister, don't always tell the truth." Chen Chuan said with a grin.


Li Mu's face changed slightly.

Breathing deeply, meditation in my heart:

Childhood is unscrupulous...


Seeing Chen Chuan's funny look, Nina couldn't help but laugh.

This little boy is still very interesting.

As everyone knows, Chen Chuan will say something, that is all about Meng Meng, can you not skin?

"Now there is nothing similar to the promo on the Hailong Star field?" Liu Qingfeng asked Li Mu.

"There are also, there are only a few." Li Mu thought to say: "There are more than 70% of the Hailongxing domain, there are signal stars, they can be connected with each other. Many forces, such as the Snow Alliance, have their own signal addresses. It's very convenient to view, what you want, you can search by search, but some products will also invite some prestigious people to shoot a video and raise awareness."

"The sea dragon star field is relatively remote, and because of the blue sand winds." Zhang Han said: "In the future, there will be some stars in the Tianlongxing province, and all aspects are perfect and regular."

"You must have been to the Dragon Star Province." Yue Wuwei suddenly looked at Zhang Han: "I found it, the secret of your kid, oh, I can't hide it."

"What secrets, haven't you hidden?" Zhang Han gave a slight glimpse.


Yue Wuwei also sighed: "Then tell me how you know so much?"


A lot of eyes are coming.

I saw Zhang Han sinking for two seconds, his eyes leaking a hint of dignity, sighing, and uttering four words in his mouth:

"Don't tell you."


The purple cicada laughed loudly, regardless of the lady's image.

Meng Meng is also a look of laughter, action and demeanor, very similar to the purple.

Look at the delicate face of the little girl and know that in the future, it will be like a purple cicada. It belongs to the kind of fairy who does not eat human fireworks. It is very beautiful.


Yue Wuwei snorted and calmed his face.

I am secretly pondering, looking for an opportunity to teach this kid.

When it is positive.

"Small trouble, you did not cut off your father's beard that day." Meng Meng suddenly floated this sentence.

"I cut it, it didn't work, and it grew up in the morning." Yue Xiao is very discouraged and said that he looked dissatisfied with Yue Wuwei's eyes.

What is the use of the broken beard?

"That, ma'am."

When Li Mu saw everyone's attention and ran to other places, he gathered in front of Zhang Han and watched Ziyan carefully. He asked: "If I make a movie, I can really try it. If it is not, I will be a dragon. ""


Zhou Fei slightly glimpsed:

"You haven't even been too clear about the movie? Now even the dragons know it? We don't want to be a man."

“No, no, no.” Li Mu said quickly: “I just checked the history. In the Hailongxing domain, there was a predecessor who was also a director. I claimed to be the first guide of Hailong. I took a lot of movies and there are detailed introductions. Male No. 1, Male No. 2, Female No. 1, Female No. 2, Dragon Set or something."

"Oh." Zhou Fei nodded.

"When I am interested, when I want to shoot, I will leave it to you when the first dragon is set." Zi Yan played with a smile.

Everyone is interested in Li Mu from time to time.

This attitude comes from Zhang Han, and he is the initiator.

Zhang Han allowed him to come to this team. He had his position and taught him the picture. The last time he left, he showed the shadow like a dragon, which means a lot of meaning.

At the time of contact, Zhang Han did not care about him, and did not teach anything, just hanging his appetite.

Coupled with Li Mu, this person has strong ability, unyielding, and a good style of work, and has gradually become the object of jokes.

"Okay, stand by!"

Li Mu patted his chest.

During the conversation, everyone walked down the corridor and passed through various areas to the central control room.

"Lei Wang intelligent system welcomes everyone."

A ball floated in front of everyone, scanned it, and finally called Liu Qingfeng the master.

"Xiao Han, now the highest authority here is in my hands, I will transfer it directly to you?" Liu Qingfeng said.

"No, these fleets are for you to use for the company. What do I want for the highest authority?" Zhang Han said with a funny voice.

Even if it is the main ship of the Lei Wang, I can't afford Zhang Han's interest. At the beginning, the various types of Wang Ship were all things that he was tired of.

This makes Liu Qingfeng feel sorrowful:

"If I say that I am a good leader, then you are the best behind-the-scenes boss. I have never seen such a good person like Xiao Han, Ahu, and learn from the boss."

"Hah, I can't learn." Ah said with a smile: "I will be a good man, I like to do things without thinking."

"Oh, yes, everyone has their own interests." Liu Qingfeng shook his head slightly and looked at the ball in front of him. He said: "Retract all the aircraft, and only connect with other main ships and frigates, and set off for Yunyingtian."

"Receive the order and start flying the aircraft."

The intelligent electronic sound is transmitted, and various kinds of aircraft are assisted by the intelligent system to fly to the main ship of the Lei Wang. Thousands of aircraft are fully loaded, and they are almost filled up.

"Go to Yunyingtian and start counting down for ten seconds."

"The energy device starts."

"Enter the subspace after ten seconds."

"Enter the subspace."

“There is still 13 hours and 20 minutes to reach Yunyingtian.”

"I wish you all a pleasant trip."

Only after the electronic sounds have finished saying these words, they will no longer speak out.

The central control room didn't mean anything. Everyone went to the leisure area, listened to music, drank coffee, tea, and cold drinks, and went shopping in various areas of the spacecraft.

Have to say, the billion-class main ship, all kinds of facilities are very thoughtful, there are luxury suites similar to the hotel, all kinds of rooms have the ability to simulate the environment, want to sleep in the stars, sleep in the sea, sleep in the blooms The place can be, you can also watch the scene outside in real time.

Just after entering the sub-space, there are some flashing lights outside, and you can't see any landscape.

It took two hours to walk a full circle.

"Dad, I haven't been playing games in the game bins for a few days. I slept early, and then started early." Meng Meng dubbed the pink mouth, smiled at Zhang Han, and the expression was very cute.

There is something in the words!

Zhang Han laughed directly and then coughed:

"Liu Shu, let the spaceship find a nearby technology star, first go buy a game warehouse on the road."

"You are used to her, and you are spoiled." Zi Yan leaked a helpless smile, very weak white eyes Zhang Han.

"How is this accustomed to it, this is called pet." Meng Meng shook her head and leaned to Zhang Han's side, his arms around his neck, and made a small mouth to kiss his face.


Zhang Han said with a funny smile: "It’s all big, and it’s still greasy with Dad.”

Said this on the mouth, my heart is beautiful.

Typical insincere.

"What's the matter, I am also your baby in the big!" Meng Meng muttered and said: "Go, go buy a game bin."


Next to Yue Wuwei sighed and looked at Yue Xiaoxiao, suggesting several times.

You come over and kiss me!

As a result, Yue Xiaoyun was indifferent.

"Small trouble, do you want to buy a game bin?" Yue Wuwei said with a beard.

"The game warehouse? Meng Meng bought it for me, anyway, their family has money, not bad for me." Yue Xiao no answer.

Yue Wuwei: "......."

The family is richer and gimmick, how can you not understand it!

"Look for a recent tech star."

Liu Qingfeng said to the intelligent system.

"Received the order."

"Leave the subspace after three seconds."

"Locating the technology star, the most recent is Jessica's comet, which takes 15 minutes."

"Get ready to go, enter the subspace after five seconds."

This time is relatively short.

It only takes fifteen minutes.

Jessica's comet is also a technology star, and the bustling degree is similar to that of Dahl.

It is more diversified here. Dahl is mainly the area where the two stars are close to the safe trajectory. Not all subspaces are safe.

For example, the blue sand star field, the subspace flies past, to withstand the power of the blue sand storm.

Even the Lei Wang can't hold it, Yuan Ying flesh enters, can't hold three breaths and will fly away.

Jessica's comet's space station.

There are very few fleets to and from, there are only a few small ships that routinely go out for missions or travel, one fleet, at least one frigate, and at most five.

Because the space station is not large, it seems to give people a feeling of crowding. Several spacecraft coming from all directions gather in the space station.

Hailong Star Field, said big.

If there is no spaceship, the Yuan Ying period monk, with the body armor at his own speed across the void, give him a hundred years, perhaps to take the distance between the two stars.

With the spacecraft and sub-space technology, the Hailong star field will be invisibly smaller, from the south to the north, it will be ten days and eight days.

The speed of the spacecraft is fast, but the universe is too large.

From Hailongxingtian to Tianlongxing Province, it will fly for a few months. This is only the edge of the Tianlongxing Province. The entire Tianlongxing Province, from south to north, also needs to fly for a month.

At this time, there are quite a few people who, when the spacecraft stops at a good time, take the aircraft to leave and enter the passage of the space station, ready to enter the Jessica comet.

Ten passages have aircraft in line.

Just when a lot of people are chatting.



The entire space station was caught in the alarm.

Many people panic for the first time.

"what's the situation?"

Turn your head and look:


"Oh, what is that? Ray, Ray King? Billion-class ship? Ten ships?"

"How can this be?"

"Thousands of frigates are over! Our strength cannot be stopped."


There are a few spaceships that have just docked, and they immediately turn around.

Who conceived, the fleet that made people feel terrified, the ten Lei Wang took the lead and slowly approached the space station, and there was no intention to strike.

"Not an enemy?"


The person in charge of the space station was pale and swallowed.

I feel that the heart has to jump to the eyes of the blind.

The fighting power of this fleet is too horrible.

Is it the coming of the Dragon Star Province?

Will they come to this very poor planet?

Isn't that going to be a robbery?

“Reporting adults, there are signal applications on the Ray King.”

"Connect, connect."

The person in charge took a deep breath.


A picture appeared in front of him showing a middle-aged man.

"I don't know who you are?"

The person in charge asked cautiously.

"We are here to buy some game bins."


What do you say?

The person in charge of the space station was stunned.

Please, you are so big, just to buy a game warehouse? Do you fool?

I do not believe!

He wants to say these three words, but he dare not say it.

"Adult, what game bin do you want to buy? I can send someone to send it directly."

The person in charge asked in a low voice.

"No, we can pick it up ourselves."

"Then, the fleet of the adults can stop at the side? This distance is a little farther, I am afraid of crashing the space station." The responsible person said intermittently.

Some panic, he is only the peak of Jin Dan, can not hold back a shot of the Lei Wang.


What surprised him was that the other person seemed to be very good at talking.

The entire fleet, there are shares of black clouds to suppress the oppression of the city.

Slowly move to the side and stop at the universe.

A moment later, on the middle of the Lei Wang, flying out of five aircraft.

The headed aircraft is crystal blue, like a butterfly dancing, beautiful.

I saw this aircraft.

Many people who watched were shocked:

"It's the Blue Butterfly!"

"They are definitely people in the high-end star."

"Good money."


Several aircraft slowly approached, and the person in charge thought about it, opened the emergency passage, greeted the aircraft personally, and carefully took it to the city on the planet.

Really buy a game warehouse?

The group of people who saw it directly purchased the highest level game bin here, one thousand crystals, one eyelid and one eye, and bought dozens.


"Li Gongzi."

"Princess Nina."

"They are Zhang Hanyang."

The responsible person watched several luxury aircraft to leave and returned to the Lei Wang.

Gradually, he relaxed.

"Zhang Hanyang has such an exaggerated fleet?"

This scene can scare many people.

After the reaction, I was very scared.

Zhang Hanyang actually has a large fleet.

The action of the tiger's royal family, does it look ridiculous?

Even if I have gathered a dozen space alliances, I will fight against the newly formed chambers.

The key ten Thunder Kings are too powerful.

However, this is just a small episode on the road.

Meng Meng wants to play.

Zhang Han paused the trip and went directly to buy it.

Very simple process.

"This pink game bin is yours."

Zhang Han stood beside Meng Meng, pointing to a pink game bin, leaning down and whispering in the ear of the little girl: "There is money in it, you can cut people inside."


The big, shining, big eyes paused, and then the index finger was raised: "Hey."

Don't say anything.

Low key.


Zhang Han coughed and stood up.

Seeing the small appearance of Meng Meng stealing, he is satisfied.

"If you want to play, go in and try it." Zhang Han smiled and said.

"This is the new style I said. It is said that the most important game is the Devil's World." Nina said with some emotion.

For the arrogance of Zhang Hanhua money.

Mo Wen and Li Mu are basically nerve numb.

"I will try it too." Liu Qingfeng is also interested in this kind of game warehouse, and things that I have not experienced, always have to understand.

Including smoldering fire and Zhang Mu, all enter the game bin.

"This thing is like a coffin board."

Mu Xue muttered, opened the hatch, and lay in and found it quite comfortable.

Even Zi Yan and Zhou Fei, Liu Jialu and others have gone to experience the game.

Only Meng Meng and Zi Yan and Zhang Han are two big ones, the cute ones are pink, the purple ones are blue, and the Zhang Han's are black.

The other game bins are milky white.

"The bones and the earth, and the bones and devil world behind the space door of the holy Wuxing should be related."

In the end, only Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei were left.

Zhang Han thought for a moment and said: "The bone demon is a kind of exaggeration. It is reasonable to say that there will be no such thing as the Hailongxing domain. Because of the existence of the holy Wuxing, there should be some secrets in it."

"Oh, now I know to ask me, do you know everything? Ask me what?" Yue Wuwei snorted.

"It seems that you don't know much." Zhang Han's eyes were slightly stunned and he laughed.

"Cough, you are just too smart."

Yue Wuwei touched his beard and sighed: "The bones and the devil world are indeed few on the holy martial arts. The place I don't know, the energy of the light gate, the idea of ​​carrying it on the lord, has existed for a long time. Why does the magic world exist, I don't know, the bones and devils inside, the more than ten years of silence, the troubles are not fierce, but in the past few years, the people of the shadow family, the Kunlun fairy world have a headache, basically uniting all the forces, only to press Living in the breeding of the bones, this thing is indeed terrible. As a starry sky, full of magical things, it is still rare, there is a land of chaos, there is a bone demon entrance, and may be the world of bones and devils behind the sacred door of the sacred martial arts. It is the same source."

"The entrance to the extremely chaotic land should also be sealed. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time to use the ability of the bones to reproduce, and it is only a matter of time." Zhang Han said.

"Normally, this is the case, but the bones and demons behind the light door are not the same. They have revived those characteristics, but they have lost the ability to multiply. If I have not guessed wrong, this ability is sealed by the lord." Said nothing for frowning.

Some things, he also came to the conclusions obtained by observation and guessing. Is it correct? He is not clear.

"Since the mysterious lord, using the holy Wuxing as the back garden, why do you still have the existence of the bones?" Zhang Han puzzled.

"You ask me, who am I to ask?"

Yue Wuwei licked his mouth and sighed for a while, only to say: "Maybe when the lord came, the bone demon has grown stronger? So it is sealed, and it is strange. With the abilities of the lord, this bone devil is also a few times bigger. Can be destroyed, but he stayed, is there any hidden benefit in the existence of the bone demon?"

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