Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 1113: Welcome to the earth

[two in one]

"I started living in Wangjing. Later I went to Mengmeng. I heard a classmate say what warm boiled frog, hahaha, kill me, I tried it, impossible, the water temperature is high, the frog jumps by itself. If you are gone, you can never wait until the frog has a serious mental retardation."

Yue Xiaoyun began to tell Nina about some anecdotes during school.

Learning is nothing to say, and a few of those young students are more interesting.

There were three days on the road. Everyone sat here and talked for a while, then they dispersed.

Some went to the room to rest, some walked and talked in other areas, and some went to practice room practice.

A small team led by Meng Meng played in the entertainment area.

Xiao Chenchuan, Nina, Yue Xiaozhong.

Even the **** and the little do not sleep, and go crazy.

Also know the news to go back.

Big black music can't.

I finally have to go back to my own territory.

For a few days, I didn’t let the little sisters in the back of the mountain feel their power!

When we go back, we must eat him overwhelming!

Big black, black, these two guys are still a little concerned about the site.

Hailong Star Field, Tai Te is so big, how can you have your own place, no place is not good.

Unlike the Crescent Moon Mountain, the Houshan pet area, that is not said.

At this time, Nina was deeply impressed by the **** and the little black, the little spirituality.

After playing for a few hours, Yue Xiao thinks about homework and has pressure.

There are still a lot of not written ah!

I finally took out my homework and ran into a room honestly.

Three days passed by.

The people reached the position of the lost continent.


The guardian force of Dahl’s outside was suddenly alerted.

"Discover a large fleet."

"What did I see? Lei Wang, ten Lei Wang, sixty frigates, my God, Zhang Hanyang!"

"How to do?"

The distance between Dahlxing and the lost continent is not far, and the distant picture is detected, and everyone is shocked.


Zhang Han gathered together.

Liu Qingfeng looked at the lost mainland and smiled and said: "Here, it will soon belong to our group, open the road of development of Hailongxing, Xiaoling, inform Li Mu, let him start construction."

"it is good."

Xiaoling walked aside and contacted Li Mu with a communicator to inform the news.

The power of Yunyingtian is very strong, and all kinds of materials are prepared from all over the place. It is about to go to the lost continent and build according to the plan.

“After half a year, it will be completely new.”

Liu Qingfeng smiles happily.


Liu Qingfeng looked at Zhang Han and said: "The tiger is a royal family. Although it has been quiet recently, there are some movements. If you know the situation here, you may be involved. Li Muhui and a dozen elders are here. I also informed the Snow Alliance. On the side, let them expedite the work, who knows that the attitude there is really good, ten forging teams, only responsible for our orders, completed in four months, when there are ten Lei Wang, can also keep it here. ""

"Well, Liu Shu, you arranged for me to rest assured." Zhang Han responded.

Not to mention that Liu Qingfeng’s ability to do things is beyond doubt.

Ideas and planning, anyone can have, but his ideas, ideas, progressive, interlocking, is somewhat powerful.

"Next time..."

Zhang Han thought for a moment and said: "Forget it, the tiger will be handed over to the royal family to play."

I want to say that the next time I break out of Yuan Yingjing, I will go to the tiger's royal family and think about it. Let Liu Qingfeng deal with it. The province's gangs have nothing to do.


Yue Wuwei said the sound.

"Well, let's go."

"set off."

"Nina, you have to be optimistic, we are going to enter the passage to the earth." Meng Meng said with a big, shiny eyes.


Nina didn't blink, her eyes fixed on the front.

There was some tension in my heart.

From here, enter the passage of the earth.

Is Earth really the biggest secret of the Sea Dragon Star?

The mysterious land does not know what it is.


Yue Wuwei looked forward and saw the light in his eyes.

A stock of extraordinary and refined, from his body, this moment, to Nina's feeling, as if she became a boat in the sky.

So powerful!

Nina felt as if she had underestimated Grandpa Yue.

Ok, Grandpa Yue, Aunt Lisa, this name has been transmitted to Nina.

Oh la la!

Invisible fluctuations, from the Lei Wang in the center, began to sweep in all directions, surrounded by the other sixty frigates.


It seems to be the same as entering the Asian space.

The entire fleet disappeared into the void of the universe.

"Call, they are gone! Great! They are gone!"

"It's really scary."


The guardian power of Dahl’s star suddenly relaxed.

This huge fleet, if it attacks Dahl, can't help it.

at the same time.


Many high-level executives are in the carnival these days.

In the auctions of the past few days, Zongmen made a lot of money, and these high-level executives also allocated a lot of spiritual resources.

It is something that is worthy of people’s happiness.

The elder of Koro Zong, who was standing in a house in the space station, had a man opposite him, his breath was sloppy and his face was pale.

"You really decided?"

The thirteen elders were silent for two seconds and said: "Your three sixth-order gems, and the sixteenth-order fifth-order medicinal herbs, have sold a lot of prices. According to the previous statement, we can divide you seventy percent, you are sure to use These resources to fight that opportunity?"

"Yes, I am sure that I will not protect this, I will not be a man."

The opposite man’s face was gloomy and terrible, and the screaming screaming was killing.

If Zhang Han and others are here, he will definitely recognize him, Luofu Jianzong Ding Jiu Ming!

Before he lost his experience in the mainland, he was still in the wind, but now it has become so miserable.

"That place may let you break through Yuan Ying, or it may make you fall. It is a place where I feel fear. Yes, I am afraid of it, even I don't want to go there for the second time. It’s just the golden peak, you are really sure to go?” said the thirteen elders.

"I am sure." Ding Jiuming nodded.

"Hate hates your eyes." Thirteen elders thought for a moment and said, "The place is in a chaotic place. Since you gave me all the benefits, I will take you personally. By then, I will prepare for you. An aircraft is a life or death, depending on your creation."

The dark universe of the universe is full of colors due to the presence of stars.

A frigate, in a chaotic land, cut through the void and landed in front of a black spiral planet.

The thirteen elders pointed to there:

"I don't know what this planet is called. He hides in this corner. The natural array is added. It's hard to detect. The breakthrough I made was the inheritance here, but it's too horrible, so you can do it yourself."

Ding Jiu Ming did not say anything, sat on the aircraft and flew directly into the black vortex.

The aircraft quickly disappeared.

The thirteen elders fixedly looked at the stars in front.

The next moment, he seems to see something.

The eyes are wide.

The pupil is sharply reduced.

His face became pale.

"Go, go!"

The frigate immediately flew away.

What did he see?

Nothing to know.

In the corner of the chaotic land, it seems that something unusual is happening.

For the Hailongxing domain, it is a normal thing to disappear one or two people in a very chaotic land.

It is this kind of monster.

It's amazing.

At the same time, there is also a surprise, it is Nina.

"This... is this the screen waterfall?"

Nina was a little dull looking at the huge waterfall that ran across the sky.

The sides are as if they are not visible, and the huge water flows down.

These wonders of heaven and earth, shocked her eyes.

"Look good."

Meng Meng also carefully looked at the super-large waterfall in front, and smiled and said: "We have seen it twice, and it is still very shocking."

"It’s a magical place." Nina’s eyes were not willing to lick.

Fortunately, she is a cultivator, and it is fine without blinking.

"Here is the flow of clear water, the traces of a little water can not be seen." Meng Meng introduced to Nina.

"Ah! What is that?" Rao was a gentleman of Nina, and there was some surprise at this time:

"That is the legendary nine-headed dragon? God, such a large size, at least there is a change of the gods?"

"This kind of fish, the swordfish? The rare beast!"

"Meng Meng, what is on the left? A dark shadow? Is it a Zhen Xuan turtle?"

“How can a green cow run in the water?”

"This, what is this?"

I saw Nina's rare leaks of surprise, sluggishness and other dark colors.

Many people were laughing at the scene.

It is also a very interesting gimmick.

"Ah, sorry, I am dying." Nina turned red and suddenly she was embarrassed.

"Hahaha, nothing." Jiang Yanlan said with a smile: "When we first saw it, we were scared, and this is where it is. The sea in front looks even more scary."

"What is this sea water?"

Faced with a mercury-like sea, Nina was a little curious, and her heart was a bit awkward, not too scared.

"The sea here is not biological, because it is poisonous." Yue Xiao said.

After a while, leave this sea area.

Zi Yan, Zhang Li, Liang Mengqi and others were relieved.

It’s a bit flustered to see the sea that gives you a dense feeling.

Finally arrived in the normal sea, endless sea.

The sky is gray, above the sea, with a touch of smoke.

It seems to be in a illusion.

The picture in the distance has become looming.

It is also a wonderful experience.

Dozens of spaceships fly above the endless sea.

The scene is spectacular.

Unfortunately, there are no audience.

After two hours.

The series of spaceships finally reached the edge of the endless sea.

"Just here, the spaceship and the frigate are here. When you arrange the people to come and study, you can test the weapons here. We will go back to the aircraft." Yue Wuwei said.

"No, put so many spaceships here, it should be lost, no." Chen Chuan said nervously.

"Ha ha ha."

Innocent words, the laughter of Yue Wuwei.

It’s so cute.

The old man is the steward of the holy Wuxing, how can he throw things?

However, to be safe, to prevent being attacked by the hegemony of the endless sea, Yue Wuwei still set up a ban.


"Mother and Dad, Xiao Nian, Nina, let's take the Blue Butterfly together?"

Meng Meng issued an invitation.

"Meng Meng sister, why don't you call me?" Chen Chuan's face was wronged.

The big eyes looked at Meng Meng seriously, and seemed to get an unsatisfactory answer. He was going to cry.

"Okay, you are together." Meng Meng licked his mouth.

Why is this kid always crying?

It’s amazing.

I didn't cry when I thought of her.

Although it was a few times, it was almost forgotten.

"Let's join us."

Chen Changqing and Zhou Fei looked at each other.

"I will go too," Zhang Guangyou said.

"And I."

"Go all? Then I am gone."

Meng Meng was a little dull looking at the picture.

This is not, do you have to go to the Blue Butterfly?

All go up, too crowded, the Blue Butterfly is a very delicate and meticulous aircraft, with 20 people on the nuclear? So many people, isn’t it overloaded?

"Okay, don't join in the fun."

Zhang Mu smiled: "Everyone is sitting on their own aircraft."

In one sentence, everyone got back their eyes.

In the end, only the Meng Meng family of three, and Nina, Chen Chuan, Yue Xiaozhong.

"Right, we are flying back so brightly, will we be on the news?" Zhou Fei said before the plane.

"The aircraft has an invisible device." Nina reminded: "It's a very simple device, but it can't escape the detection."

"That's it."

Zhou Fei nodded.

At this time, Zhang Li was also curious, and asked: "You said, if we open the spacecraft directly, can we dominate the world?"


Yue Wuwei said: "The crushing of science and technology has no power to fight back. Of course, what kind of environment do you want in the world, you can, even if I can control the recovery of the world's aura, the number of people who can practice will increase, and then sprout. You can also control these things. It’s not impossible to change, just a secular environment..."

"I think it's good now, keep it balanced." Zhang Han said.

The secular aura is exhausted, basically ordinary people, and some people are warm and cold, and life is full of people. This ordinary environment is actually very rare and balanced. Zhang Han is willing to see it.

What aura recovery?

Recover a wool.

My daughter has not yet gone to high school, and the university has experienced life.

The more you are in the high-end cultivation, the more difficult it is to see the planet of the original civilization.

If you have the heart, you can find a lot.

Just like those parallel cosmology, there is another very similar world.

Others, other, do not have this original feeling.


Meng Meng suddenly remembered one thing and screamed.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Han was shocked, his eyes rushing to look over.

"Not here, isn't that the game bin? Can I bring it back?" Meng Meng said very tangledly: "I built the town beautifully."

"Ha ha ha."

Zhang Han smiled and said: "How are you so playful?"

"There is no way for this." Yue Wuwei said: "It is equivalent to two worlds. There will be no signal. If you want to play games, you have to lose the mainland recently."

"Okay." Meng Meng snorted; "Nothing anyway, then wait until the next time."

"Go back first, I can't wait to see the formation of Leiyang Baodi." Zhang Guangyou smashed his hand.

Finally, the same Leiyangsha, has been obtained, Leiyang Baodicheng, what changes will it bring?

"Leiyang treasure land, and the stars and five lines of the big array complement each other, even if the peak of Yuan Ying came, you can only look at the mountains and sigh." Zhang Han laughed.

"Go back."

Zhang Li, Liang Hao, Liang Mengqi, Liu Jiayu, etc., now there is still some homecoming.

"I haven’t gone out with my sisters for a few days." Liu Jiayu stretched out.

I don't have to think about it. The first thing she did after she went back was to play for a few days.

Everyone is riding their own aircraft.

Even the few models of the sable are also controlled by the system, following the big team and slowly taking off.

Each aircraft has an energy rhythm that gradually forms a state of hidden air and is not easily noticeable.


A series of aircraft, heading for the hidden dragons not far ahead.

"Is this the earth?"

Gray days, dim land, not beautiful, Nina looked a few eyes, some curious.

"Yeah, here is the ancient mine."

Meng Meng said: "The ancient mine has the shadow family."

"What, Shadow Family?" Nina changed her face and was shocked.

"Do you know the shadow family?" Meng Meng looked at Nina strangely.

"In the sea dragon star field, there should be very few people who know the shadow family. I just saw a little news in an ancient book, saying that the shadow family is a strong race in the universe." Nina said truthfully.

"Hey, they are okay, I have met several people, Nanshan Wang, Liu Wang, Sinan, very polite." Meng Meng said: "After a few days, maybe you can see."

"wait for me....."

On the land of the ancient mine, Nina's face changed again.

"There is strength suppression here, it is normal, only the strength of Jindan is close to the rules of heaven and earth." Zhang Han explained the sentence.

"Strength is suppressed, the rules of the world?" Nina was a little worried.

I did not expect that this place is like this.

“It feels awkward,” Nina whispered.

Empty has a strength, but can not play the feeling, not comfortable.

"Get used to it." Zhang Han laughed.

Suddenly this is really not accustomed to.

"This piece seems to be the place to export. We have to enter the small world. The amount is Kunkun, and then we will go out from the exit and enter our main world." Meng Meng introduced Nina.

The world of the ring and the ring, let Nina be a bit stunned.

Is the channel just a space channel?

The original space channel really exists.


Entering the small world, the sky is blue, the sun is high, and the scenery is pleasant.

With the warm sunshine, it seems that people's mood is suddenly clear.

The speed of the aircraft is extremely fast.

When passing through Tianxia Mountain, everyone's intelligence detected it and told them the news of their return. They flew directly and wanted to see the formation of Leiyang Baodi. They didn't want to miss any wonderful pictures.

Exit from Kunxujie exit.

Came to the small lake.

The lake is sparkling, at noon.

The breeze is light and the flowers are surrounded by birds.

Yes, it has been built very beautifully. There are many trees transplanted around the lake, and the flowers on the island are sliced.

Not far from the village, there is no one.

On the wall full of simple country atmosphere, you can also see the word in a circle on the iron gate.

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