Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1109: Hitting constant


Zhang Han is slightly surprised.

I did not expect that having a Leiyang Shana will make such a decision.

Those who can calm down in the face of big things can make a difference.

Perhaps it is also worried that the amount is too big, will not let him go?

Zhang Han laughed and waved a piece of spar.

"You don't have to be this, how much is it, this is his chance."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly.

Normally speaking, the price of 500,000 yuan is already a good price, which is true for Leiyangsha.

But this time someone is battling, several times higher than the normal price. Such a thing may happen occasionally in places like Tianlongxing Province, but it is still relatively rare in the Hailongxing area, because everyone’s spar is not too much. Can't fight.

Since this happened, Zhang Han did not intend to offer any concessions. After all, the million yuan in the crystal, for him now, is nothing.

More than 200 million under the fine crystal, more than 20,000 on the top of the crystal, it does not matter.

Meng Meng is the master of the sky, and now Wang Jing has the production of spar, which is continuously divided and consumed.

When I heard this sentence, the elders looked tight.

The heart is even more pounced.

I even thought about it, if I swallowed the difference of this million...

Oh, unfortunately, I have the sensor of the old friend.

This is indeed his chance.

The elders of Korozong indulged in, and took the spar very happy, and said with a hand:

"The little man will leave, and later will be held at my ancestral dinner. If the adults are interested, they can go."

After he finished, he slowly retired.

"Let's go."

Li Lan got up and said: "Go back to Yunyingtian, there are some Tibetan wines. We will drink more in the next few days. After about three days, there will be a few batches of fine wines to send over. When Guangyou brothers go back, they are slow. Drink slowly."

"Oh, thank you Li for the door."

"Don't dare to act, don't dare to be, call Li Laodi."

Zhang Han: "..."

Some are speechless, and the father always refers to the brothers and sisters. Isn't he always adding the role of 'uncle'?

But it doesn't matter, he is happy.

Li Mu is also quite speechless. When he was so enthusiastic, he wanted to be a younger brother.

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy.

I am going back to much research in this area.

The Elf King is on the side, watching the envy: How can I not integrate with them?

He doesn't want to think about himself.

"Let's go back."

Zi Yan also looked at Zhang Han.

It’s not a big deal with the other side’s fight for money.

Zi Yan does not want to make extra-budgets. She is not afraid of playing, mainly because she does not want to affect their play because of these trivial things.

When we are going to leave.

Yue Wuwei’s brow slightly moved.


Still dare to come over?

Really thought that the old man is good-tempered?

Just a little shocked, it seems that I did not feel the horror of the old man?

"Lolly came to visit."

Going to the door of the No. 9 private room, Lori whispered and arched the room.

They did not venture in and stood here, but they attracted a lot of light.

"Four hundred private rooms, people in the province of Tianlongxing, went to the private room on the 9th, this is to fight?"

Instantly became the focus of the field.

“What good to visit?” Yue Wuwei said faintly, not giving face.

But Lu Qi, the red-haired man, including Luo Hong, does not have much look.

This is the embodiment of strength.

"Lolly asked to visit."

Lori's voice is shaking.

It seems that I am not too old, and I am a little older than Yue Xiao. The poor appearance makes Yue Wuhe hesitate and finally says:

"come in."

If only Luo Hong is a few of them, Yue Wuwei is too lazy to take care of it.

After seeing Lori, he promised to come in and listen to what she was going to say.

Walk into the room.

"Yes, are you?"

Luo Hong has a slight glimpse.

Lu Qi and the red-haired men are also a bit embarrassed.

I rub!

The red-haired man’s face was a burst of red:

I still want to gamble with them that day?

Bet your sister to gamble!

Selling yourself is not as good as the other.

Too rich, these people!

After seeing Meng Meng, Lori looked a little.

For Meng Meng, she has a deep memory and can take out more than 2,000 people on the crystal.

Who is Zhang Hanyang?

Lolly’s sad mood was much better. After a few glances, she finally settled on Zhang Han.

Sensitively feel his difference.

"It's you!"

Meng Meng carefully looked at a few eyes, the clear big eyes focused on the red-haired man: "Is you robbing us of Leiyangsha?"

In a word, Luo Hong’s people were speechless.

Can you say that you are robbing us?

The key is also that the auction is an auction, and the spar in the pocket speaks. If the opponent is in a low position, Luo Hong will be pressured, but the other party is also very strong. The things that were originally unreasonable are even more shameful.

"Sorry, I, I want to ask, can I change Leiyang sand with you? I am really useful, very anxious, I can use the spar you spent, oh no, you can double, I can use Dan Drug exchange, you can also use Lingbao for change." Lori said bitterly.

"Little girl, Leiyangsha, we are also useful."

Liu Qingfeng said: "Why do you think you will be richer than us? We want Leiyangsha, not something else, so we will not accept your request."

"Is it really not?"

Lori's face was pale and weak.

"Excuse me." Luo Hong sighed deeply and looked at Lori: "Let's go."

"no no."

Lolly bit her lip and shook her head slightly, and her eyes were obsessed with attachment.

Seeing her look, Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei, Meng Meng, Zi Yan, etc., could not help but feel a little weird.

Why is she so obsessed with Leiyang sand?

Leiyangsha has no other four kinds of treasures, and it can't be integrated into the treasure land. Just listened to Zhang Han. In Leiyang Wubao, it is not so good to take it out, but after gathering, it will form Leiyang treasure land. The degree of improvement is very large.

Does she also have several other Leiyang treasures?

Suspicion in the hearts of everyone.

If it is, there is no need for such a miserable posture.

"you guys,"

Yue Wuwei’s eyes are moving, and he wants to catch people.

Lori opened her mouth, her voice was bitter, with a little trembling:

"My mother is suffering from a strange disease, life is dying. I want Leiyangsha. Other materials are ready. It is only Leiyangsha. This is my last chance. I beg you, can you transfer Leiyangsha? give me."

During the speech, Lori’s eyes were slightly red.

But she didn't want to cry, constantly pressing her emotions.

The pale face was barely revealed.

The evening sun, through the window, shines on her side face, rendering a bleak.

"You, you..." Meng Meng's little face is a bit tangled, thinking about it or not saying anything.

She also didn't understand what it was, but the other party came here to save her mother. It seemed to be very touching.

Meng Meng’s mind was a little loose, she was kind and could not see such a thing.

However, only the Leiyang sand is missing on the Crescent Moon.

“Is there any other way?” Meng Meng asked.


Luo Hong sighed deeply: "In fact, Leiyang sand, Lolly succeeded in refining the medicinal herbs, and only a very embarrassing opportunity, but she did not want to give up, so we came here."


Zhang Han brows slightly lifted: "Leiyang sand alchemy, the common is nothing more than forty or fifty kinds, there are more than twenty kinds of healing, the effect of most medicinal herbs, you should be able to refine early, very difficult, have special Efficacy, should be the soul of the soul? Want to refine the soul of the soul, your mother's strange disease, should be the wound of the soul."

As for what hurts, Zhang Han has no idea, the world’s eccentric injury on the Qixi Festival, can analyze the specific scope is already very strong.

At this time, Luo Hong’s look was in vain.

what's going on?

How does he know? Is it that he also came from the province of Tianlongxing?

"You, you... how can you know?" Lolly stunned, but the reaction was quite fast. She could tell the message of Leiyangsha Alchemy, forty or fifty kinds, God, she only knows a dozen. Kind.

"You are a master of alchemy?" Lori looked tight.

In Tianlongxing Province, there are many cultivators who are proficient in Dandao. The strongest are several sects, including Tianluo College, her dean, who came to find the chief dean of Tianluo College, and contacted several of Tianlongxing Province. Mende's highly respected face master.

I also went to Luojia to see the situation, and no one had a way.

And to carry out a comment for this, An Soul Dan, is a very strange Dan Fang, very few people have heard that the person who said this Dan Fang is the old master of the alchemy family.

He also said, Reing Dan, there may be some opportunities.

In fact, the tone is also full of uncertainty.

But this opportunity was remembered by Lori, and was provided by the resources of the family and the college, leaving only Leiyangsha.

Inquire about Leiyangsha, from hope to numbness, when I heard the news of the Koro Zong auction, rekindled hope, and now the auction lost, and fell into despair.

Ups and downs have already made Lori almost near the edge of the collapse.

When she heard Zhang Han casually said Leiyang sand alchemy, and accurately said the soul of the soul, she stunned, and the look suddenly became nervous.

Since he knows Requiem, he must know the extent of the trouble, will he transfer Leiyangsha to himself?

"I am not a master of alchemy."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly.

Said the master of alchemy, really degraded him.

"Dad, or we will help her." Meng Meng could not help but open her mouth.

Including Zhang Mu, Zhang Guangyou, Li Wei and others, it is clear at this time that Meng Meng has an opening, and this matter is almost the same.

Although Xiu Xianjie is a relatively indifferent place, there is no universal warmth.

"The luck is really good."

Yue Wuweihe smiled.

The look is slightly emotional, the other party is really looking for the right person, so low probability, can also let her meet, maybe this is the number?

"Please help me for the seniors, as long as they can exchange for Leiyangsha, Lori does not think that I am..." Lori wants to say something.

Zhang Han waved his hand: "Not for you, Lei Yangsha, you first talk about your mother's soul injury?"

"The source of darkness." Luo Hong thought about it: "The source of her mother is the source of darkness, only..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Zhang Han said something weird: "The source of the dark scorpion is only in the extremely harsh environment, most of them are in the secret, and it is very rare. The source of the scorpion can be used to practice the soul. The use, only in a certain case, excessive use, will make the sea can not bear, is a poison of the soul."

It is a great complement to the soul, and it is said that Lori's mother is a cultivator of the gods.

At that level, I know my own situation and practice alone. It is impossible for such a thing to happen.

It’s like eating tonic, the result is big, and it’s coming out of illness.

"It’s a dark calculation." Luo Hong took a deep breath: "There is nothing to say about the ugly thing. The current situation is... it is very serious. It has been in a coma for forty days and the atmosphere is getting weaker. If there is no way, her soul will dissipate between the heavens and the earth, and Rexan is a way to ease the situation, so we...there was a sin before, sorry, we sincerely want to exchange Leiyangsha, I hope you can give an opportunity."

"How can the Soul Dan break the source of the dark?"

Zhang Han shook his head and sighed: "Don't you know that the source of dark sputum is excessive. When taking Resin Dan, it can make her wake up, but only three or two hours of waking time is to return her to the light."

The quack is wrong.

If you don't know how to say it?

"An Soul Dan is useless?" Lori's face changed dramatically.

Leyang, who has been searching for such a long time, is just useless?

Is he really talking?

"When you want to crack the method of dark source, there are hundreds of common ones, and there are dozens of them. Tianchen breaks down Dan, nine turns gathers soul Dan, big Dan Dan, cold scales refine Shen Dan, too many ways to solve it. Is there no one on your side? The Tianlongxing province is a big place. There is no such alchemy teacher who can get a little countertop?" Zhang Han brows.

He remembers that in the beginning, there were two families specializing in Dandao in Tianlongxing Province. Some strengths, with their level, solved the secret source of the district, and it was easy.

"What, what Dan?"

Lori is dumbfounded.

Tianchen breaks down Dan, nine turns to gather soul Dan, Datun Dan, cold scale refining Shen Dan.

What is this and what, I have never heard of it.

Is he really talking?

This is the second doubt of Lori.

But now she doesn't know what to do, she looks at the field with confusion.

Still too young, although she is an Dan Dao elite, age and experience can not be made up. In the face of Zhang Laoguai, there is no way to talk.


Luo Honghao is an old man. He quickly reacted. He swallowed his mouth and said dryly: "Please also tell your predecessors!"

"Don't call my predecessor."

Zhang Han hurriedly waved his hand.

What do you mean by an old man calling my seniors?

"That, please also tell the Taoist friends, Da En Dade, I Luojia, I Luojiahui..." Luo Hong thought about what benefits to promise.

"You Luojia and I have nothing to do with." Zhang Han shook his head.

As soon as this statement came out, Zi Yan and Meng Meng succumbed slightly.

What's going on?

Others are also puzzled.

Zhang Han’s temper is more casual and free.

Sometimes it is difficult to guess what he thinks, just like now.

Meng Meng opened, Zhang Han will help, but he did not directly agree, what is it to do?

"It's good!"

Dong Chen’s face is determined.

Zhang Xiaoshao started from the main pit, it is not blood, the means is brilliant, there will be no more than the opposite of the pit.

"My mother, there is still a month, my predecessor, I beg you."

Lori’s voice hung up in tears.

The mentality is blown up.

The emotions of many days have not been accepted.

Baishan filial piety is the first.

Seeing the look of Lori, all the people present, especially the purple, Lisa, Zhou Fei, Chen Changqing, who are parents, have been soft.

Not to mention Zhang Mu, who has Chivalrous and Gallbladder, and Zhang Guangyou.

"Little girl, don't cry."

Zhang Guangyou said: "Since my son has opened his mouth, he will tell you the way."

"Yes, Dad, help her." Meng Meng pulled Zhang Han's palm.


Zhang Han sighed softly: "I have never given anyone a Dandy for no reason, and I don't like this kind of thing, but my daughter opened her mouth, then I will give you a chance. We will probably play in Hailongxing. Five days, these five days..."

During the conversation, Zhang Han looked at Lolly: "I have some spiritual herbs. You give me twenty alchemy. If you succeed, I will give you nine turns to gather the soul."

"Yes, yes, thank you seniors, thank you seniors."

Lolly squinted and wanted to wipe her tears, but she couldn’t wipe it.

At dusk, it is still a soft light.

Coming from the distant horizon.

At this point, Lori feels no longer despair and cold.

The hope in the heart has been invisibly magnified, magnified, and filled with her heart.

For Luo Li who had lost her tears, Lu Qi’s people looked complicated.

Lori is an outstanding student of Tianluo College. At the Alchemy College, it is a character who can compete with third-grade students. Because of the beauty of the people and the number of pursuers, Lu Qi is one of them.

She is in college, people are a bit cold or not very much.

But now, stepping into the place of Hailongxing, I met a strange group of people, but it seems to be led by the nose. In the eyes of Zhang Hanyang, Tianlongxing seems to be nothing, and the taste of the stock is really deep. Test it.


Zi Yan turned to look at Zhang Han.

Slightly addicted, did not think about what the baby is doing?

Is it that this little girl looks beautiful and wants to accept a female disciple?

If there is not a male disciple of Zhao Feng, the younger disciple of the male, the purple may be in this aspect of the disciple, you have to ask.

Even Zi Yan did not guess, others are even less aware.

It was Luo Hong, who was relieved and a little embarrassed.

Can't you do it?

What is it?

Some of my heart will be suspicious.

But this is the end of the matter, and I can only try it.

"I, where do I want to refine Dan?"

Lori wiped her face and looked at Zhang Han. She had some delicate temperament and asked: "What are the twenty medicinal herbs?"

Twenty can be completed in one day.

She really wants to get Danfang earlier.

"You can make alchemy on our spaceship and go to the place to talk about it."

Zhang Han said, everyone began to ride the aircraft.

When you see the blue butterfly on the sprouting side.

Lv Qi’s mouth trembled.

Strong financial resources.

It is a rich man.

Seeing the main ship of the Lei Wang, it is also a bit shocking. This thing is in the Tianlongxing province, and it is also a main ship of a certain grade.

When you see the dark spacecraft over there.

Zhang Han and Yue Wuwei looked at each other:

"The king ship."

Can open the king ship, do not want to know, Luojia in the Tianlongxing province is still quite large.

Lori and Luo Hong were sitting on the main ship of the Lei Wang with the Blue Butterfly. Lu Qi and several others returned to the king ship they came.

"Have you brought a Dan furnace?"

Zhang Han looked at Lolita and asked.

"Bring it."

"How many steps?"

"The fifth order."

"Go to the alchemy room."

Zhang Han took the lead to the alchemy room.

The cute illustration will be released tomorrow, paying attention to the public number Zhang Zhang can see

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